Damn, they keep forcing the DCEU?

Damn, they keep forcing the DCEU?

Other urls found in this thread:


who wants to bet they will be out after Game Night flopped?

Hard to say, comedy directors have a much lower fee than action/blockbuster guys, so they may still have a shot. Especially when you consider that Marvel's own boys, the Russo brothers, got their start on Community.

Yeah, just like the MCU kept “forcing” their cinematic universe after The Incredible Hulk.

I hope it flops and WB has to sell dc to Disney .

They've only had one true bomb. The rest made enough, maybe not as much as some execs unrealistic expectations but still, enough. Critics have never been all that kind to DC outside of the TDK trilogy and the 1st two Reeves Supes, really. How they're able to forgive Marvel/Disney for committing just as many if not more sins is beyond me and besides the point. They're too far in to making this universe to go back now. WW 2 is a given, so I don't know why anyone would think the DCEU is dead. They'll probably just go as diverse as possible so the critics have no choice but to kiss their ass.

I bet you eat the same meal every night, no complaints. Same flavors, same tedium.

Incredible Hulk was a minor misstep after they hit it out of the park with Iron man and every movie after it was at wort mediocre.

Meanwhile the DCEU only has one decent movie out of five.

>implying DCEU films are not all the same


DC heroes are just so unlikeable, the only good one is batman.

based DCEU

Yes, and when Disney owns everything you'll know just that.

Well, they can’t all be the god of hammerjobs or Drax the (Toilet) Destroyer, that’s for sure.

I bet you just love TLJ, too.


>this is now a rt score mouseketeer thread

I've never watched the new star wars movies

nvm thats what they always are from the beginning

Many of them have been worse than mediocre
Iron Man 1 is their only actually good movie
Never post here again


>epic rap battles

Stay mad, DC will never get good movies.

Drax is a sympathetic and tragic character though.

A flash comedy...emmm...

So much reddit here it hurts

>first Flash movie
>pick one of the most complicated and emotional storylines (Flashpoint)
>pick quirky comedy directors

>not liking fun videos

>liking trending shit

>being a contrarian faggot


No one likes MoS but they gave a pass to BvS because fucking batman. Then ppl realize that this was still shit, that why Justice league bombed. And now the few people who saw JL won't see flashpoint because at this point :
-Ppl are sick of the DCEU
-Flash character is hated

>being a tasteless sheep

>Game night directors
>John Francis Daley, Jonathan Goldstein
>the same from Vacations remake



>No one likes MoS
you're wrong faggot

>but they gave a pass to BvS because fucking batman.
Uhh, no they didn't.

The rest are opinions. They somehow buy enough rt scores and milk the black gf angle and sheeple will plop down tickets. Today's audiences are pretty simple.

I slept the whole movie, except the first 15mn. The guys sent to jail inside dicks was fun.

>hating things because the get popular

>hating things because they're garbage
Wow, it's really something

>liking trending shit
You just said that


erb is fucking ifunny level shit m8




Post the scale by which this was concluded or forever remain a faggot.

And the colossal faggotry award goes to...

>comedy director for one of the most serious and gritty DC universes
The fuck

pls change ezra for gustin

Not going to happen, hollywood love their queer jewish Flash.

I physically cringed when I saw the Game Night trailer during BP, so I can only imagine how terrible this'll be. It's gonna try and be Deadpool so bad.

DC already has good movies 30 years ago that are vastly superior to any Disney flick faggot

Probably because it won't have much to do with the comic
>mom dies
>had new power
>tries to save her
>everything is worse
>has to fix a problem that he made
That's like saying we needed a prequel to back to the future to set up marty and doc
It's just going to be "oops changed history" time travel flick like Primer or Hot Tub time machine

Should have cringed when you bought tickets to BP

>hurr I use a popularized mainstream maymay to make fun of you

Well, excuse me Know Your Meme. I just wanted to present you with you with your much deserved faggotry award for being a gigantic reddit faggot.

Isn't this the fourth of fifth set of directors "confirmed" so far?

you know, no matter how much you spout le reddit boogeyman doesn't make you one of the cool kids

You know, I don't really give a shit what you think, right

Why, you scared of them or something?

>Many of them have been worse than mediocre
Sure kid

>Rotten Tomatoes

>some faggot on Sup Forums

>Rotten Tomatoes

Get with the times faggot.

and you think I care what some retard who gets triggered by a youtube video about disney says?


You mean *was*. In the second film, he's a walking laugh track.

>immediate reply
>I-I'm not t-triggered, I-I don't c-care
>literal "no you response"
you got BTFO kid, go watch one of your marvel movies

>reddit tomatoes

This thread

Response to what? Your horrible pleb taste. That's already been established and beat to death. Reddits that way.

pic related sweetie

Batman, Wonder Woman and Cyborg are already confirmed to appear. Superman and Aquaman most likely.

They're going for it.

TIH was a good movie anyway.

>Batman, Wonder Woman and Cyborg are already confirmed to appear.
Only in your mind

dank, my man

Look it up.

I dont give a fuck about capeshit, but i want to see
the hottest woman on earth in clown make-up

shit taste, you sure you're not gay?

>Lauren Cohen is not hot as fuck
So anyways, how was your soy breakfast?

obv the soy has rotted your brain if you think that ugly bitch is hot


IRON MAN 3 80%
CAP 1 80%
VOL. 2 83%

fix please

>implying WB has any damage control

that's all they do these days

>-Flash character is hated
get out of your house nigga
Flash reaction was a s divisive as MoS alone

>implying mcu movies are any different

>No one likes MoS

Is today your first day on Sup Forums Newfriend?

Because there's a ton of love for it and BvS.

>Sure kid

Thinking RT means anything.

How fucking dumb are you?

>made the character a jew

you can't get mad at a dumb youtube meme if you use a dumb Sup Forums meme

Daily reminder that Justice League is going to be remembered as a franchise killing disaster and the ENTIRE DC universe, save Wonder Woman, is getting rebooted. Affleck is out, for good. They might save Aquaman if his movie is successful, but he's on life support before his movie even releases.

>Daily reminder that Justice League is going to be remembered as a franchise killing disaster and the ENTIRE DC universe

You're a fucking idiot. There's zero chance of that happening.

She's not really a kike.

The fucking Justice League - DC's Avengers - managed to LOSE money. That's a humiliating failure. Truly embarrassing.

Not only that, but it made less money than all the other films in the franchise, and it's by far the most forgettable

They're just releasing films, user. No one is forcing anything. You are not required to see the films.

>That's a humiliating failure.

So you think they're just going to give up and reboot? Are you that fucking dumb? The trains moving forward. Don't be a fucking idiot.

That clip is from the second film though. So is this one.


Tsujihara's options were to delay release and risk losing his bonus, or releasing it and just release and secure his bonus. Movie was sabotaged.

It made less money because the people that fired Snyder(Tsujihara and Johns) wanted to turn what made the DCEU different from Marvel into a carbon copy of Avengers to appease the Disney loving cucks. Unlike Marvel, DC didn't have the benefit of a brainwashed fanbase that accepted Whedon's Age of Ultron, which hilariously has the same problems critics derided movies like BvS for. Who would've thought that DC fans don't want Marvel shit?

He's so used to giving up every time something is the least bit difficult or complex in his own life that he projects his own shitty outlook on life onto the DCEU. Many such cases. Sad.