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ywn have a mirialan gf


What's Sheev's /swco/ fetish?

Reminder that Del Rey user is confirmed to be a real leaker now.

Mindbreak, Corruption, NTR

Reminder that this book has potential to be the pinnacle of Star Wars books that have ever been released.

Reminder that TPM is the patrician's PT film and ROTS is the lazy meme choice ala ESB.

I missed the memo amidst all the mindless back-and-forth of recent threads. What else did this user leak?

We don't deserve this

Let's end this discussion once and for all with some generalizations
>George Lucas is an ambitious man who pushed computer based SFX to their limit
>George was not a director's director or an actor's director. He did not seem to enjoy being on set and directing people.
>George's ambition and his reluctance to be on set caused him to often prefer computer based solutions to problems that were once solved by other means
>This free use of a new technology gave the Star Wars Prequels, particularly the latter two, a unique look.
>Some people like this look, most do not.

Are we all happy? Or are we going to star throwing shit again?

they gave him a short story? nioce


He said that the idea of a License Dooku book is floating around but Luceno himself wants to do something post ROTS next. He also said that there's gonna be a Chewbacca tie in and a GOT chick tie in novel to the Han Solo movie. I think he also said there's a prequel novel ala Catalyst to the Han Solo movie. He also said there was gonna be a bounty hunter book by Wendig.

>most do not.
nah, most Star Wars fans love the aesthetics the prequels gave us.

Why do Mandalorians come across as a bunch of donut steel fanfic characters, whenever they appear in Star Wars related stuff? Whenever they're around the story seems to suck their collective dicks unless a Jedi or Sith is around and sometimes even that doesn't prevent it. It's like they're the go to faction for those who think Jedi are too main stream, so the flock to this snow flake warrior race that's just as badass and can beat anything under the sun, but without magic powers.

>Brings up shit in a new thread
>"Stop shit throwing"


because they're Boba Fetts and Boba Fett sells

>He said that the idea of a License Dooku book is floating around but Luceno himself wants to do something post ROTS next
oh lol, just fyi - that was me. I definitely made that up. idk who the fuck posted the rest of the stuff though.

Glad I'm a confirmed leaker though!

>He said that the idea of a *License Dooku
*Luceno Dooku

>provides no source
Hmm.. what do we call news like this again? It's on the tip of my tongue.

Post YFW all the collections are just canonized greentexts /swco/ has made over the years that Pablo has collected.

I'm not going to touch that with a 10 foot pole.
But... perhaps the company PR person who exists to smooth ruffled feathers isn't the person to wholly trust when it comes to whether people like his product or not.
I'm sure Coke says everyone loved New Coke too and that Apple says that everyone loves the removal of the headphone jack.

Because of their loose ties to Boba Fett, Star Wars's first donut steel fanfic-tier character.

pretty good taste desu

>bounty hunter book by Wendig.

*autistic screeching*

>hat day becomes canon

This Same reason why the Clones were all LITERALLY Boba Fetts.
They even wore similar armour

Oh well I guess that means the Dooku novel is more likely now since there actually was a Del Rey leaker who said Claudia Gray was writing something about Qui-Gon and they also said there would be a Dooku novel along with the other ones.

>Wendig keeps getting shit despite eveyrone hating him

Is he the new Traviss?

Nothing but dickgirls, hats, and the shieldgate

Yeah, Pablo is lying, he totally has a secret agenda to try and convince people that the prequels are liked by an entire generation.

He is also conspiring with the Chinese critics who openly praised the Prequels over the OT.

His job as a LSG member totally requires him to use his personal Twitter which mostly consists of drawings of robots, as PR; Even despite him being overly critical of Disney's first movie.

>he wants a gf with a dick


I love that ship.
Did any of the ships in the other two movies have models?

>He is also conspiring with the Chinese critics who openly praised the Prequels over the OT.

wtf i love chinese filmgoers now, i also love Warcraft and Point Break 2015

>pick current writer
>pick somewhat plausible character
>become a leaker
Not really brain science, man ... sorry to disappoint. I'm not saying that guy is 100% fake, but don't put faith in an anonymous post on a Kaminoan clone trading forum.

>Lucas ggives us an actual badass bounty hutner that does shit in the films besides stand around
>Makes Boba a clone of him
>Mando and Fett fags BTFO everywhere

I love George.

I'm not saying he's lying, per se, just that he may not be entirely truthful.
Just don't forget what his job is.
Do you believe Trump's PR guy that says his administration is as popular as ever (*within specific demographics polled at limited polling stations)?

You can not tell the truth while being totally honest.
Surely, as a Star Wars fan, you must be aware of this. That was Old Lyin' Ben's schtick in the OT. Never lied but never told the whole truth

Where's the source though?

>badass bounty hunter
>still less liked than Boba


And that's the same in both trilogies.

Reminder all I have to do to keep Star Wars fan support is to say something bad about the Prequels, CGI or George Lucas every interview

>Yeah, Pablo is lying, he totally has a secret agenda to try and convince people that the prequels are liked by an entire generation.
all he does is jerk off the prequels, all the time. he and Filoni do nothing but insert TCW shit into everything they can.

How many imperial officers had to deal with Vader temper tantrums when they called him out on shit or screwed up by accident

>Pablo having to defend JJ on twitter



>Just don't forget what his job is.
>Do you believe Trump's PR guy
Again, that is his personal twitter, and he has plenty of opinions there. This is the same twitter where he openly admitted that he hates Starkiller Base, and thinks TFA dropped off a cliff when fan-favourite Han Solo walked onto the screen.

His job. Is not. PR.

His opinions are his own, but when he is talking factually about demographics, you should be considerate about what he is talking about.

It's certainly my favorite of the prequels but I don't think either of the other two are meme choices. AOTC and ROTS both have some really cool stuff.

Same with the OT really. ROTJ is my favorite because it has all the payoff, but ANH is wonderfully stand-alone and ESB really expanded the Force.

Why do opinions that we don't share have to be "meme" opinions?

maz castle flags
>oh t-they were going to go away anyway

>Where's the source though?
As a Lucasfilm executive, he is a reliable source.

You can use a basic knowledge of the topic and history of eastern movie release to understand that he is pretty clearly telling the truth; The fact that China never even had a theatrical release of the OT until 2014 should be a pretty big red flag.

There's also the fact that the prequels were more bombastic and "fantastical", and featured a lot more eastern influence and stuff that appeals more to those audiences. Even the presence of the Jedi Order should give you a pretty obvious understanding that this stuff would appeal more to eastern audiences.


Obi-Wans episode 2 starfighter
Padme's RotS ship

probably a few others too

How can someone even be this mad?

>His opinions are his own

>you will never be this blissfully bluepilled on how society and social media actually works, especially in those with strong ties to corporations

>Why do opinions that we don't share have to be "meme" opinions?
Because when an opinion is popular, people like to feel superior by having a different opinion. They like to think that everyone else is just a bandwagoner.

Stop pushing this lie you fucking mongoloid.

You know as well as I that he was referring to that in an In-Universe context. He literally even alluded to Maz needing flags of more recent Podracers.

He didn't defend JJ at all in that tweet, just confirmation that it was Pablo himself how sourced the flags.

What incentive could Pablo possibly have to lie about this? It's not like he's shied away from being honest about TFA before.

I love models.
Maybe that's just the Star Trek fan in me, but they look so much better than wholecloth CGI.
Look how good the Star Destroyers in RO looked.
CGI, yes, but scanned from models.
Maybe it has something to do with people working with things they can see in 3D with their eyes rather than creating on a computer screen?

Do you have the LAAT model by the way?
I didn't think they made any

/swco/- bluepilled as fuck

>Pablo shits on TFA

>Pablo says Prequels aren't universally hated as RLM would have you believe


I'll believe it when I see some fucking stats. This is the equivalent of a snake oil salesman telling you his product works.

>There's also the fact that the prequels were more bombastic and "fantastical", and featured a lot more eastern influence and stuff that appeals more to those audiences

the Chinese people I've talked to hate the Jedi and the Force for essentially conflating Buddhism and Taoism which are two diametrically opposed philosophies




>As a Lucasfilm executive, he is a reliable source.

How many chinese people have you talked to user

Shit's common enough that Vader has his own corpse lifter squad on hand to clear up after him when he's done dealing with incompetent officers.


user was asking about models

that's a prop

Go ahead and read the rest of my post, and feel free to do a bit of research into the reception and release of Star Wars outside of the USA.

The feel free to explain to me why you think Pablo is wrong and unreliable with his claim here.

Stop samefagging.

Because of his attachment to Star Wars and Lucasfilm, his claim is MORE likely to be biased and influenced.

Pabbers is also a Prequelfag
So now that you have established that it is only his opinion, it frees him up to lie without any consequence.

It's either
>It's Pablo's official position as a PRman where he is bound by some shade of the truth
>It's just him and he can say anything the fuck he wants

Why should I believe either?
Show me the proof!


>Using the Public Chinese public opinion to reaffirm your own opinions

You know all you need to do to be loved by the Chinese is throw tons of action and CG in front of their face correct?

So the rumor that we'd be getting some huge news today was false, right?


I hate when this image is posted out of context. You're using this wrong.

>most do not
That user is correct and your image proves it. There is a split in the fanbase.

>no source
Considering each prequel film broke the box office, sold extremely well, has merchandise still going on to this day calling it unpopular and unliked is ridiculous. Especially younger crowds identifying Anakin more than Luke.

I also accept props.
They're both cool

there we go

AT-TE is best walker btw


I love the design of everything in this shot, but I dislike the shot itself. I always felt like it should be a shot that looks like it's from the floor of the hangar looking up at the ship. This shit looks like it was shot with a camera on a crane which is a weird POV for an effect shit that is trying to instill fear and worry.

I mean, the gun drops down and is getting ready to blast the ship, right? Yet this flat angle doesn't reflect that. It was just picked so that the gun would drop down into frame, but this shouldn't be set up as a reveal shot for the cannon, it should be set up to cause the audience to be fearful for the crew.

Poor decapitated R2

>Why do Mandalorians come across as a bunch of donut steel fanfic characters
I hate the memes of Sup Forums and this place. What the fuck gives you this impression? They're a warrior based society that wants to reclaim what they lost because their own blood lust ruined them. I'm not seeing this as "edge" and "cringe". They're a monument of their failure as seen in TCW.

Can you provide a source on this graph? Reverse image did nothing.




well I studied abroad for a year so quite a few

Hate is a strong word, but when I would bring up the Force they would scoff because they saw it as westerners mixing two opposed and very real philosophies and in the process diluting both for the sake of that touch of "eastern mysticism". Anecdotal yes but I don't see a source claiming China loves the prequels specifically because of the eastern influence either (which frankly sounds a bit racist).

Also I don't mean to rag on the Force here cause I love the fusion, George's ideas are very similar to Alan Watts who also took a catch-all approach, and Watts has been likewise derided by Buddhists and Taoists for similar reasons. Funny that's the one thing they can agree on.

>all this fake prequel news

it was all cg, stop posting fake pictures photoshopped by lucasfilm to save face

Is she meant to appeal to the asian market segment or just homely chubby chicks in general?


He wasnt giving an opinion though, he was giving information, answering a question someone asked.

His opinions are his own, but he is also able to answer objectively with factual answers if he chooses. he is not being paid to do a damn thing.



Was this used in the movie?
Or was it just a basis for 3D modelers to use?

Pretty much everyone that likes the prequels/prequel aesthetics also likes the OT.

There is no divide there, as much as there is an anti-PT bias from a vocal minority. Said minority isn't even the target audience neither, that will always be the children.

>all this great work
>wasted when edited so hard it looks fake

Reading the new Thrawn novel, and I'm liking it.

I enjoy the fact that the book makes it clear that not every single trooper in the empire is a Stormtrooper. It has a lot of regular servicemen like Navy troopers and Security servicemen.

Stormtroopers are like an US soldier. You wouldn't see them out patrolling regular city streets, unless the place was under military occupation.

Clone Wars did it too, by showing us regular police droids and regular cops patrolling streets, unless heavy security was need; then they'd have coruscant security clone troopers doing rounds in the area.

I hope Rebels shows us a little bit of this too, since so far we've only seen backwater planets under military occupation.