Happy Halloween, you little shits

>2015, October 31'st
>Handing out candy
>1 quadroon out of all the kids
>rude as fuck, said nothing, not even "Trick-or-Treat" or "Thank you."
>only child like that

>Passing out candy, new neighborhood
>1 quadroon out of all the kids
>exactly the same way as the one in 2015

Little high yellow fuckers are shitheads out the gate. There is no more uppity breed of nigger. Next year, as soon as I see quadroons coming, I'm taking the candy straight the fuck inside and turning out the light. Better yet, I could do that candied onion thing, except instead of nuts I can roll them in shattered glass. Goddamnit, I fucking hate niglets.

Are you retarded or what lad? Blame the shitty parents. You're talking about a fucking kid you mongoloid, not some teenager

I didn't act that way as a child. Stop protecting these niggers. >THINK ABOUT THE CHILDREN WAH!!!!

Like I said, shit parents. Seriously, you neckbeards should get out more. It's pathetic, you say all these things, but wouldn't even have the balls to confront the parents. It's something I do regularly

How would you like a candied apple, you fucking faggot?

You're making some good points. Good thread

>implying the fathers are present

top lel, cuck

How about we keep going in circles.

Bring some substance to the thread next time. This isn't your personal blog. I'm sure Sup Forums wants to listen to you ramble, if you don't already have a thread going

Here's your (You), you thirsty-ass faggot, now how about you make like a leaf and burn to death?

You actually sound like a nigger lol. A 15 year old nigger boy. I don't want your you's, I want you leave and take your shitty thread ideas with you.

>I sound like a nigger

That's very rich, coming from someone so asspained with a thread on how awful niggers are. Don't come back to my house next year, and tell your coalburning whore of a mother to throw herself under a train.

Back to shitposting with yee. We're talking about kids, nigger or not, they're kids. Any rational man can figure it out. It's simple, you're just an autist who thought this thread was gonna turn in to some huge nigger hate thread, but it has no fucking basis or substance. Should be moved to I can see right through your new

>mfw been giving my neighborhood kids fancy candy and giving the niglets and mexichildren half-ass candy
good times

You're on Sup Forums, defending niglets, and you can say someone else here is new with a straight face? Maybe the mods at r/Sup Forums should tell you they sugarcoat the shit they steal from here before they direct you here.

This guy gets it.

About 15 years ago when niglets started being heavily bussed into human neighborhoods to go trick-or-treating, we made a nigger bowl that sat next to the real candy by the door.

Filled it with those nasty flavored Tootsie Roll miniatures, banana taffy, Bit-o-honey, Bazooka gum, Necco wafers, bouillon cubes, those black and orange wrapped peanut butter flavored hard ass candies, left over dried out Peeps from Easter, and a few handfulls of gravel from the driveway.

Dumped all the leftover into a sack and stuck it in the basement so it would be even better the next year.

Protip for niggers: yes, opening the door and seeing your crumbsnatchers standing there is scary but it doesn't count as a fucking costume.

>left over dried out Peeps from Easter

You're good.

> Sup Forums caring about kids of any color
Google you dun fucked up.

Yeah but their parents are shit because their parents were shit because they've been bred to be shit for hundreds of generations

At some point you have to admit there's a more inherent problem at hand and these "people" will never amount to anything

Right. Children don't grow up to be niggers, niglets grow up to be niggers. I don't expect my dog to hit old age and slowly turn into a squirrel.

>giving kids candy if they don't say "Trick or treat"

Top cuck. Some kids tried that with me tonight and I just looked at them until they remembered to say it.

Because of that picture....god it must have been subconscious until I finished the thread and clicked back to the catalog...
I read this whole thread, in my head, as a fight between carl and vegeta.
That image is magical.

>flavored Tootsie Roll miniatures, banana taffy, Bit-o-honey, Bazooka gum, Necco wafers, bouillon cubes, those black and orange wrapped peanut butter flavored hard ass candies

I like all of these things


Nigger detected. Cool digits, though.

Why would you give treats that niggers enjoy?

Bit o honeys pretty good
Bazoka gum with comics good and cool
Tootsie rolls good
Everything else sounds like shit though

Whatever you do don't give the niglets candy laced with ricin or rat poison.
I assume a quadroon is a niglet. Ive never heard the term before

testing test

Quadroon is 1/4 nigglet. the child of a mulato and a white.