Childhood faps

>Childhood faps

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I remember








Imagine being Arnold in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Jamie Curtis, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Arnold and not only sit in that chair while Jamie Lee Curtis flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, JAMIE LEE CURTIS LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Austria. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Arnold. You're not going to lose your future political career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

>ywn have the power of will like Arnold to withstand this moment





9 1/2 fucks

hello fellow hacker

This so much

*>Childhood traps


muh krasavica



no pedo but i wonder what happened to this cute rascal


ostavaites na meste





You got the wrong gal from cape fear mate.

(fap fap fap)


god the later seasons were so shit but still had great fap material

I guess there's not enough oldfags on Sup Forums for this thread.
If everyone on Sup Forums posted their childhood faps they would be actresses from 2-3 years ago.


> fap to Xena when I was a kid, fall in love with Lucy Lawless
> 20 years later fap to her in Spartacus when she looks even hotter

Man I got lucky with my waifu, no LFB or other aged hags

Who's with me?


Imagine being user in this thread and having to be all like "damn, OP, you fuckin' funny, all original with your new jokes and fresh angles. I would totally hang out and laugh with you, both my anonymous internet self and the real me." when all he really wants to do is create another photoshop of CIA. Like seriously imagine having to be user and not only sit in that chair while OP flaunts his stale jokes in front of you, the other threads in the catalog barely concealing his pasta and picture, and just sit there, thread after thread, hour after hour, while he perfected that captcha. Not only having to tolerate his boring fucking filename but is haughty attitude as everyone on site tells him he's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, user REPOSTS MEMES LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch his predictable fucking posting schedule repeat into types of autisim you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been posting nothing but a healthy diet of drive pastas and tugboat toby stories for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the shithole that is Sup Forums. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out near his quickly receding hairline as he focuses to ctrl+v yet another thread, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to freely sit there and revel in his "genius comic (for that is what he calls himself)" style, the style he worked so hard for with his mechanical keyboard in the previous months. And then the janny lets yet another thread hit the bump limit, and you know you could smash every single one of hiro's servers before any /k/amndos could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking user. You're not going to lose your future waifu threads over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.


Callisto aged even better
Back when MTV was not shit.

this video was the cause of many a nearly-wet dreams for my 10-11 year old self.


Nah man, Soviet movies are too pure, i saw this scene probably a million times and never even thought about her in that way


Would be lying if I didn't admit to watching this at least 20 times.


Yeah her tits got a little sag in then between Spartacus and Ash vs Evil Dead season 1 nude scene, but for their size they've held up great. I mean she looks fantastic for not just her age but any age but even when women age well, with tits like hers they start to sag, I don't know if she's had work done but like Gillian Anderson in that blue dress at the end of Hannibal season 3 her tits now look near as good as they were in the 90's




You almost ended a month long nofap streak with that one m8

Which of these girls girls (if any) did you crush on/fap to as a kid?


avril is still perfect

posh, baby
vampire jewess
and slutty schoolgirl

RIP bae


I couldnt just pick one episode

More Perfect era pelvic thrusting Jamie pls

what is the point? are you a teenager?

why is this scene so beloved? she's hideous

She really isn't though. You've been memed on for so long you've taken on the opinion of some deranged finnish autist instead of seeing that she has an objectively great body for her age.

Now whos gonna save me??

Here? Because it's a meme

Everywhere else it's just a 90's fap scene when porn wasn't readily available online.

i had Chel and Pocahontas on vhs. zero interest in poorly animated tv girls

Lost at future waifu threads

>tfw no more staying up late to watch Howard Stern, Wild On E!, GGW commercials, scrambled porn channels

>that scene in pouring rain on the stairs and he rips her shirt in half, revealing her hardasdiamonds nips

yeah never forgetting that shit

can't speak for anyone else, but she's got an ugly face for a woman and that's 99% of what i'm attracted to

>shoves the pathetic virgin autistic weeaboo into her breasts
taking about giving me unrealistic expectations growing up.

I had Ghost In The Shell and Heavy Metal 2000 on VHS.


I found her ugly long before I came here

How the fuck nobody posted this yet

>tfw i was staying up late one night and caught a porno with Beth Broderick, almost ripped my dick off that day


No, are you?

I feel like this is the US thing only, to fap on anything sex/intimacy related in movies and such, since amerifats didn't have much access to porn or w/e.

This is a fantastic remake btw. Really solid. I'm surprised this movie doesn't get brought up more when talking about Stronk Womyn in film. She's a complete opposite of the female lead in the 1968 film in every way except that they're both attractive.

no. I'm 25 and I jack off once a week.

Are you governor yet ?

Not the guy you're responding to:

It's a really solid remake by Savini. It's a remake that, I think, was warranted and did what The Fly did similarly: update the SFX without sacrificing the plot.

>12 year old doesn't realize people didn't have constant access to porn up until like 10 years ago.

But yeah, that's totally a cultural thing you fucking retard

Absolutely patrician. Easily the hottest Milano role.

btfo'd another underage

Oh god Heavy Metal 2000 is so fucking bad. I wish you would have had a copy of the original Heavy Metal instead, user. Imagine.

cartoons are shit

also not that guy but I totally agree, but it is blessed by Romero himself. I find it pretty funny that the theatrical cut is so bright and daytime soap opera looking and the bluray remaster is basically monochrome.

and yes. top qt

the animation in the original heavy metal is so shit that it loses it's ability to titillate

God, that is fucking terrible. I HATE when movies get overblown with filter.

Yeesh. That bluray remaster looks a little dark.



Brook Shields in Blue Lagoon. That scene where she gets her period and she talks about catching him masturbating made me diamonds. Also, the scenes where they're swimming together and the far shot where he's fucking her in a small natural pool on the island.

One of my earliest boners that I can remember is the skinny dipping scene in Tommy Boy.

You don't even really see much, though.