Why aren't you married yet?

Why aren't you married yet?
What is your excuse?

Other urls found in this thread:


I refuse to breed under this conditions.

> no man is an island in a sea of thrash

I am married.
And I have a daughter.
And me, my wife, and my daughter are white.

Mental illness
No job
Not including someone else in my life when I can hardly handle my own shit

Divorced. Left my wife after she went literally crazy and cheated on me. Sorting some shit out before I jump back on that wagon.

Women hate me [spoiler]and I hate them back[/spoiler].


When are they gonna legalize waifu marriages?



First video is Larry King conspiring with Bill Clinton about hooking Bill up with Ted Turner, OWNER OF CNN


Second video is Hillary talking about why she doesn't like email


Still just 21 here

Gonna get my Msc and a good job first.

Need to have good foundation. Everyone knows first 2 years of marriage are best. Make sure you're ready for kids then.

Slide thread, sage in all fields

Good job keeping the superior race alive to the next generation. Keep up the good work.

Why aren you married yet?
What is your excuse?

I will not allow my daughter to date white bois

18 here, wife is pregnant with our third. We have two boys and want a girl.

I'm an acerbic misogynist racist Sup Forumstard with a Japanese porn addiction who vastly prefers reading 19th century European literature than going outside.
For some reason this combination doesn't seem to reel in the womenz???

>depression and meme induced autism (not real autism just painful social retardation due to spending the majority of my teens on a Cantonese wall painting forum)
>right wing in a largely left wing area
>still live with parents
>below average looks

I think you mean fall back off the wagon.

Women hate me.

>I refuse to breed under this conditions.


Seriously, why don't you guys have blonde haired blue eyed children?

If you're that useless deal drugs and preg the trash.

Go to book readings and piano performances and meet your female counterpart.

Don't want to get divorced that's why.


I'm a Msc Student.

> If you're that useless deal drugs and preg the trash.
You're thrash to me, if you believe in breeding with thrash.

I got lost in a sea of drug addiction and am now sobering up. A drug addict is not a valuable man.

>18 yo
>third child

You're not white, are you?

I'm not going to bet half of my net worth on a 50/50 shot.

I'm a man. She marries me for my wealth, status, and resources; these are appreciating assets. She is a woman. I marry her for her youth and beauty; these are depreciating assets.

>Why aren't you married yet?
>What is your excuse?

10 years with the Harpy From Hell. Shillary supporter, of course.

She left 4 years ago while I was in middle of medical crisis, for 45 year old hipster faggot.

I've had the 4 best years of my life.

Muslim. Our community in the GTA is growing.

>>She left 4 years ago while I was in middle of medical crisis

"medical crisis" you mean a mental breakdown?

What happened, aspie? Did you lose your shit when obama won?

Msc in what>? If its not math based than kys

>You're thrash to me, if you believe in breeding with thrash.

White trash is better than none breeding. Hell, go to a sperm bank, they might be impressed by your Msc.

I don't even like myself so I can't see any reason why any women would love me enough to marry me.

>not math

Choose one you fucking cuck.

>day of the rope when, leaves?

>t. Msc Psychology

Whats your Msc in, generally interesting after 2 exchanges.
t. BSc (Hons).Maths

Information Systems

Soft. Eng
Process Engineering > Continuous Improvement


How can you love yourself when no one else does?
How can anyone else love you when you don't even?

Anyway, just bee urself dude.

I love you

i'm only 15 dude


Same user bro

>TFW hoping for economic collapse so they starve first

yeah, those guys are pretty rare right now, nice Msc. So you're disaster relief when 'computer says no'. In a similar line of work desu, though i have childs

Dude it's just female evolutionary baggage. Imagine what sort of instinct might be engraved in you if you were forced to carry a mini-you for 9 months and care for it for many years to come. I we should look at it objectively and realize that women have such behaviours as a result of being the ones tasked with carrying and rearing children, it's logical if you consider that a woman's job is to:
1. secure the best male available to her to create children

2. secure resources and protection for herself and her children from the environment.

women are naturally weak (though such a connotation is useless in modern society) so they have to rely on whatever to can to accomplish the previously two mentioned goals.

if you don't wanna marry then that's fine but don't be bitter at how women are :^)

marriage requires $50K+/year salary jobs and relationships are reserved for chads

3 kids or kys

>'computer says no'
No, I'm focused on development of systems, continuous improvement of products through methodologies such as SCRUM. SCRUM is a ubiquitous development methodology that can be applied to any business process from software engineering a system to baking cakes in a kitchen.

This hurts.

Hope you're feeling better. Additionally hope the judge rightly fucked her out of your money.

>English SCRUM > irish scrum.
>mfw Hartley mfw

Automation engineer?> Ewww,, You put people out of jobs.

Enjoy your b& faggot

>Weekly shittalking with the geeky boss and unproductive coworkers about how making documentation is dumb

>im super smart

Because I have this radical belief that my money is actually mine and not some cunt's

>tfw some hoe thought i was her backup man
>she is so convinced she breaks up with her main man to be with me
>decide to play along long enough for her to burn bridges and be unable to go back
>after a while tell her I don't give a fuck about her and to never contact me again
>she gets confused and upset and now has nowhere to go

this has happened at least 3 times, and it feels great to do this to clueless sluts. I feel like I might be making a difference in the world, even though I'm probably not and sluts will continue to slut, at least I can feel like I taught her a lesson and she'll be careful next time

More attuned to creating autonomous teams, SCRUM was influenced by AI practices

It's a methodology that can be applied to systems outside of software as well.

But Waterfall model is pretty useless at the SME level

I am and my wife is basically perfect. I married her when she was 16, she dropped out if school and has never had a job, she maintains the home and raises the children. She never wears clothes at home for reasons including a vague religious reason. She plans to have at least a dozen children. Shit is great. Though the process of "buying" her was stressful.

I don't have to get married when immigrants can fill in that hole I leaf in society.

>she is so convinced she breaks up with her main man to be with me

Was it because you were wealthier/ had a home?

I thought the backup guy was for when the 1st choice left

There is still time to leave bro.
Anything that is shitty now will be even shitter when you are married.

You got a lot to learn, kid

This guy gets it, SCRUM as been ruining my otherwise pretty awesome R&D job ever since some dumb ass MBA went to some shittalking seminar and came back with an erection for the stuff.

teach me then you faggot

>More attuned to creating autonomous teams,
of white collared non-jobs.

Chads don't do relationships.
Women don't end up with Chad, they end up with cucks who they can step over and treat like shit but they are convinced how lucky they are to be married.

This generation of women is fucked.

Don't get into relationships, lose weight, learn some basic french cooking techniques, lift, get some hobbies that you personally enjoy, read some books, hitup tinder, and use protection absolutely no matter what.

Wow, so hard bro.

Cuz I'm not stupid.

Vaginas are expensive anyway but with the contract, you are fucked. You literally lose your freedom in any aspect of life.

Listen to the old men, who lost everything in their fourties and had to start from zero again:
Do. not. get. married. Never.

That bullshit is a retarded girl's dream and will get your nightmare.

You've been warned.

>dont get into relationships

so I should only fuck sluts and risk prego or stds?

and I already do all that, and I don't need to lose or gain anything, I've been lifting/training for 4 years now (6' 156lbs). dont wanna use tinder either, its full of vapid sluts that only want sex.

>Why aren't you married yet?
Bro, it's so good I decided to do it twice.
Might do it a third if this one doesn't straighten up.
>Don't waste your time with marriage

There's other ways to go about it if you're that worried about pregnancy or stds. You know the options.

>only want sex
They all do, stop deluding yourself. They ALL just don't want it with you, clearly. Which is fine. You seem fine right now, just focus on bettering yourself, and finding inner-peace. You won't find it nor any additional life fulfillment with some chick.

Otherwise, what you're doing right now is fine. You're giving off a vibe of wanting to feel "complete" with getting in a relationship with some chick that's not like "the other girls". While they're exceptions to every rule, focusing your life on finding a needle in a haystack is no way to live it. You want find completeness, happiness, nor fulfillment in a relationship. You can only ultimately find that within yourself.

If you MUST ABSOLUTELY get into a relationship, focus on finding that internal happiness first, and don't live together with the chick. It keeps the dynamic heavily within your favor because you are not as invested in the relationship as she is.

This goes out not only to you, but to all the other bros out there. Heed this advice.

uh oh user, you've deviated from approved Sup Forums right wing christian beliefs of marriage and procreation.

Adjust your opinion senpai

>Do. not. get. married.

I hear you but you're utterly wrong. Children are a commitment, you need a bind to fulfill that pledge that you will be with and support that child /'s (plus sex is easier in marriage) The State may have corrupted that principle and desolutioned you via state sponsorship of single motherhood but the reality is children brought up with their mother and father do better in life.

Do your babies explode when you drop them or do you have to rape them first?

>plus sex is easier in marriage
0/10, stopped reading right there

Probably the case with most people here

im ugly, no girl would ever want to be with me and i shouldnt pass my genes on.

Marriage is a risk. And in countries with no fault divorce and common law ( like Canada ) the risk of getting married outweighs the small tax benefits.

A woman can literally decide she doesn't want to be married to you one day for any reason at all and ruin your life. I'd much rather have semi casual relationships with girls for months to a couple years at a time, than cohabitate and risk my lifestyle.

I've decided I don't want kids, and because I believe the only use for marriage is to raise children, I don't see the need to ever marry. Plus most modern women are cunts now a days, this coupled with social media making cheating easier than it's ever been. Why risk it?

It's much better to avoid falling in love, keeping it casual and fun, and then moving on when it's time to move on. I already have a dog bro for long term companionship, and I love him more than I've loved my last 3 girlfriends.

Cringe inducing edginess!

>swipe tinder
>omg, now i've got to get a bath and talk

>"lets go out lads"
>text people, politely and eventually make a conclusion on where to go
>get shit faced and go home early

>mrs's arse is slightly exposed
>get hard
>have sex

You people are fucking dumb

I was the kid on the receiving end of this.

It is. I can just grab my wife and fuck her anytime I want. How can anything be easier?

>It's much better to avoid falling in love
not an easy thing to do senpai

what you do in these cases is apply your extreme male logic or will power and convince yourself you're going insane (well that's what has worked for me)

although as a mexican i literally have no reason to be afraid of women but that's an entirely different issue altogether

You have clearly never been in a long-term relationship. But hey whatever man, ignore statistics. I'm sure you'll be the outlier! Find that mystical unicorn!

Yeah, give it another 5 years.

The feels man.

This is accurate.

I am.

I am very happy, as is my wife and her son.

Its called no fault divorce laws. You're seriously fucking stupid if you get married now. Especially with women giving up their pussy so easy

I am.
I like it.

Or you can go through an extremely bad relationship in your youth, then take steroids for years and become the chad, have plenty of experience with women, and realize that loving a woman is a losing proposition.

I imagine your way is easier/less damaging. And probably won't leave you internally loathing female nature like mine has. But I don't hate women, I just realize how dangerous they can be. Life is awesome now for me, I travel 4 months out of the year, have almost no debt and spend most my free time chilling with friends, getting baked or dating the two girls im currently seeing. A serious relationship would change that, and fuck changing that.

gr8 b8 m8, I r8 8/8

....because I'm divorced, this infographic doesn't apply to me, my ex wife married another broad.

Backup man is such a cuck wow

I'm 26 and a KV. It's not going to happen unless to a single mom, or a girl who got off the cock carousel.

I'd rather die a single virgin than "man up" and be some roastie's betabux.

>Yeah, give it another 5 years.
Yeah, okay, in 5 years I'll still grab her and fuck her whenever I want. What the fuck do you think will change and make the procedure less simple? But I'll probably have a daughter by then so I won't want to do my wife as much.

>You have clearly never been in a long-term relationship.

i can see your ways but i kind of have a case of being a beta aka i want to provide for a woman i feel genuine love for and raise a family with her, but like you i realize that loving a woman (romantically) is a lose-lose situation

>literally 50% of married men are knowingly cucks

It's a Numbers game. That's why I donate sperm. Leave the burden and time to someone else.

At least you realize it, now you just have to find some way to mentally break yourself and lose your faith in your pipe dream.

You'll be much happier if you pursue happiness from within, rather than hinging it on another person.

The guy who is the backup man is the cuck not the one who is in the relationship

This is amusing, my sympathies to ya kid. You keep doing your old broad that will supposedly always be down to fuck you even years and years down the line. In the meantime, I'll keep hitting these 18-21 year olds well into my 40s. Thanks for taking one for the team bro!

Hey, what do you plan on naming your daughter btw? What state you in?

I already am :^)

been looking a lot into meditative practices, self-love, new-thought, subconscious reprogramming and belief elimination (a subset of reprogramming)