Is this the most annoying tv show ever made?

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I don't know, is that from either kimmy schmidt, broad city or crazy ex girlfriend?

It's some mexican Netflix multicam critics love. Creators have been begging fans to re-watch it on twitter which is some of the sadest shit i've seen, if you can't convince Netflix to renew you there's probably like 10 people watching it


What am I looking at here? It seems to be a jewess and mestiza and their lesbian scissor-baby getting an affirmative action acceptance to a college of diminishing-prestige to pursue a meme degree.

but user, craxy ex girlfriend used to be good

Yes, they also have an episode literally about how mean Trump is, they all cry

No it didn't you just used to consume more soy.

one at a day time

no, I just don't automatically hate shows that star women because I'm not a mongoloid. The first two season are genuinely enjoyable, I'm sorry you are such a nigger you can't see past your identity politics

Oh so Bloom made your dick hard but she got even fatter and uglier so you don't think the show's good anymore. Just say that in the first place you niggerfaggot.

Predictable. How did the salt scenes measure up to the post-election episode of "Nigger-ish"?

Muh Sex Junk (tm)
(((butt stuff)))

>fuck white people
>they're all white people
i think you're being a bit of a cunt op

They mutts son

Is that Rachael Ray?

This was nails-on-chalkboard annoying.
They should force captured Taliban to watch it to torture them into giving up Intel. Better than waterboarding, I guarantee it.

the writing took a nose dive. You only judge shit based on how the characters in it look? Fucking neck yourself, you don't deserve to breathe
sex junk and everything to do with that new Bill Nye show was fucking retarded but that doesn't retroactively make crazy ex girlfriend worse

They are (((cuban)))


>that doesn't retroactively make crazy ex girlfriend worse

like hell it doesn't.

does Robin Hood make Alien bad retroactively? Does Avatar make T2 bad retroactively? No, because thats fucking stupid. Sex junk is horrible trash, that doesn't automatically mean everything Bloom has done is trash.

it does actually your just gay

no u

What is the fucking point of this show?