How are you holding up Sup Forums? Are you happy?

How are you holding up Sup Forums? Are you happy?

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Fairly. I recently left a shitty job at one of the worst Walmarts in the nation to a new full-time job in which at most I have to work 3 hours per day and have the rest of the time to myself. As a result I have been reading and studying a lot more.

I will be happy very soon.

>gold going up because of Trump winning
>mfw getting rich and defeating the jew backed candidate in the same process

What have you been reading?

Why user?


Fairly happy. I am starting a cool job soon that I will no doubt love. My only problem is my legs that are broken from being in the Army, can't run without pain. Don't want to take meds the rest of my life. Wat do.

Not him but I started reading The Dragons of Eden by Carl Sagan, so far very interesting.

no because the last 4 women i dated cheated on me

I've been happier. I'll be really happy after this election though when Drumpf loses big league and fades from public consciousness finally

What's troubling you?

How did you ruin your legs? I know that a lot of people that do harsh physical activities often experience joint problems.

>Carl Sagan
Isn't that Black Science Man before Black Science Man?

Not really. Kind of just getting by. Social life sucks, which sort of drags everything down.

JIDF pls go

The same thing happened to me user.
Don't despair, I found myself a normal cute and modest woman after all that shit.
Things do get better.

I'll be a lot happier come Nov. 9. Once I no longer have to worry about a criminal commie dyke becoming President of my great nation.

no, think about killing myself all day every day

but i wont, because we have to make america great again first

My unit would run all of the time when we were down in Florida. Like 10+ miles a week. I had developed problems from prior assignments and Florida was the straw that broke the camel's back. I would get doctors notes or profiles as they are called in the Army but once they would expire I would go back to running and just end up on another profile soon thereafter. These compounding incidents eventually went boom on my legs.

No. 4 yrs ago I thought that was the shittest time of my life, but now I looked back, still the same shit. At least now I have hope in Mr. Trump, where watching him Stumping those motherfuckers gave me the only bit of joy left in my life.
Thank you, Donald.

No, I fucking hate my father. He keeps making me feel like shit. I just want to beat the living fuck out of him for all the bullshit he said in my face.

tfw waifu will never be real

>tfw my wife cheated on me twice but I love my kids too much to leave them. I put a band-aid on the problem one year ago and so far it hasn't come off. My kids and I have an excellent releationship but my wife and I are kind of distant. My kids prefer to hang out with me more than my wife but I am worried if I leave her then she will take the kids and so I am simply living with her to see my kids everyday and raise them into the fine adults that I want them to be.

what did he say
tfw i found my real life loli waifu but not sure how to speak with her

she's a stacy

Honestly, be prepared. I know kids are important, but still, be ready to move on. Your life is about you.

He always assumes he knows everything about me and thinks he knows so much than everyone else.

how old are the kids? depending on their age, they could choose to live with you

get a lawyer before shit hits the fan and see what you can do. Make it lowkey though so your wife does not find out.

I am basically sacrificing my internal peace and happiness so that my kids will grow up and not be fuck ups and not repeat their mother's mistake. I would die for my kids and in a way I am slowly dying so that they can be raised the right way BY ME

I've been better. Doing well in school too.

Jesus dude. You need to divorce, if you can keep your money and kids of course, mostly money

As a NATO member, I can only hope an all out war with Russia and its allies is avoidable.
I am going to move back to Europe soon, live in my home in the mountains where I'll be safe no matter what happens.

>think about killing myself all day every day
Have you considered seeing a psychiatrist over this? In all cases, going out during the day, working out and improving yourself helps.
Why don't you pick up a manly hobby? Wood working, sharp shooting, that sort of stuff.

That's sad to hear. Have you tried consulting a doctor over these chronic pains? There are reabilitation programs you can go to.

My suggestion is to help yourself and not rely on a politician to turn your life around.

No, but I managed to convince myself I wouldn't be regardless of my situation.

I got a fwb thats a tomboy. super easy to talk to. She's a QT too. Things are going good.

Well he is your dad, user.

He has seen your penis and ass a plethora of times and pays/paid for your food, kept a roof over your head and other things for years. Just show respect for him and get your shit together so that you can move out. Attempt to patch things up when the dust settles.

Don't try to just make him fuck off. I would kill to have had my dad.

>killed a year after I was born

Going to a job interview tomorrow for a job paying 1.5 times what I already make. Really need this too. Also Trump is probably going to win.

Wish me luck boys.

You don't choose your family. Try to see things from his point of view, that helped me when I had issues with my father.

anime is fucking gay

You are a strong man. You were dealt a shitty hand but sacrificed for those whom you love. I hope you are proud of yourself, because you deserve to be. Those kids have a great father.

I saw a doctor at Walter Reed and they basically told me my legs were fucked. Gave me some good physical therapist names I could see there at Walter Reed. So far it is going well but it will take a looooong time I am told.

make sure to not act like a beta


Well, I just couldn't find anything interests me other than watching Trump or coming here to see shitposting. The world is dull to me.

I'm overcome with nervousness about this election.

I'll be honest guys, without any memeing or trolling at all - these past few days have been the first time that I've felt that Trump COULD ACTUALLY WIN.

I'm so fucking excited I don't know what to do. If Shilalry wins I'm probably going to be both crushed and mad as fuck.

I'm just a hot bundle of nerves.

The election of Trump could be the biggest blow to the evil globalist fucks since Brexit.

I can't believe Trump might actually win this thing. I just can't fucking believe it.

MAGA, bros. Holy shit. We are finally going to strike a powerful blow for Western civilization.


Sociopathy has its pros.

>He has seen your penis and ass a plethora of times and pays/paid for your food, kept a roof over your head and other things for years. Just show respect for him and get your shit together so that you can move out. Attempt to patch things up when the dust settles.

That's what I'm trying to do right now. He can be an asshole, but he has given me so much more than anyone else. He pisses me off, but I love him.

doing good. going back to finish up my degree in January..should be done a year later.
Have a large settlement coming next year which will help get me started and maybe put a down payment on a house.
Slowly losing weight since July, down 20 pounds so far.
Feels good man.

>Worked a shit job all year, but scraped by because planning on bailing out to Finland to live with people I know.
>Get canned (deliberately, because I stopped caring after they kept taking advantage of me)
>Immediately get called for a new job right after applying
>Go in for a couple hours last tuesday to do the setup work like make an account, get name tag, put in SS ID, etc.
>Computer problem (No bullshitting. It's real)
>Boss calls corporate and is on hold and tells me I'm good for the day, because who know how long she'll be put on hold
>Told she'll call either Friday or Saturday
>Nothing, even call back, nobody answers
>Wondering if I'm still even hired
>Dollars lost, not made

I'm going by tomorrow, but come on. It was even GameStop and I felt like I was part of the in crowd.

I'm not physically worked to the bone anymore, but I feel like this is a huge setback.

nope. wish i could just be a normal person. my jobs good, i have money saved. but i am so socially isolated due to the nature of my job. can't enjoy anything. moved to an awesome new city for a few months and can't even enjoy it...dosent help I'm all alone tho

What's wrong?

I'm happy to hear user.

Good luck user.

>it will take a looooong time
It's probably worth the struggle and the hassle, having good working legs is quite important.
Having been in the army I'm sure you won't have problems with being disciplined and doing all the necessary steps to ensure you can walk properly again.

Our senses and our attention are over stimulated in the world we live in, that is why we struggle to find interests and peace in quiet collection. You should try to read more, it teaches the brain to soothe itself and helps you become more curious.
Since we're on Sup Forums, I would recommend pic related, since it goes over a very large amount of subjects you can explore yourself after reading the book.

It's over cuck. Comey has been exposed, and Trump has been exposed numerous times. early votes are already showing Clinton victory at the same or better levels than Obama. Time to kys

Thank you user. Your comment really means a lot to me. I am sitting here. In my bed. At 23:20. My wife is not even sleeping with me in our room. I am on Sup Forums.You made a positive mark on my life tonight user.

I have a goal now beyond smoking weed and boning my overweight girlfriend. I found purpose and that drives me.

Broke up with my gf last week and quit weed at the same time. I've never felt as good actually having drive in my life. Il complete my goal or die trying.

So yes I'm happy, but not content.

No I'm not happy and please fuck off to /r9k/ with these threads. I hate having to backseat mod because you guys want this to be Robot9000 with more instances of the word nigger, you're shitting up our board.

Well yeah considering I just got a blow job. I'd say I'm 50% satisfied right now.

>Switched from major I hated to major I enjoy and am good at
>New place is smaller but a lot more comfy and convenient than old place
>Doing decent in classes
>In a relationship
I'd say I'm pretty happy

Learn to operate a forklift. Employers will love you. Also,


Come on user...

I stopped fapping but now I'm very lonely

If this my life without porn I wanna shoot myself

Good days and bad days. I have really high expectations for myself so I'll likely never truly be happy in any respect.

thats why I'm so apprehensive about marriage/kids. everybody I know who is married is miserable in one way or another even without cheating involved. most women and men are just fucking horrible, and too often the good ones get stuck with them. good luck bro... take care of yourself. i think its better for the kids to split up than have them grow up in/witness a loveless marriage, you should at least talk to a divorce lawyer to set things up so you can fuck her over royally and get the kids.

like how tito ortiz had security cams in his house catching his crazy whore wife's antics, he got the kids. think like a woman, be cold and patient with your planning, set up, and execution.

Nothing is wrong really. Some people are just sad no matter what they do. The trick is to learn to ignore it and pretend to be happy in public so that nobody suspects anything.

oh just leave this thread alone you fucking kettle

I contemplate ending it every day

this crazy election is the only thing that gets it off my mind, Trump is my escape

I live a very lonely isolated existence...

I too am excited Trump winning will finally shut the mouths of all those fucking liberals on my facebook feed.

What do you study? Every day I wish I didn't leave school and actually went through with high school and maybe a mathematics degree after. Or maybe a history one, medieval history or renaissance history. Or maybe theology, since it's my main reading subject. You are so lucky.

The same thing happened to me. Don't lose hope, if they don't call back just start sending more CVs to other places. Sometimes bad news are a blessing in disguise.

Living alone in a big city can alienate you very easily. Consider joining a social club maybe, or start going to church. Human interaction is hard in these mechanized times and you must go one step beyond to socialize the way people even just 50 years ago did much more easily.

Haha, we'll see, faggot. Your cunt of a candidate is going to crash and burn. On election night, when Trump is elected, I'm going to yell and scream to the crescendo of Tchaikovsky's "1812 Overture" and there's nothing you can do about it.

Burn in hell, commie.

You'll make it user, like me. I promise you that it will all be worth it.

make sure you choose the right one. how do you know it is the right one? i don't have the answer to that, i wish i did.

Depressed bong pls go

Well I dislike my job, am stressing because I know what I want to do, but need money to get there, mostly because I don't want to go into ridiculous student loan debt. Otherwise, I only really feel great when I watch football with my dad or am lifting in the weight room.

I finally got a job and started working.

I don't have much time for games anymore, but I'm having fun being productive and earning money. Doing pretty good.

Not happy at all. 21, only have a few friends and even though I know I could make more, it doesn't feel like I can. I just feel so alone every day.

You'll change, wisdom will come. You'll learn to be kind to and forgiving of yourself through being kind to and forgiving of others.

Here is another semi-rare pepe for everyone ITT

You have us user. What is your current job?

No, I'm not happy at all. I don't even know what would make me happy anymore.

I've been single for two years trying to be happy on my own and it's not working. I engaged in lots of casual sex before that and it also failed to make me happy.

I've picked up hobbies I enjoy but lately they just seem like another chore.

Idk user. Just feel depressed and lost desu.

would be better without the blinking

You're a good guy.

What are you planning on doing? Please don't say "join ISIS".

Why aren't you happy user?

When I get blown I find it hard to mantain an erection because beards tend to tickle my balls and make me giggle.

That's nice. What do you study?

Pornography is an intoxicant and it prevents you from having a normal loving relationship. You did the right thing.

I'd keep that book in mind. Thx leaf.

I know how to, but the certifications are different for every place. I'd have to be retrained again every new area.


No. Not working at a grocery store or a Walmart ever again.

Also, GameStop is praised here on a social level. Everyone thinks you're hot shit if you work at one. Same for Starbucks or some hip clothing store.

I didn't want a career here. I have by the end of December to get to Finland.

I don't understand. The manager herself even praised me, said my interview was phenomenal, etc.

you need a girlfriend and a dog

Finding the right woman takes a lot of time.
Some of them are quite good at hiding their emotional issues.

I think it's better to confront your sadness and your issues, work on them, better yourself forever. Hardships are what allows us to become a beautiful statue instead of just a block of stone.

There is always a way user, I know it might feel like there is no escape but one day you'll wake up feeling slightly better and those thoughts won't show up as much and things will start getting better. It will be the most beautiful feeling of relief you'll ever feel, a new start.

Economic problems are a minor issue when you have a solid family relationship.

I'm almost 30 and after numerous troubles with the law, my friends can be counted on a pirate's fingers.
It's not about quantity, it's about quality. If you see someone you like, just go and make friends with them - offer them a beer and talk about music or other numb shit until you are confident enough with each other that you can shitpost IRL without too much trouble.

>are you happy
No. I'm scared, stressed out, feel worthless, am probably worthless (autistic bpd neet who's never had a job and has no friends and has anxiety and paranoia issues though perhaps for good reason) and I just want to kill myself but I don't care about myself enough to do that.

Please, someone save me...I'm so fucking tired of this world, of this life. Someone please, please save me. PLEASE!!!!!!!

Same, it's nice to have a few really close friends tho. I always wonder if ppl who have a lot of friends are really happy if they kno that none of their friends really cares about them.

>Some of them are quite good at hiding their emotional issues.
Holy shit this

>meet qt this week
>talk all day from waking up to going to bed for 4 days
>hang out irl like 18 hours already
>ask her out
>we havent spoke since
>farthest ive ever been with a woman
>19 years old
>no other prospects
So no im not happy fucking fix it pol

>tfw 25
>tfw too old to start a real career
>tfw will be working low end jobs forever

Issues don't exist. It's a conspiracy to turn people into perfect consumers. There's nothing wrong with sadness.

what makes you happy? what is your favorite thing to do on a saturday night?

How do you plan on learning finnish? I've heard it's near impossible and that finns themselves never quite get it all down.

Bought a new car so its all good

Same dude! I was with this girl for good while and she never texts back now. She grew on me like crazy and then it's like she forgot about me. It kinda hurts cuz she was my first anything.


Actually, you're in the average position in California. Nobody here has a career except people who made it on the news for making something weird like Soylent.