What went right?
What went right?
this updood
Almost everything.
The ending felt rushed. The sister should've died somehow or been more clever. She felt like a crutch for bad writing, she was all-powerful but would do whatever the main character asked. Similar with Bancroft.
It was good but the rebel shit was a bit off and didn't belong there.
Yeah... and I cringed out when stronk black woman started telling him a bedtime story as the satellite fell.
Am I happy that Lizzie didn't have that much screen time since I didn't like her or annoyed by it because if she had more screen time I could've maybe grown to like her more
She became absurd at the end. She was just a YAAASSS QUEEN SLAYYYY
Why could they hire a half-asian for adult Reileen but couldn't find any for Takeshi or their young counterparts?
t. Salty hapa
>he didn't fuck his sister and live happily ever after
Last 3 episodes ruined the series to be honest.
You have abysmal taste if you rate this as a good show.
The first 5 or 6 episodes are interesting, well-shot, and draw you in. Beyond that, it becomes a shitshow. Terrible acting, terrible writing. The most obvious examples are the sister (some of the clumsiest delivery of dialogue I've ever heard in a high-budget television show) and Lizzie.
It's a show with potential, but potential that it squandered. It collapsed under the own weight of its world-building and was saddled heavily by terrible acting on the part of some characters. The main character was well-acted and I had no issue with Ortega or whatever the fuck her name. Poe seemed competently acted and was an interesting design.
Not sure how anyone could convince themselves that this show is good, though.
>sis literally lives through lifetimes just to see him
>yandere sis probably wants to fuck brother
>rich as fuck
>kill her because african nigress and spanish roastie
Dumb ending.
tfw You are in love with her now
>tfw no qt hafu sister who wants to fuck you
Why live?
Unironically this. Him joining forces with his sister and becoming a Meth would've been kino.
Who was the best girl?
Stop lying, we have already established that this show is shit
ortega best aggressive yet submissive to you latinacop waifu
Leave Season 2 to me.
the angry chihuahua
>Joel Kinnaman
more like Joel Kinoman
How do I get a back like his?
who was this again?
watched it only a week ago
One of Tak's slides
>can't act
Seems appropriate.
You've gotta look like this
When they talked up the Envoy's ability to switch sleeves and adapt to them quickly I thought that Kovacs would be doing that a lot. I guess him not overusing that helped the big reveal of his sister's sleeve collection