You don't owe this world a thing. you never did

>you don't owe this world a thing. you never did
Yikes what a dick thing to say.
Uncle Ben and other father figures in heroes' lives wouldn't let that shit fly.


I never figured this bit out. What does Superman owe the world exactly?

>Abloo bloo bloo I HAVE to be a hero I have no other choice. I owe the world my life and I can't have gf or job because I'm too busy saving the world

>want to enjoy some dceu music because it's the one of the only good thing they have
>comments is just a major circle jerk about how great the movie is

Like being a second home after his first exploded?
Heaping praise and adoration his way?

>Look at DC stuff
>Bitch when there are DC fans

It's true though.

>Like being a second home after his first exploded?
Doesn't that mean we all owe the world something?

Doesn't the same apply more to humans though, being the first home and all?
Also praise and adoration isn't something the receiver owe the admirer. That's kinda like saying celebrities should fuck me because I admire them.

>What does Superman owe the world exactly?
The whole social structure, moral values (Respect, solidarity, compassion, etc...), language, culture, etc..... If you are Americanm you wouldn't understand.

Yes. Yes it does. and we all should act like it. That's the point of Superman.

DC and DCEU are different things. You can like something but still think it's shit. You retard.

That's not the point you dumb bitch. Let me rephrase it.
>Listen to DCEU music
>Bitch when there are DCEU fans
What a fucking concept, how dare they exist there.

It's not about owing people anything, it's about helping the world because you can.

He doesn't, you entitled little bitch. He does it because he WANTS to. Faggot.

Everything it is his home.

Fuck the world, it's filled with child molesters.

So he doesn't owes the world as much as you or I do. Personally I think it's is everyone's responsibility to make the world a better place but in the DC universe it shouldn't all fall on Superman lol.

Stop living in a house of mirrors then

>Uncle Ben and other father figures in heroes' lives wouldn't let that shit fly.
Yes well they are dead so what do they know.
>Like being a second home after his first exploded?
Yeah just look at how well humans are taking care of Earth.

With great power comes great responsibility

She is right.

Yeah actually. I get what Martha meant but I was like "uh...pretty sure the Kents would never encourage such an attitude"

His life was saved by Earth.

Bitch thing to say. Guiltying people into doing something is shitty.

Yeah, that's what they are supposed to teach him. Everyone should do all they can for their world, community. In Superman's case, since he has been gifted with extraordinary power, he must use it to help others, just like a billionaire should use his fortune to help the less fortunate

>other father figures in heroes' lives wouldn't let that shit fly.
No, but you've got to remember the kind of nut Pa Kent was in MoS. She's just carrying on where he left off.

His life was saved by his father.

It doesn't. There's a big middle ground between doing nothing and doing everything.

It's pretty ironic how Spider-Man of all characters is the poster child for opposing the objectivist idea that gifted people don't owe others dick.
Am I misunderstanding objectivism or did Ditko have a brain fart?

Says the one with no power

Your all fucking retards.
She isn't suggesting not helping people only that Clark shouldn't feel obligated to do so if the consequences & concerns surrounding doing so make him miserable & unfullfilled.
The message is that humanity will never properly appreciate him or his actions. So he shouldn't do it for them or their praise, do it if it makes him content.

Your demanding a parent sociopathically care more about some unappreciative chaotic fucktards out in the world then her own son.

Are you dense? I should expect people to actually be talking about the music instead of talking about how rotten tomatoes is shit.

It think for this version of Superman it makes sense. Clark is insecure about his place in society and his mother tells him to make his own decision. Clark does and he died saving Metropolis from getting fucked by a lotr troll.


there is a concept known as "duty to rescue" where one who is able to help someone in danger must help
superman, with his vast abilities, has a far larger scope and scale in what he can rescue
whether to heed this or not, despite no one watching, is the ultimate test of character
its easy to act good when you know cops around, but to act good even when no one can touch you? that requires some serious backbone

we are citizens on this world, we live and die on it, and until we have space travel, we all have a duty to make things a better world for those
just because others dont always, or even often, do whats right that doesnt excuse you of your duty to always help others

that being said, public service is not public servitude, and you are allowed a sick day

>we all have a duty to make things a better world
Tell that to Snyder

This is why early in my superhero career I'm going to establish right off the bat that I'm saving them at my discretion, and I don't have to save them if I don't want to.

He doesnt own the world though, besides, doing good because you think its owed is a bad idea. Superman should help because HE WANTS TO, not because he THINKS HE SHOULD.

Owe not own, bleh

It's just proof that Ditko wasn't the sole creator of Spider-Man.

Really, the best thing you can do as a superhero is to spend a good chunk of your time in a lab, so CERN or whatever can study exactly what makes your powers, you know, WORK.

If you, a human bean, can fly under your own power without propellant? Studying you unlocks space travel for the species.

Aside from the lab tests, show up to the UN every week and give every country an opportunity to make requests. You don't have to do them, but having superhuman powers and using them more or less exclusively for stopping bank robberies in a single city is kind of a huge waste of potential.

There are better ways to help people. Find them. And try to recognize that simple solutions probably aren't going to work for complex problems. No amount of superstrength punches is going to 'fix' the middle east.

Don't tell me how to run my superhero career faggot.

desu I would have liked to get a true Ditko Spider-Man over the one we have now.

I'm your manager, asshole. Deal with it.

It works coming from Martha. She doesn't want him to be a hero, she wants him to be happy, get married and have children. If he can do that and be a hero then he should do so, but if he can only do one or the other he should drop heroism and live his own life.
Every mother wants that for her son.

He owes the earth for haboring his refugee ass giving him food , shelter, and a yellow sun which counts as a free unlimited health care plan.. Despite the fact that he attracks dangerous life forms by staying here

>if you're born with superpowers you owe the world and must use them for other people's sake
>because what is free will?
Honestly, that's just as ignorant as the people who say all scientists should be forced to work on "important" things (aka what they consider important) for the world's sake.

In my personal opinion no superpowered human should be obligated or forced to be a slave for the rest of the population. That's not only incredibly egoistic but chances are that a system like that will end up creating more villains in the long run.
As a person he has the right to chose what he wants to do with his life, and as long as it doesn't involve harming or illegally benefiting from his powers, he should be able to walk the path he wants.
If a person chooses to be a hero on his own that's really admirable, not because he's giving something back, but because he doesn't owe nothing yet he chose to help on his own.
If someone chooses to be a villain, well that's just despicable.

That being said, I would like to read a story about a villain that was born out of his spite towards the world thinking they own his life.

Perfectly shows how Snyder doesn't understand the DC heroes (and ESPECIALLY Superman) on a fundamental level because of his Ayn Randian philosophy.

Hi. Hello. Did you know that humans in the DCEU universe are all *ssholes who will betray, fight, and (if someones in danger) ignore each other? Meanwhile the heroes are all saints who are above it all and will be the only ones in the DCEU world to help said humans?

What? Uncle Ben? Who dat? I didn't see him in any Marvel Movies.
>other father figures
Howard Stark? Never there for Tony.
Henry Pym? Overprotective/overbearing father. And I don't think Ant Man would put his little girl in danger.
Ego the living man? Kek please.

All the anons saying that what Martha says makes sense in the context of Snyderverse and his Clark are right. But the problem is that it shows a deep of misunderstanding of Superman's character on Snyder's part. Clark doesn't save people because his parents told him to, he does it because he wants to help. Kent's don't tell him shit like in the OP because it won't work on him and all they can give him is their love and support.