Madam President

Who's ready for the biggest landslide come Election Day?

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I am ready.

sup plebbit
good lad

Hillary Clinton LAUGHING about GETTING CHILD RAPIST off charge in 1980's

Stop spreading false rumours. Thats been proven false again and again.

Trump will win.

it's already begun...

begun? she's had the lead for ages.

God you CTR fuckers suck at making memes.

Not gonna lie, former Hillary voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Hillary crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this woman get the nuclear codes!
Hillary Clinton Admitting She is AGAINST Gay Marriage and FOR Iraq War

not even hillary believes that

How so? You can hear her, on tape, laughing.

>being this mad
Sorry pal, this thread is for election winners only.

its taken out of context. laughing isn't a crime.

Not even going to lie but I work for CTR. I am so sad that trump will win but i must keep shilling. what went wrong bros.
Hillary Clinton Admitting She is AGAINST Gay Marriage and FOR Iraq War
Hillary Clinton LAUGHING about GETTING CHILD RAPIST off charge in 1980's

>six hundred and fifty thousand emails

your contract ends in a few days you might want to quit while you're ahead. get a respectable job

its not the 80s anymore kid

and 0 of any importance

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


do you have a source on the spooky hillary campaign coming and posting on your safe space? didn't think so.

its not 2011 anymore either

That's why she deleted 33K? Because they weren't of any importance?

i have sources that say she's going to jail

Winner? She didn't win the primary. She stole it. Haha

being a pos surely takes a toll doesn't it?

Hey CTR niggers , how do you even justify the project veritas videos?
>inb4 they're fake
Those faggots were filmed with a hidden camera, they didn't know they were recorded.

since the FBI didn't find anything then yes. No crimes committed.

What in Davy Jones’ locker did ye just bark at me, ye scurvy bilgerat? I’ll have ye know I be the meanest cutthroat on the seven seas, and I’ve led numerous raids on fishing villages, and raped over 300 wenches. I be trained in hit-and-run pillaging and be the deadliest with a pistol of all the captains on the high seas. Ye be nothing to me but another source o’ swag. I’ll have yer guts for garters and keel haul ye like never been done before, hear me true. You think ye can hide behind your newfangled computing device? Think twice on that, scallywag. As we parley I be contacting my secret network o’ pirates across the sea and yer port is being tracked right now so ye better prepare for the typhoon, weevil. The kind o’ monsoon that’ll wipe ye off the map. You’re sharkbait, fool. I can sail anywhere, in any waters, and can kill ye in o’er seven hundred ways, and that be just with me hook and fist. Not only do I be top o’ the line with a cutlass, but I have an entire pirate fleet at my beck and call and I’ll damned sure use it all to wipe yer arse off o’ the world, ye dog. If only ye had had the foresight to know what devilish wrath your jibe was about to incur, ye might have belayed the comment. But ye couldn’t, ye didn’t, and now ye’ll pay the ultimate toll, you buffoon. I’ll shit fury all over ye and ye’ll drown in the depths o’ it. You’re fish food now.

weak effort

no real ones that have any credibility.

Gangnam style?

She will be a great president. You have nothing to fear. you won't be deported.

It's funny how Comey was credible before, but now he's not.

it wasn't taken out of context. right before she laughs she says he took a polygraph test and passed.

Fuck you I will go legal like everyone should

there you admit it then. she isn't laughing at the victim.

Comey stated there is unlikely to be anything of importance in the new emails.

These memes are so retarded, they should qualify for medicaid so they can get staff to keep them from hurting themselves and to make tendies

Weird, I figured Hillary's dreams would be geared more towards Russia and nuclear devastation.


that's why he reopened the investigation. because it should have remained closed.


>said when they were competitors wow

Its not the same investigation.

Bill is ready.

George is ready.

it's not being opened again, it's just being shut extra tight

Fucking Canada cucks.
How can you even be this retarded?
Leaf shits.

bring it. nothing will happen.

look it up yourself

sure thing chief. i look forward to your tears and asshurt in 8 days. don't be a little bitch and say you saw it coming either

>he thinks Hillary is winning
The only thing Hillary will win is a one way ticket to the gallows.


Still said it leaf.

Also, our election is none of your business.

they said Trump had less than a 1% chance of winning the Primary. I like the odds.

keep telling yourself that.

I like your little word game there. How you spun it like it was my idea. people like YOU are the ones who said Trump had no chance in the primary, you're saying it again now.
Just level with me for a second, are you really this far in delusion or are you paid per post?

>thread with shrink leaf gets pruned but this shit stays up
I hate all of you

look at an election map. Trump can't win those swing states. be realistic.

She's laughing about the perp being guilty, dumbfuck. Why would a case like that be a laughing matter at all for any decent person?

>shilling for killary in this thread,shilling for any criminal.

No she isn't. No matter what you say reality isn't going to be changed around to fit your views.

You're avoiding my question. I must assume you're paid for post. Either that or you have a very low bar for entertainment. Maybe stuck in the subway?

Listened to it already you moron.
I know what she said and you're a cuck leaf shit in denial.

Yes, she is, dipshit. She's laughing because he was guilty yet passed the polygraph anyway. That shit's incontrovertible and unacceptable for a candidate who claims to be so pro-women and pro-children.

you will be the first to die after 5 years of the 350k immigrants a year leading to civil war.

won't happen.

>nerd virgins actually get paid for this
weak meme desu

>mfw Sup Forums's laughably stupid and inexperienced candidate of choice doesn't win
i literally cannot wait for the trump tears on this board next week

I'm saving these Hillary pepes, I know they'll be in high demand as historical artifacts once Trump wins.

Well? Go on then. Disprove it!

>implying all of us are supporting this crooked election.
Time to grow up son.

Trump simply cannot overcome his electoral vote deficit.

its on politifacts

Ya ok. Clinton is aggressively playing attack ads in MA. They haven't voted red since Reagan in '84. I think it was another 30 years before Reagan it was red also. She might not even win in one of the most liberal states in the fucking world. So fuck you, fuck your illegals, fuck your Syrians, and fuck your madame president. Also, thank you in advance for correcting the record.

>Case reopened literally today
>didn't find anything lol

Uh yeah ok. 650k emails is a LOT to sift through. Let's wait and see what they say, huh kiddo?

Sorry, he was ahead nearly the entire time. The people who gave him a low chance of winning the primary were spitting in the face of the polling and the ballots.

if you needed my post to specifically state 'except for the anons who dont support trump' in order to not get triggered you should probably find some professional help for your mental retardation


If Hillary wins we'll have three spinsters atop the largest Western economies. What better symbol for a decaying civilization.

sure. she will be president before they find anything and will pardon herself.

You may just be getting lumped in with NH or ME.

I'm sorry, but did Donald Trump already lose? Oh, that's right. The election isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only half time. Does not having the lead before the election is over count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this post when the election is still on? Donald Trump is still campaigning right now and he has been the best man in the Republican party for how many years now? He's running against one of the worst candidates in the USA who just happens to have a lead because she's feeding off the energy of listening to a biased liberal media. But you know what? She still fucking sucks. Donald Trump is one of the best fucking presidential candidates in the USA, he won by only 32 less delegates than Romney did in the Republican primary 4 years ago and would be winning the general if Hillary would just drop dead. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded comments like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Donald Trump wins and he Makes America Great Again. Oh look at that, Hillary ROTTEN Clinton just had a tiny rally when she needed litarally anything else, just like Tim Kaine did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're just one shill making all these anti-Trump comments because you're a faggot cuck who doesn't like the team because they're winning. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking candidates on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your posts now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a comment like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

That's not how targeted ads on TV work

>implying congress wouldn't impeach her in that case