The Russia Meme

Why is Sup Forums so defensive about this?

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because the FBI has been infiltrated by the KGB thug of Putin

cuz I don't believe it
if Russia is tampering with our election I very much doubt that trump is a secret cohort
perhaps Russia would explore other avenues, but not trump

Frankly it's his own fault for freaking out about it at the debate.

that's why the CIA shut down mccarthy, he was being too obvious, i hope hillary doesn't suffer the same fate

fuck off trying to put her and McCarthy in the same basket

McCarthy was based as fuck and right about everything he said

trump has ties with cuba and you didn't know it!!

I'm not defensive, I find it simply baffling.

I lived through the days of the left ridiculing the "neo-cons" daily for DECADES over their insistence that Russia was a threat to the US. After Regan, anyone that so much as mentioned Russia was scoffed at hard by the press and democrats/leftists.

But now, in the 11th hour of a sluggish campaign, what "Trump card" is Hillary pulling out? Fucking 1970's and 80's super boogeyman Russia.

And the most confusing part is these people still think it's dumb to fear Russia/USSR/Communism/Foreign Powers. They're literally trotting out the "Russia Badguy" line of attack not for themselves, not for their supporters, but because they think it will get to Trump voters.

Like Joe Independent is sitting around, completely ambivalent who to vote for but hearing Hillary get histrionic about Putin and the KGB will change his mind somehow.

Imagine how badly the "Trump is a rapist" line of attack hit a brick wall that they switched to this hail mary.

Fuck off Russian Trump shill.

The only way Russia might have been helping him is if they were behind the DNC servers hack (or supporting the hackers doing it somehow). Which is possible. That's what intelligence agencies fucking do. They always try shit like this. That's exactly why Hillary wasn't supposed to have an insecure server like this. If anything, Hillary has been helping Russia (and who knows who else).

It's OK for Trump to want peace. It's OK for affected nations to want peace as well and try to support Trump. It's not OK for them to hack private servers, but you can't stop them and Trump isn't responsible for this.

Starting to claim that Trump is a Russian plant because of this is downright retarded.

It's a bit worrying how much the democrats seem to want to escalate tensions with Russia desu.

because Sup Forums can't admit that they didn't meme the kek, that russia did.

Replace trump with Sup Forums and you can see why they mad. Sup Forums's been played like a fiddle.

and the most ironic part?

>the cuckiness

If that's true that's awesome.

America and Russia together to save the White race.

Because it's not 1989

The Cold War is over

because it is too close to the truth

fuck off shills

Probably because this looks like the desperate cries of a dying campaign.


Really? We're not at a proxy war or anything. Russia's not invading it's neighbors or anything? Or funding anti- american sentiment in the mid east?

No, russia is just a beign actor that hates fags.

and don't forget that they have a plant in your country

is no true ok guy

it was like an organized opposition dump this afternoon.
I get the feeling they might be setting something up for tomorrow or wednesday


I think you mean she.

Hillary's the only one invoking Russia left and right.

Pol gets it when its about Bezmenov and liberalism but doesnt get whats happening with both Trump and Putin

Russia's economy is tanking, so his best hope is to get someone into America that can release the sanctions.

It's just fucking retarded. Hillary took their money as a bribe, and it goes completely ignored by the lugenpress, and soon-to-be out-of-work kikes like yourself.

It's the most cancerous, most mind numbing shilling I've seen yet.

Personally, I survived the Cold War and don't want some dying Baby Boomers fucking up and starting WW3 to relieve their post-Communist mental issues.

the modern day bezmenov is pussy riot!!!, they are fighting against putin's authoritarianism!!

uranium is pretty cancerous.


seriously though, we ignore the long game of russia and china, and just circle jerk every meme mention.

Clinton should just release everything Russia is doing _publically_.

"I will never build the wall" says increasingly nervous """""Mexican intellectual""""""

WHY U GUYS WANT TO DESTROY UR DEMOCRACY!!!!!! plz do not watch RT it is subversion

because it's a blatant lie

Cause it's a shitty gif.
The animation needs to be slower, and the puppet Trump needs to do more than just spaz his hands up and down.

That's why
Leftist's memes are fucking garbage

Because all the accusations are completely baseless

That was debunked a long time ago. He sent someone to scout and didn't do shit there

this will be ur next flag if u vote for trump!111111

>because it"s not true®ion=Header&action=click&contentCollection=Politics&pgtype=article

Now the KGB thug has infiltrated both the FBI and the new york times!

Some of those look really cool, desu.

Might just be because I really like Red though.