When will normies learn to shut up in the theater?
When will normies learn to shut up in the theater?
Who the fuck brings toddler to a cinema?
Rat faced kike did nothing wrong
She’s jewish.
giv anger problems gf
>be me watching phantom thread at the theatre
>old, fat, smelly woman beside me obnoxiously comments on everything that happens on screen
I wanted to fucking die. To spoil such film
>going to cinemas.
Moaning Myrtle?
I mean, you have to be a retard to try and take toddlers to a movie, but this woman could have just said that instead of being a fucking crazy bitch.
Why are Brits so swarthy?
Was it her 2-year-old?
Does she have a Jewish name? Looks like a Silverstein or a Roth.
That's a hard 25
Oy Vey, the baby was trytin to shoa her all ovah again!
This. Should have dumped the popcorn over the parent's head though.
Based /ourgirl/ BTFO normie brat
what was the movie?
>runs a dog walking service
>25 and goes to movies with Dad
>spergs out at kids
Any 2 of these things is fairly normal for a modern woman, but not all 3. Dollars to donuts she's legit on the spectrum. Trust me, I'm a Sup Forums analyst/therapist.
la criatura de judea
I don't remember Cooper becoming a tranny in Twin Peaks.
Tell her to fuck off. You’re a disgusting weak pussy.
It's honestly saddening to see how most "people" can't watch a movie for 2 hours without shutting the fuck up or without stuffing their face with garbage.
oy gevalt! that baby goy wont shut his pisk!
I'm legit shocked and disgusted by how many can't sit through an entire movie without taking a prayer break or cleaning their guns.
You weirdos are fucking obsessed. How can one website be so full of people with vomit personalities?
Suzie Essman?
>dat jaw
gf material
You're a Sup Forums analrapist?
>Kike in charge of being human