90th Academy Awards - Winners ***LEAKED***

Best Picture: Get Out – Sean McKittrick, Jason Blum, Edward H. Hamm Jr., and Jordan Peele
Best Director: Guillermo del Toro – The Shape of Water
Best Actor: Daniel Kaluuya – Get Out as Chris Washington
Best Actress: Frances McDormand – Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri as Mildred Hayes

Best Supporting Actor: Sam Rockwell – Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri as Officer Jason Dixon
Best Supporting Actress: Allison Janney – I, Tonya as LaVona Golden
Best Original Screenplay: Get Out – Written by Jordan Peele
Best Adapted Screenplay: Call Me by Your Name – James Ivory based on the novel by André Aciman

Best Animated Feature Film: Coco – Lee Unkrich and Darla K. Anderson
Best Foreign Language Film: A Fantastic Woman (Chile) in Spanish – Directed by Sebastián Lelio
Best Documentary Feature: Icarus – Bryan Fogel and Dan Cogan
Best Documentary Short Subject: Edith+Eddie – Laura Checkoway and Thomas Lee Wright

Best Live Action Short Film: DeKalb Elementary – Reed Van Dyk
Best Animated Short Film: Dear Basketball – Glen Keane and Kobe Bryant
Best Original Score: The Shape of Water – Alexandre Desplat
Best Original Song: "Remember Me" from Coco – Music and Lyrics by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez

Best Sound Editing: Blade Runner 2049 – Mark Mangini and Theo Green
Best Sound Mixing: Dunkirk – Mark Weingarten, Gregg Landaker and Gary A. Rizzo
Best Production Design: Blade Runner 2049 – Production Design: Dennis Gassner; Set Decoration: Alessandra Querzola
Best Cinematography: Mudbound – Rachel Morrison

Best Makeup and Hairstyling: Victoria & Abdul – Daniel Phillips and Lou Sheppard
Best Costume Design: Beauty and the Beast – Jacqueline Durran
Best Film Editing: Dunkirk – Lee Smith
Best Visual Effects: War for the Planet of the Apes – Joe Letteri, Daniel Barrett, Dan Lemmon and Joel Whist


source ?

>blade runner wins awards
Sup Forums blown the fuck out!!
the butthurt when get out wins is going to be great

op's ass

I'm not surprised by any of these, so it's probably true.

sounds accurate tbqh

>Best cinematography: Mudbound
I swear to fucking god

Absolutely. The Academy member are desperate to be seen as modernising and inclusive after years of being abused for being out-of-touch. It NEEDS films like Get Out to win big.

Nope. This is a "women" year, not a "black people" year.

by losing it still proves that men are sexist
if they win everything then they can't bitch about losing!

Fake because we all know Deakins is gonna win for cinematography

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Wow if Get Out wins wtf

finally reddit the cinematographer gets his due

If these are real I'm going to lose my mind. It's all bullshit, but still.

>winning over first woman ever nominated

>Best Visual Effects: War for the Planet of the Apes – Joe Letteri, Daniel Barrett, Dan Lemmon and Joel Whist
fake Guardians of the Galaxy has it in the bag

too bad there isn't a "Dishonesty" category

Actually done with Oscars if this turns out to be true

Fuck off memers, he's way past due to win

Exactly!! /ourguy/ based leo got one and now its time for /ourguy/ based deakins!!!

If dubs Phantom Thread wins best picture

>Best Documentary Feature: Icarus
aka Russians are Evil: The Movie


>Best Animated Feature Film: Coco



bsa better be bullshit no way that meme actor rockwell stands up to defoe

guardians was bullshit compared to apes, apes looked more unreal than unreal engine 20 and that shit won't be out before we're all dead

That boy's tummy look's so feminine.
Am I gay if I want to rub it?

>Best Picture: Get Out
I hope they do it. The average white person needs to know how much the Jews hate them.

We’re almost there. We get closer and closer every day.

i literally can see it. Some "suprises" but i literally san see it..

yeah nah

Get Out is only taking home screenplay.

dubs and harvey did nothing wrong

>Some "suprises"

Moonlight wasn't a surprise, Spotlight wasn't a surprise. Lord of the Rings was a surprise, nowadays it's predictable. This year's winner will be either Three Billboards or The Post, and I'm putting my money on The Post.

I wish you actually bet on it so you could feel stupid for thinking the Post is winning anything

get out is going to win so liberals can feel good about themselves

Best Picture winner has also won for screenplay in 11 of the last 12 years (the one exception being The Artist, which had barely any dialogue.)

We'll know pretty early on in the evening what's winning based on what wins original screenplay unless CMBYN pulls an upset

>Best Actor: Daniel Kaluuya – Get Out as Chris Washington

The Post is probably the least likely to win lol, please put money on it

looks like Shia Lebouf

Because it's shit


>tfw chilean
>the first film to win the "best foreign language film" at the oscars is about a tranny
I'm absolutely ok with this.

>loving Vincent doesn’t win

Just don’t art my shit up

Jesus, I c-can't troll it!

Jews win. As always

According to the bookies Best Picture is the only one where they're unsure, between Three Billboards and Shape of Water (2.00 vs 2.50, Get Out out in 3rd a long way at 8.00), rest they seem pretty confident of being a one horse race.

> A Fantastic Woman wins

Fuck yeah, I'll go drink some chicha now.

How is Get Out even nominated - it's a casual-tier horror

>Dunkirk and Blade Runner getting robbed by sappy political shitflicks and virtue-signaling.

I can believe it

The Oscars turned to shit the day that "TDK" didnt even get a nod.

Fuck that movie, it's overrated garbage.
The Square is the only film on that category with actual artistic merit and the one who deserves to win.

t. angry chilean

That movie is shit, grow up

Do you really need to ask this question?

>Best Cinematography
You just know they picked this for the female nominee

It won the spirit award or whatever it is already

And that has predicted the best picture winner since mid 2000s

Go vote for Kast you fucking fachopobre. Winning Cannes basically kills your chances of winning best Foreign.

OP's Win List.


>Go vote for Kast you fucking fachopobre.
Why? Because I don't like a mediocre movie with mediocre cinematography and mediocre actors?
I'm not even right-leaning you dumb fuck, I voted for Artes.

fuck off jew shill

Get out just won the spirit award which is the best predictor of the best picture winners

t. Sup Forumsbait

Get out was nigger shit though

>voting for a tanky
Tankies and TERFs are the cancer of the left.

Hey chilebros, instead of getting angry over petty political shit, why not appreciate the fact that this is the first time a chilean movie will win "best foreign picture"? and the fact that people will act really uncomfortable about it for as long as it lasts in the collective conciousness?

What film are you talking about?
Of the three I watched
On Body And Soul > Loveless > The Square
All were pretty fucking great films though

It feels wrong.

>if they win everything then they can't bitch about losing!

Hitler, you are wrong. Moonlight won last year and niggers still bitching

They’ve gotten four in a row but before that, their record was pretty spotty. Three Billboards wasn’t even nominated.

go back to nido
Why? Is a great film with some cool shots. Some people might feel awkward about the trans part, but they played it very well. I expected a "boys don't cry", but it was nothing like that.

Screenshotted, lets see if its true

has it ever picked one that did shit at the prior awards as far as best picture goes?

>Best Cinematography: Mudbound – Rachel Morrison
no fucking way this is gonna happen

Anyone know a way I can stream the Oscars without giving them shekels?

>Best Foreign Language Film: A Fantastic Woman (Chile) in Spanish – Directed by Sebastián Lelio
I saw that garbage tonight and hell the acting was terribad.

If you people don't know, this movie is about a tranny and how he deals with his boyfriend's family after he dies.

It happened with Drumpf

I hope it does. I love Blade Runner but Mudbound was also great and triggering Sup Forumstards is always a good laugh

>first foreign movie Oscar my country could get is for tranny shit
No thanks.

Real insider her, so I can give any real information but a tip:

Whoever wins best original screenplay, is the best picture winner. You need to look out at last years to see this. There have been a huge agenda gap between techincal (Including Best Director category) and subjective (Best Picture, Best Actors/Actresses in general, and Best Screenplays, adapted and originals). The one winning the Screenplay and also nominated as Best Picture, is gonna be the winner. Get ready and screencap this if you don't believe me.

Sounds fucking dreadful
Congrats on being a pleb. I'd be genuinely embarrassed if I was Chilean

Ok faggot you're on

No shit. 11 of the last 12 Best Picture winners have won for screenplay (The Artist was the only exception.) It’s either gonna be CMBYN or the original screenplay winner.

This is obviously bait but if Deakins doesn't win I swear to fucking god

>Sounds fucking dreadful
The main problem was the tranny because he can't act for shit. And that's a big issue when the movie is about him.

I don't care about the trans part, the movie felt really really mediocre compared to Loveless or The Square.

Before that, almost every best picture winner would win for best editing. I think the academy changes shit up when people start to predict their choices

So either Get Out, Ladybird, The Shape of Water or 3 Billboards?
Wow great fucking work. You really narrowed that one down you fucking faggot



Mi negro.
Thank fucking god Bachelet will receive her if she wins instead of Piñera.

>Best Picture: Get Out

In your dreams nigger

Of course having a gay black man wins

old fuggers will split the vote

Then it will be Get Out

>from 9 to 4

yeah, he narrowed it down
also, Get Out will win original screenplay

Betting 50 bucks that Get Out will win Screenplay. Getting almost double back if it win. Not that bad

>you're being a pleb
That's not an argument.
Go back to Sup Forums
Havent seen those. why did it felt mediocre? It was the premise, the direction or both?


The premise was interesting, but the direction was bad and the acting was utterly disgusting.