Why do white people love porn with black men fucking white women?

why do white people love porn with black men fucking white women?


Question as old as time



because it's the closest thing there is to legalized bestiality


It's like watching sports.
You enjoy watching the best doing what they're the best at.

you tell me, you're the one posting it.

i like seeing women do degrading things

there's a graphic with a heatmap of the people who download it and it's all shitskin countries, they're power fantasies for blacks

Why isn't there more lesbian BLACKED?

why do white guys love having sex with barn animals?

They get off on the girl doing something disgustingly degenerate. They know it ruins them for life.

lack of interest. white men are in it for the BBC

>whiter than you achmed

A lot of people watch porn to see women degraded beyond belief.
A women getting gangbanged by niggers is the closest you can get without going into really weird shit like scat or something

i enjoy it because it's really degrading for the woman. like fucking an animal or something

t. Swede


Lots of production value in Blacked videos, great looking girls, okay guys, good whether you're into cuckold or not.

why do white guys try to justify it with "degradation" when the white girl is clearly loving the bbc? the only one being degraded is the white guy watching it

It's an american/brit thing really.

it's boring vanilla crap

Dogfart is far superior

You alright, Zachary Hasbrouck? You do know the emma watson is just banter right?

tbqhf im pretty sure it's just the high contrast

>when the white girl is clearly loving the bbc
citation needed
they do it because interracial pays well, that's it


i love pissing into bottles and placing them around my room but it's still pretty degrading to my character

It's confirmation bias on tap. If a chick will have sex with an animal known for being extremely high risk both from an STD standpoint, infidelity, and probability of abandonment/lack of support in the event of pregnancy, it is proof that they really are thoughtless irrational fuck machines that can be viewed as lesser beings and treated as such. Whether you agree with it or not, I'm pretty sure it's this, but I don't need to see a nigger fucking a white chick to already know this and act accordingly.

masturbation is a disgusting act to begin with, it's only fitting

I'm hooked on their mom cuck shit.
I hate myself but love it.

(((White people)))

great thread


Who’s the best girl in the BLACKED cinematic universe?

who is this?

if you like that you should check out pic related, best mom cuck series ever


The sooner that state falls into the Pacific the better.

Why does this upset liberals son much?

La creatura


wew lad

they're not justifying it... that's really why they watch it

it's an american thing

americans are obsessed with finding the smallest blonde girl and biggest nigger cock

Like these posts will be deleted first and then the OP

Why are negro chasers so insecure?

Richest state



nothing sadder than a white guy spending time to photoshop all these pics out of spite

Nah. This doesn't have the son literally jerking off watching and finishing on mom's face


Because society says it's wrong to date/fuck niggers if you're white. Race traitors are mocked and shunned. Watching a QT white grill get wrekt but coons is hilarious since they'll never live down the shame and guilt.

Even funnier how they ruin their lives for a few hundred dollars.

it is not a question that keeps me awake at night

They get paid ~20% more for fucking a porchy

>the chad /fa/

That’s actually a picture of me
I have a whole closet of blacked apparel

That make you no less of a creep as the participants. Congrats, I guess.

Is that why they ask for more money?

i like the color contrast.

Eh, I hate the videos where the cuck is actually turned on. To me it's hottest when they're just angry and sad and stay in the room to make sure mom doesn't get robbed or hurt

What's her name?

I thought Americans weren't white

european here

why do american 'white' people like niggers so much?

what about making this thread?

Cool it with the antisemitism

I dunno. It just feels like animalistic without actual dogs or horses. Very primal. When I see some white guy, it just feels weak, limp and pales in comparison.

Goddamn cuck mods fucking faggots sage

>Dogfart is far superior
That new Lily Rader vid is kino

why don't you?

It's the modern version of Holocaust porn

I agree. It's far less degrading getting railed in the ass by five white guys ranging from paunchy to balding.


Ibly when it's made like how OP made it (upset about a other thread) otherwise it's fine



You do know Blacked runs at a loss, right? I wonder how (((they))) manage to stay afloat.

I don't feel like watching niggers in it but I like what they do with the high contrast. A lot of the girls look really good in it, too bad about the blacks.

Don't forget where you are.

Shilling it to these cucks, mods probably donate too. Sage

they are disgusting subhumans

Go ahead sweetie. Just one more shitted post and your crush will realise how disgusting dating blacks is and fall for you


How much does the cuckold get paid?

Most porn production companies run at a loss these days retard

Sup Forums promotes it to save the white race

Based SHITTED poster

>the part where she tells him she gets to fuck black guys but she's "not comfortable" with him seeing other women

legitimate source?

as much as a janitor on Sup Forums