Woah, so powerful...
Woah, so powerful
Why orange?
>"gun control" pin is a flag of a country where guns are not controlled
Because Florida
ban guns now literally fascist, dictator, hitler, stalin, nazi, white supremacist, cop killing niggers, trump.
its the color of oranges, the state fruit of florida
Even still, hollywood narcissism, hypocrisy and virtue-signaling is complete fucking cancer
I'll believe they're serious when they fire all their security guards and disarm themselves first.
Funny when a bunch of niggers shoot eachother in Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, New Orleans or Philadelphia nobody cares but some shitskin kills a few Jews and suddenly these oven dodgers want to ban guns.
west coast homos leave the gunshine state alone
Something about a pin that's basically declaring you aren't carrying a weapon feels somewhat exploitable, but I guess that doesn't really apply for the oscars itself
Will the heavily armed security guards be wearing pins also?
it's funny how hollywood is always about anything but movies nowdays
shows how shitty the industry really is
I’m sure that none of the security is armed then correct? Otherwise that would be a bit hypocritical
oh good!
now here's Oscar nominee toys with guns!
back to wherever you came from
Spoiled Hollywood celebs take a break from snorting coke and raping each other, to lecture America on how horrible we are.
> Blade Runners
Literally killer cops but Replicant lives don't matter to the elite.
Look at that dumpy fucker in the back. The police have it so fucking easy. Do they even PT?
No they don't PT, they just shoot you.
Have there been any black Replicants? If they were killed would niggers chimp out ala BLM?
Good, You NRA nuts are cancerous and you're only fueled by the constantly exhorting "white nationalists" infecting this site because they've been ousted from every hole on the internet that has previously rejected them.
I think that is one of the most disgusting pictures ever taken
Found the Jew
Then why are you here?
It's like every Oscar's ceremony they just spin a wheel to select the new Virtue Badge.
haha spacey is there in the back
I'm in the UK so I don't have a gun. But if I was an American I'd sooner give up my life than my firearm.
If muslims went jihad on the Oscars, would the cops stand down and hide outside behind cover? Or would they be ordered to storm the place?
Porky there might hide
Police are always expected to immediately confront mass shooters. But they tend to be cowards who would prefer to pension out.
I was wondering how they are going to try and avoid the whole Hollywood rape scandal
Leftists never let a tragedy go to waste.
This isn't Facebook you mouthbreathing retard.
>You NRA nuts
We will never own the amount of guns your false idols have protecting them tonight.
protecting from silly gun nuts who shouldn't have guns
So blacks?
>tfw team america was right about celebs
Why do they deserve protection but I don’t?
they obviously don't want gun rights taken from the police and security
little mad are we?