Comey BTFO, Drumpf BTFO!
Comey BTFO, Drumpf BTFO!
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This is awesome. They are collectively jumping off the cliff with Hillary to try and save her. Don't try and stop them, just let it happen.
>The system is rigged against itself, the system.
Was the media ever not retarded or is that just rose colored nostalgia?
>(((Bret Stephens)))
Now what?
yes, Comey made Hillary use that private server
and made Huma stay with Weiner after multiple scandals
and made Weiner sext that 15 year old girl
it all makes sense now
>Opinion section
>Even the White House said he wasn't interfering.
More groans of agony from desperate shills.
Obama already said he dindu nuffin. What are they trying to accomplish here?
Holy shit, the mental gymnastics!
> Clinton commits a crime, FBI lets her go
> "lol BTFO drumptards"
> FBI continues investigation
> Liberals spin narrative HARD
> Accept Clinton did crimes, and that Comey is incompetent
> Spin narrative that he didn't
Trump will win
Interesting how Assange and now Comey have fallen from grace.
They were both so loved...
Of course
kek it never fails
He's also a gay man married to a transexual.
>Comey resignation will stop the investigation and end the whole scandal
She wishes lmao.
The system is rigged, though.
What did she mean by this? (may she rest in peace)