Guys, this is YUGE

Guys, this is YUGE.

Amidst all the talk about Hillary melting down on Twitter and poking Donald about a Russian server of sorts, there has been no mention of this:

Tonight at midnight, Philadelphia's transit workers - 4700 of them - may walk off the job and be on strike through the election unless a new contract between their union and the city transit can be negotiated.

If Philly's transit system is shut down for that long, that means Hillary is going to lose a lot of Philly's nignog vote. And possibly the whole state.

We better hope their transit system shuts down. This could be Trump's first-class ticket to the White House.

Other urls found in this thread:



Bump, seems important.

genuinely will this help Trump? have the Democrats funded that transit system or something?

He's going to poach pennsyvania and Wisconsin for sure

dindus can't get to the polls

That map has to be BS

It shouldn't be so perfectly in line with state borders.

Colorado was really close in the last few polls too.

This user's got it. Hillary depends on the minorities in Philadelphia to swing the whole state blue.

If they can't make it to the polls, Philly's gonna have a weak standing in votes compared to the rest of the state.

Dead people don't need no train!

Nignogs don't have cars, can't get around without public transit

nice. keep those white niggers from the poll books.

Bring in the rich democratic jews.

all part of the unionists plans.

Philadelphia and Pittsburgh are both democrat dominated cities. If people can't use public transport to vote or get about their day's business they'll be less inclined to turn out.

This. There would be blending in and out of red and blue between states

LOL @ nignog vote

you can target adds for videos by state.

Oh shit the OG Trump memes are coming back

Well I guess it would make sense if we go with the rigged polls theory. Those red states could be what Trump considers key to his victory.

His internal polling may show that those states are the most likely to be important to his victory.

Are public transit systems part of the Russian Conspiracy to destroy America?

Also checked

Also are dubs part of the Russian Conspiracy to destroy America?

I though the democrats had their own Busses?

I see alot of Unions going Repub after the debates. From coal miners, to aviation, and now mass transportation.

They're really pissed.

Some do. I live in Philly and some of the baptist churches bus voters around, but there's only so many of those groups that have those kinds of resources

What if the nogs liked trump?


Let's hope those dindus cant make it.

they do this like 10 times every year.

If Trump wins PA he has the election in the bag


bump for landslide

Yeah. Some times longer than others. The timing is potentially bad for dems if it happens.

He's going to win PA regardless.

Hillary supporters literally LITERALLY don't exist here.

You have to go to a ghetto of a ghetto and maybe if you're lucky you'll see one Hillary sign.


Unions going red? Jesus Christ is EVERYTHING better in burgerland?

My mother works for a major internet/telephone provider and durring our provincial election her union sent her a flyer basically urging her to vote liberal. It was fucking unbelievable.

How can we make sure this happens, and continues to happen through Election Day?

Most of them are lazy nigs with a GED and four kids by at least two different men/women (and they're mostly in their mid twenties and under). I take the Manyunk line every day and there's one white guy I see, and he's a fucking slob with horrible genetics. I want to take his poorly sized uniform, wrap it around his stupid body with a couple of bricks, and throw him into the Schuykill. Maybe the tainted water will mutate him into something useful.

As long as their striking on the 8th, I don't care how often they strike.

Look how few views the top 3 videos have. One Veritas video has more than them combined.


No way that will happen. The mayor in Philly is a communist, no way will he let a strike happen during the election.

Phillyfag can confirm septa will be down. Nogs won't get bused around.

>the union guys did this on purpose to flip PA for Trump










Southerner here. Why can't they just hire someone else to do the jobs of those that refuse to work?

GUYS I need help spreading this:

This has potential to be gigantic. the bonner group asking about executive orders!!!

Subject: Is there someone in your shop
Who totally understands "executive orders". It is to answer a very big donors questions

Pay to play all over it.

here is more info on bonner group

if the russians were really helping trump, why wont they figure out a way to make this happen?

I found a driver willing to bus people to the polls during the strike.

>Ohio beet red
>but...but...Ohio is too close to call!

shills BTFO

more collusion.

From a fucking bonner himself. Yep, run it now


Thank you based parasitic union men



Completely wrong. I live in a small college town in Central PA and the split is probably 50/50.

This is of course entirely planned by Trump supporters within the union and as such, will happen.


>college town
Not bad desu

I'm going to every site to post on, just to get people looking.

just search : mpbonner

Hopeful news, although SEPTA strikes a lot. Not sure if this will be a big one.

Already niggers don't seem too jazzed to vote for her, they might prefer her over Trump but it doesn't mean they will vote. Some older black woman I work with said a decent amount will be voting for Trump but they're being very quiet about it. Take that with a grain of salt though.


Nigs don't work, and live within walking distance of their assigned polling places. Will only affect whites who want to vote on their lunchbreaks.

also this: attachments do these people have ties?

>>If Philly's transit system is shut down for that long, that means Hillary is going to lose a lot of Philly's nignog vote.
They will just ride bicycles to polling places.

no, no it would not. There are many maps with things like this perfectly following state borders because very often things are targeted specifically at states/things circulate within states only and don't leave.

It would be very strange in fact if there was fading in and out of blue and red rather than the randomness we have here

Nigga, they're just gonna ride that stolen bicycle to the pawn shop for weed and blunt money.

128 dimensional go.

you know election day is a federal holiday, right? nobody has work

The membership is almost universally conservative except for NY/NJ unions, which are the strongest.

They just vote for who their reps tell them too usually because uninformed voters.

>Election day
>Federal holiday


>celebrating low turnout and defacto voter suppression

You guys are pathetic. Just goes to show how little you care for democracy and the ideals this country was founded upon.

>you know election day is a federal holiday, right? nobody has work
You know there is an age limit for Sup Forums, right? You must be 18 or older to post here.

>muh voter suppression
Get to the polls you lazy ass

Do you really want people with an average IQ of 85 making immensely important decisions that determine the fate of our nation? Because I sure as hell don't.

Not in the US. We are good worker drones. They have to squeeze every ounce of work they can put of us.

This election.

>implying anyone gives a shit about the opinions of poor ass retards who dutifully come out every election cycle to vote to steal our money in order to subsist their pitiful existence

Our democracy started with landowning male voters, not a free for all for anyone with two functioning neurons

who let you out of the cuckshed? put your chastity belt back on and go back to the NRO cuckshed

Did I ever tell you guys about the time I pozzed Jonah Hill's fat, neg ass with my 8 inch, uncut monster cock, in a Hollywood gym licker room?

You know that police/fire/ems/transit all operate on holidays, right faggot?

If its state college lmao at the 50/50 rate. that town is the one shit smear across the otherwise untainted beauty that is central PA.

PSU and state college sold their souls out to beg forgiveness to the globalists

if its not psu you're just trapped in small town lib hell. your choice sadly.

I'm going to school in Philly, and I hate to bring bad news but their are enough polling places that people don't need to take public transportation to polls. I don't think this is going to hurt turnout. I fucking wish it does because I hate that my city can make my state go blue, but it really won't.

Ohio is Trump country.

russian server is BS

run by hrc staff

Election day isn't a holiday, trubofag.

it would actually most hurt the sjw white city libs who would b too outraged on fb and twitter to actually go vote

>ohio/penn/wisc all completely red

sounds like bullshit

Plebs don't have internet. Just remember

>muh Russians
>muh bagina
>muh nuclear codes

who is emily mcmullin

There are very few whites left in Philly, and they actually have cars.

Who the fuck?

Does anyone else feel a perfect storm gathering?
Could it signal a...landslide?

Emily Phelps Mcmullin's Experience
Title: Vice President
Company: Cendyn
Job Details
About Cendyn: Cendyn® is a full-service agency specializing in turnkey solutions that drive bottom line results for the travel and hospitality industries. Cendyn represents 18,000 hotel and travel destinations with clients such as Starwood Hotels & Resorts, Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, Hyatt Hotels, Hilton Worldwide, Marriott, and other independent properties.

ahha all of trumps competitors... the fucking hiltons are in on this.

Not a shill, but the MSM keeps saying the dems are going to release some found footage garbage against Trump. If hillary's so desperate she's tweeting about the Ruskies, what the fuck could they have?

Literally nothing, they're panicking hard right now

Even if they dont many of the protrump workers may call in sick

Dam Ohio, that's pretty hardcore.

Doing God's work j3+

PA going red this year, thank you based bus drivers and Amish people for making America great again!

praise Kek

Philly person here.

i doubt they'll go on strike. if they do it won't be for very long. they've done this a couple times in the past few years

Yeah, they're literally trying to vaguely connect servers to a Russian bank. And we're the supposed conspiracy theorists.