Got so cucked today, what do I do guys??

First off I just want to say that everything was going great. I got myself a redpilled fiance but after today I just don't know. Sshe actually fucking looked like she wanted to fuck her fucking nu-male hipster co-worker in public when I was right there watching them. I was so fucking embarrassed/pissed off.

Anybody have a moment where their significant other or someone they thought they loved just shows you how bluepilled they are and betrays you??

>be me, making money in a nice area
>have qt blonde fiance, who fell in love with me before I was rich
>LITTERALLY be on our way to get married in Vegas to have the wedding of her dreams
>sleeping in window seat of plane because I like the window seat, (fiance was nice enough to give it to me)
>out of FUCKING no where her beta nu-male co-worker starts playing his guitar on the plane and walking down the isle towards us
>everyone on plane is immediately pissed/worried and woke me the hell up
>look at fiance and she is confused af
>get up from seat to get this nu-male prick off our backs
>the FUCKING DRINK CART IS IN THE WAY and the beta airplane steward is panicking while pushing me back
>run across the middle isle of the plane
>stepping and falling on confused and concerned passengers
>look back over and my fiance and her beta coworker are talking to each other
>get to the other side of the isle but beta co-worker's filthy fucking blonde lesbian friend standing in front of me blocking my way with another dAMN DRINK CART
>pushes me into the bathroom with help of other lesbo friends
Guys. The last thing I saw was my fiance looking at this Carl the Cuck lookalike as if she enjoyed the FUCKING STUNT. Should I even try to fix things with her after this? What should I do?
I'm 100% positive that if things don't work out between me and her I'm just going to fucking go MGTOW. Western women are FUCKED.

Other urls found in this thread:

By the way, I'm still locked in the airplane bathroom as I write this. Will give updates if anything else happens.

you're a man, can't you just push the lesbians out of the way?

why was her co-worker in the airplane?

pic or you are fake and gay you fag

You should have shouted "This can't be happening, I'm in charge here!"

Break into the cockpit and nose dive the plane

Slide fake threads.

Complete bullshit, but imagining the scenario made me rage, so well done there I guess.

The answer is obvious user.

There must be blood. the Numale and the lesbian have to die now.

Also sue the airline for blocking the way with drink carts and doing nothing to get you out of the bathroom.

So fake that's it's actually good.

Dump That Bitch!
If she disrespecting you in your face imagine what she will do when you're not there...
She has already lost respect for you as a maN. Move on

>>LITTERALLY be on our way to get married in Vegas to have the wedding of her dreams
>get married in Vegas
>married in Vegas
>in Vegas

This is the Wedding Singer, starring Adam Sandler.

OP k-keep us postef

face it OP, you are the beta.
an alpha, stronger man who happened to look like Moby just stole your womans heart from you. At least you got cucked by a musician, and not a redditor.
What a fucking beast. Maybe you should lift or eat some eggs before you try marriage.

Fucking Christ have none of you children seen the Wedding Singer?

Damn, that nostalgia

I was going to say it sounds like the ending of a romcom from the perspective of the losing guy, but I wasn't thinking of a specific movie.

Is this the ending of Wedding Singer?

Just to be safe

fucking faggots, I should've stayed on /fit

fuck I think someone said they recorded the incident too. Nobody spread the link.

You literally just described a scene from The Wedding Singer.

>OP is such a cuck, his life is an Adam Sandler movie.

her coworker approached her maybe shes being nice. ur just being defensive and letting ur nature rage take over. maybe return to ur seat kiss her and hold her hand while talking to the doode. ask him what he does and who hes with where theyre going etc.

hope you're not getting him to sing at your wedding

Fuck you

He's a needy little bitch. I went to a the club with him one time before. He's totally a buzz kill and all into his """music career"""


Fuck it. I might just MGTOW now.


O-oh SHIT. OP isn't a faggot liar.

l m a o ma n e

thats a spicy meme