Why aren't there any movies or series about the Byzantine Empire?
Why aren't there any movies or series about the Byzantine Empire?
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because the ottomans won
No one wants a movie about losers.
It's messed up that they don't make any
>tfw no kino about the Fall of Constantinople directed and produced by our guy.
I want a Witcher style video game set in the Byzantine Empire
there is a new ottoman series coming soon
>Constantine, throwing aside his purple regalia, led the final charge against the incoming Ottomans, perishing in the ensuing battle in the streets just like his soldiers.
Because then muslims would have to be the bad guys
Ottoman empire is far more interesting and kino
Most Americans don't know this empire existed. It's not covered in any highschool history course, even Roman History
he was a brainlet, mehmed would let him live for sure and perhaps he would have a chance to bounce back later
Because they would have to treat both Muslims and Catholics as edgy asshole. Nor to mention a kingdom holding on by tooth and skin while everything slowly burns around them just to die a sad death in the end isn't a happy ending. I mean god, they don't even get to sally forth and meet their enemies on glorious open battle at the end.
I doubt it, He wouldn't want to risk a revolt.
the citizens already lost their hope
Yeah... Because living is the priority in life. That's why the west is fucking on a highway to the dumpster
tragic endings are better than happy endings
>Because living is the priority in life.
its not about living, its about saving your bloodline and saving the last hope of byzantine
Why are all you fucks so interested in the Byzantine empire and Constantine and shit.
Who the fuck cares, this is some Sargon shit or something.
>last longer than the original Rome empire or the ottomans
>"Byzantium wuz a failure bros"
People whose historical knowledge ends at EU4
That didn't stop him from burning down villages and looting.
Because history is cool
He saved its legend through his death. There was no hope of restoring the byzantine empire at that point, not after 1204 and not without betraying the orthodox Christianity
not really, mehmed was pretty peaceful compared to the chatolic crusaders
>He saved its legend through his death.
nobody really gives about a legend besides some greeks
mmmm juicy byzanticuck tears, my fave
It hadn't occurred to me at the time but how fucked up was it that the Assassin's creed game set in Constantinople made the greeks plotting to take their homeland back the bad guys. I mean if it was ww1 era I get it but that was literally a decade or so after the fall of the city.
Also a series about the Komnenos period focusing on dealings with crusaders would be GOAT.
a fuck*
go back to /balk/ you normie pieces of shit
>made the greeks plotting to take their homeland back the bad guys
The fuck? I knew those games are crap, but this shit is beyond idiotic.
Byzantine is the Roman empire retard
>tfw no series about the final war between the Byzantines and Sassanids and the rise of the Arabs
go away, ree
Because I'm Orthodox
That still didn't stop him from burning down villages and looting. Sure he was better than the crusaders (most rulers where), but not by a ridiculous amount.
>Because I'm Orthodox
The Angeloi were a mistake
user stop making useful threads Sup Forums is dead
He didn't destroy anything, constantinople was pretty that before mehmed conquerd it.
Did Alexios Mourtzouphlos really do anything wrong?
>ITT idiots who can't wait for the next Season of Vikings about Miklagard
If they want to it so much maybe they should make it themselves. Oh wait - they can't, because based Turks blown them the fuck out.
Oh yeah, hurling giant rocks and debris at the populace of the city for nearly a year is a totally peaceful maneuver. What revisionist historian did you learn this from?
Last Emperor should be played by Liam Neeson and final scene as he dons the soldier armour and he goes down swinging but will not show him dying
Totally peaceful bro
Reminder that Basil II did nothing wrong
>Not backstabbing scum
Typical balkans
nikvi seriali za ciganskata vizantiq
>giant rocks
To destroy some stonewalls yeah pretty peacefull back then compared to letting the population die because of hunger
Plebs don't realise Constantinople was a rundown shithole, far from its former glory, before Mehmet forcefully relocated people to the city to make it great again.
>Mehmed II had promised to his soldiers three days to plunder the city, to which they were entitled.[5]:145[57] Soldiers fought over the possession of some of the spoils of war.[58]:283
>According to the Venetian surgeon Nicolò Barbaro "all through the day the Turks made a great slaughter of Christians through the city".
>According to Philip Mansel, widespread persecution of the city's civilian inhabitants took place, resulting in thousands of murders and rapes and 30,000 civilians being enslaved or forcibly deported.[59]
Go fuck yourself m8, "peaceful" my ass.
>orcefully relocated people to the city to make it great again.
Maybe that wouldn't have been necessary if not for the years of war his people forced upon the city's population?
Didn't the headhuncho of the Orthodoxs crown Mehmet as the new Caesar after the fall?
Oh yeah, pedo sultans, eunuchs, slave soldiers, multiple failed attempts to expand, and a slow decline into obscurity
You have nice "sources" there. Everyone who surrendered, was under protection of mehmed.The rest tried to escape from the city and yeah they got harmed.
because the greeks genocided the jews, not even kidding
The Turks were just the icing on the cake, constant civil war and the Angelos dynasty is why the Byzantine Empire fell. Oh yeah and that whole schism thing.
>Better the Turkish Turban than the Papal Tiara
Oh I get it now. You are a Turkroach aren't you? I bet you have a picture of Mehmed by your night stand.
>Better the Turkish Turban than the Papal Tiara
How's that working for Turkey compared to the west these days?
>Muh roach
What do you think about the Armenian Genocide? Just curious.
is it kino ?
t. Turkaboo
Nika Riots movie when?
This is not true. By Islamic law, if a city surrendered upon an army's arrival the army was bound to protect and respect the citizenry. However, since Konstantinos XI rejected the surrender deal, they were (as user's quotes explain) entitled to three days of looting, which they most certainly engaged in.
Read 'Constantinople: The Last Great Siege, 1453' by Roger Crowley
>"i smart & know . about busyteen, most don't!" the thread
Most people couldn't tell you the difference between Norway or Finland. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't even know where Byzantium was located.
At the time though the a lot of the Byzantines hated the latins more. Also the Ottomans basically just copied byzantine culture and orthodox art funnily enough.
more like t. history student that has studied the busyteen empire for 4 years; every single amateur that knows a cursory history of the Byzantines has to flout their knowledge. it's pedantic bullshit, and it only happens with the Byzantines as if it were some hipster history. you aren't cool for being aware of them and you're definitely autistic for bending over backwards to prove you're aware of them.
None of us are flouting are knowledge here.
Is there anyone more autistic than byzantineboos? You nigs act as though it was the greatest cunt to ever exist when it was little more than the romans sickly greek bastard child.
Theres alot of movies about the Vietnam war...
Because they were the only great empire on Anatolia keeping muzzies away from Europe...until they failed ofc.
Because if you think Charles Martell did a wonder, you should check out the Byzantines.
You know how surprised Byzantine Empire was that western christians were launching some shitty "Crusade" against muslims to retake Jerusalem, declaring war on muslims somehow? After fighting muslims since the fucking beggining?
same reason there are no big movies about the armenian genocide. It would trigger the roaches and expose their crimes to the world
his bloodline survived through his dynastic ties with Russia
>avoiding the question
roach confirmed
Thats literally the byzantine empire though especially after they got ARAB'd.
Its not like the greeks are in better shape.
There actually is one with that retarded jew oscar isaac also fuck you the armenians needed to be dealt with.
How much pederasty and child abduction will be in it?
larping Greeks that got bred out by turks are not Romans.
The last true Romans to survive the Huns, Lombards, Vandals, etc were the Venetians who managed to get to safety on their lagoon.
What about this
Assassins Creed Revelations. Byzantines bad guys child raping Ottomans good guys.
>aren't any movies
The Last Roman. It's kind of okay.
Does it have the part where they are sucking Austrian cock because England and Scotland are taking their land, cucking them and killing them at will?
England and Scotland man - the weaklings of Europe lmao
>to get to safety on their lagoon.
You realize people had boats back then?
The middle ages Venetians were certainly not more connected to the Roman empire than the Byzantines were
The Huns, Vandals and Goths never. Rather than spend days building rafts and interrupt your rape train why not just keep plundering Italy?
Don't believe some guy on Sup Forums though - go read about it.
He did promise him about making him governor of Southern Greece or something. His families were treated well.
The Germanic tribes set up nation states in Italy and a bunch of other areas. even if the first wave didn't worry about boats they certainly had plenty of time in the subsequent years
Also, the Italians of the late empire were the weakest people in it, and were never really Romans. The Italians needed the protection of the Roman armies which had almost no Italians in them for centuries
Reminder that the Byzantine Greeks welcomed in the Ottoman Turks because they didn't want to be Catholics
>The Greek population, reacting to the Latin conquest, believed that the Byzantine civilization that revolved around the Orthodox faith would be more secure under Ottoman Islamic rule
The Greek people deserved their genocide. They were larping as Romans. Anybody who claims to be a Greek today is - ironically - a turk larping as a Greek.
>The Germanic tribes set up nation states in Italy and a bunch of other areas. even if the first wave didn't worry about boats they certainly had plenty of time in the subsequent years
By that time you are 100% correct, yes. By then however, the Huns, Vandals and so on are all long gone and the settlers coming down are trading with the Venetians aka the last true Romans.