Margot Robbie looks like that.???
still would no doubt
thats a pretty hard 26 bros
she's like the older version of jamie pressly.
Yeah she's still pretty perfect
Still looks good
still qt as fuck
She looks really good for no makeup
Youd be surprised. Some of my friends have broken up with their gfs when they saw them without makeup.
Makes a huge difference
three threads...seriously?
not even close
still hot
You're right, because saying a certain woman looks fine without makeup means we're claiming she's the hottest woman ever.
I love her in My Name is Earl.
She is still very, very pretty
Looks like a mid 00’s pornstar
Anyone who talks shit about her, I demand you show us a picture of your gf
that woman looks like shit without makeup
ok faggot check out my girl
nigga what the fuck
>inb4 trying to look uglier so she can prove she is not just a pretty face
tay tay
tay tay
i would do you every day day
every hour every minute every second on my face face
little to no makeup
Looks better without makeup imho she's perfect like a rough Jamie Pressley
Still very cute
shoo shoo spooky skelly
All this makes me think of are the 7/10s at work, gym, etc. who I'll never see as a 9/10 we'll never go out.
retype this
All this makes me think of are the 7/10s at work, gym, etc. who I'll never see as a 9/10 we'll never go out.
Why Taylor Swift look like Christian Slater without makeup?
>who I'll never see as a 9/10 we'll never go out.
as in, you don't see them as pretty enough to go out with?
How come I find women more attractive without makeup?
because that means they're actually attractive instead of tricking you
I unironically find her more attractive this way than when she's dressed up like a hooker as she usually is.
But I really like the girl next door look, I guess.
They both look good
Still looks good
>who I'll never (get to) see as a 9/10 (because) we'll never go out.
still would tongue punch her fart box
Nigga just bc Jaime Pressly is also perfect doesn't mean margot cant be
looks like a typical aussie to me
jaime so sexy in my name is earl
Her lips were made for sucking dick and look just as good here as with make up
Must be it. i always think of makeup as a mask.
>mfw a fortune cookie probably has more walls than her vagina