What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Nice red dawn reference

Rick's wife makes him sit in a chair in the corner whenever the bull comes to visit

donna brazile = dnc chair?

He meant he's a faggot.

Radio Free America Announcer: It's 11:59 on Radio Free America; this is Uncle Sam, with music, and the truth until dawn. Right now I've got a few words for some of our brothers and sisters in the occupied zone: "the chair is against the wall, the chair is against the wall", "john has a long mustache, john has a long mustache". It's twelve o'clock, American, another day closer to victory. And for all of you out there, on, or behind the line, this is your song.
[the Battle Hymn of the Republic begins to play]

This style of codeword/phrase system was used in Europe during WW2 to send instructions to operatives behind enemy lines. The Chair is Against the Wall could mean that a set of railway tracks must be blown up or a supply drop was en route to a group of operatives.

"John has a long mustache" is a direct reference to the Allied code phrase for Operation Overlord, the Normandy Invasion (D-Day, WW2). The signal, like many others, was sent over normal radio broadcasts; each codeword/phrase meant something to a specific group or individual listening in Nazi occupied territory. This specific code phrase was the signal to the French Resistance (the Maquis) that the invasion would begin the next day. To them, this meant that need to execute pre-arranged sabotage and other preparations as planned before the landings on the French coast.

The whole sequence is an homage to the movie "The Longest Day", in which French Resistance members are listening to the radio, and hear a sequence of the normally meaningless (to them) phrases, until they hear "John has a long mustache" repeated twice, and set in motion the pre-invasion plans. The Germans also realize the invasion is about to begin, but due to Allied deceptions, the Nazis are still unsure as to the landing site.

In "The Longest Day", the sequence was "Molasses tomorrow will bring forth cognac", then "John has a long mustache".

It's almost like he learned from his earlier hubris and is beginning to study ways of communicat -- no, wait, it's the anti-Russian thing, in full brainlessness. And in support of a woman who sold the Russians our uranium on favorable terms, but now wants to be our first choice to bother her patrons.

Tomorrow should be the most happening day in the whole election. I just hope that Hillary's shit is worse than Trump's

It's a call back to WW2 when BBC radio would pass on code words to operatives on the continent.

There is a song with this announcement:


He means his daughter is a coal burner.

He'll kick it out from under himself once the rope is around his neck.

He means, John has a long mustache.

It means I want to bone Lisa Boothe.

This guy is the lamest nerd

this guy is such a faggot.

He's trying to play along with Killary's Russian meme to hide the fact that he's traumatized by anime.

Who's this guy for? Clinton or Trump?

the luuuuuuuuunatic,
is on twitter

the luuuuuuuuunatic,
is such a cuck



He's an anti trumper Romney cuck

Mcmuffin, the CIA, Mormon, Goldman Sachs, operative.


>a woman who sold the Russians our uranium on favorable terms

I really hope Trump DESTROYS her on this now.

he's just getting things ready to hang himself

Are cryptic tweets the worst types of tweets?

Why are middle aged dems so fucking cringe

>I'm not a reporter

you're not much of anything, really

I bet he masturbates to hidden camera videos of his daughter getting blacked

He means he is quite literally being cucked by his wife by a negro.

His chair is to remain in the corner of the room against the wall at all times.

That's the rules.



Based gook

Laughing out loud, what a cuck! #MAGA

It means he's fucking LARPing again

It's a metaphor for a chairman of the Department of Justice that is against Trump and the republicans by extension, indicating a slight lean towards prosecution of Comey for stating that he is investigating emails possibly linked to Hillary Clinton and the DNC/Democrat Party using bribery, violence, incitement and criminality to influence the election.

>His big October surprise was muh Russians
>BTFO by Carlos Slim's blog of all places within hours of it dropping

Fucking embarrassing

They used this in the movie Red Dawn (1984)

When Russians/Cubans invaded America. Coded msgs to troops behind enemy lines. Excellent movie. Don't watch the remake. Horrible.


He's gonna hang himself.

you stop that

It's call the "bosses" chair

Somebody from /aco/ might get it.

I hope he livestreams it, would be highly entertaining

I thought the phrase was ". . . wounds my heart with a monotonous langour"

I copied that shit, I don't know the line.

Why? I thought DAK was the most happening day, Sup Forums was going nuts for 2 days straight

>the chair is against the wall

answers.com sounds like an official government information web site. I will defer to them.