Is Trump really a Russian agent or just a useful idiot?

Is Trump really a Russian agent or just a useful idiot?


fuck robby mook

its all true

the nerd virgins are the exact definition of useful idiots

he's actually a lesbian nazi hooker from the planet Enuberuru


we have to take meassures

He's a Russian plant (isis/greater israel) AND a useLESS idiot

Neither. He's an independent operator who's goals of ' fix trade deals' 'fuck up ISIS' and 'Don't start a nuclear war for no reason's happen to line up nicely with Russia's current goals of 'her rid of sanctions' 'fuck up ISIS' and 'Don't get attacked by another country for no reason' Russia may support him, but the reasons why are pretty obvious considering the alternative is a psychotic war-hawk who thinks the cold war is still on.

Remember before Obama was president where nobody in America had a problem with Russia and the cold war was considered dead and buried?

Neither, he's simply the JFK we need


stay with her

Is hilly really corrupt or just usefully incompetent?

Considering Hillary sold the Russians 20% of America's uranium in exchange for millions of dollars in bribes paid to the Clinton Foundation, and Podesta is still on the Russians' payroll, Hillary is more likely to be a Russian agent.

Putin is playing him, Trump knows it but he just doesn't care

America's enemies are currently in the White House, not the Kremlin.

There's no facts to support this. Just accusations from Clinton, which are delflections from her email and other scandals. So far we just know he talks smack about bitches and likes cupping some vagina. Huge revelation there.

We're enemies with Russia for no reason

they should be allies

they are not because they became a bit more nationalist and much more christian, and our communist subverting overlords are against that. Those same faggots that were praising Russia and communism/socialism during the cold war are the same faggots that are now saying they are evil.

This lost my vote for Trump. Going 3rd party now.

Trump is a globalist slayer.

He's a russian business man. He's basically a socialist at this point. Remember, Russia's economy is shrinking because America has sanctioned them.

Their basically trying to get le don to loosen the sanctions.

people forget that trump was a fucking actor literally on wwe playing a rich douche getting his ass kicked

Hillary is the useful idiot, of the Saudi's

but it's typical of her to accuse Trump of being what she is

Trump wants peace. That's it. Hillary's taken dirty Russian money and wants World War 3.

Have any of you noticed that putin and trump have never been seen together, or given a live press conference at the same time.

You better stop asking questions, goy....