What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?

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obviously the white man

he's bff with megan kelly


was he fired?

Take your pick

Is he gay?

Lemons tend to have a sour disposition

He's a gay liberal nigger



what do you mean you autistic fuck?

Sucked 1 too many lemons

Life gave his parents a lemon and they didn't even get lemonade out of it

I hate Will Smith.

Did you not notice his complexion?

Who is the old hag that's on his show literally laughing and high fiving him while perpetuating debunked articles?

Just a paid shill is all he is.

No problem really, he doesn't care about anything but his money.

>diversity hire
>literally unqualified for anything


Wolf Blitzer wouldn't give him sweet cock.

Quick someone post his height again so we can all laugh

Yeah, CNN prime time hosts, both Anderson and Lemon are gay.

He is ((CNN's)) pet house nigger.

3' 7"

He was smirking during the Dallas police shootings at the BLM protest.

Rush Hour was ok, but not heard much since

Wolf Blitzer doesn't take shit from anyone there, he should be the face of CNN.

Tapper if they want someone good looking though.

it ain't easy being a gay black reptilian

I think he's literally a puppet or animatronic. I have never seen someone in the press rely so heavily on an ear piece to conduct even simple reporting or interviewing tasks

This is they guy I am most looking forward to hearing about Trump's victory from

Wolf pisses me off with his blatant biased bullshit

The only people that are tolerable to watch are Erin Burnett and Jake tapper. The rest are so corny/biased/moronic I can't even watch anymore

Don Lemon is really great. Who else has the balls to broadcast "NIGGER" on cable tv?

LOL! youtube.com/watch?v=zPJtg_-PtDQ

That's tiger woods dummy.

Is he no longer a problem?

This guy for me.

I like Fareed Zacaría or whatever his name is on sundays.

its pronounced don le mon. i think ive seen him cry on air 3 times in the past 4 months

that's fine, some things are worth crying about.

That you faggots think you are smug and intelligent and you can fuck us over. That was your little mistake, well i ll knock on your door. And then you will see some little psyop, like a crescendo of it. You little isreali fag.

That dude know his shit!

He is in a no win situation.

Black people hate him because he is successful and acts like a respectable person. He doesn't buy into something being a racist conspiracy immediately.

The right hates him because he is left leaning.

Sup Forums hates him because people here are racist fucks


Being a queen makes his disposition doubly sour.

those two + fareed zakaria are the best

but zakaria is probably the best in the business period

Low ratings. Easy.

I'm more surprised at the fact he's 50.

Uppity nigger who needs to feel hated because his life has been so pathetically easy for someone who was supposed to be hated for his sexuality and skin color.

>he's 50.

Lmao, he must have fixed it. He's like 5'3 tops
Muggsy boges sized little fagboy

After election cnn will die.

The aches and pains of being 50 probably contributes to his unpleasantness too.

Fareed is a heavily slanted Muslim shill. You can figure this out by watching him for just a few minutes. He's nearly as bad as Lemon

i wouldnt deny that he obviously has a political opinion that he leans towards - like any human being - but his content is really fucking good lad (at least in comparison to the looooooooow bar that tv news sets)

Nigga, please!

That nu-male is a hard second for me.

>left leaning

Dude he is one of the most shilly shills on ((CNN))

I bet he could take Don Lemon out with one punch.

what did he do now?

He is a total shill on US news, but he is tolerable to watch when he focuses on foreign news that most other programs don't bother with because either Trump or Hillary is giving a speech or someshit.

I hate this dude, he looks like an old boy who skipped puberty, like a skinnier, more punchable Andy Milonakis.


You know Hennity is our shill boy? Thats this guy for the left.

He whined too much to Kellyanne about cub reporters getting booed. Looked pathetic.

It'll be this guy for me. Can't. Fucking. Wait.

That isn't Anthony Bourdain. It's Milo Yianopolous

Every time I watch his show, its "this is why everyone hates america" or "what x thinks of Americans and the election" or general shilling/trump bashing

They really need to overhaul the whole network and go back to being a dramatic news driven network. Ever since trump started.winning its been shilling and biased leftist bullshit

You fucking moron, that's Eric Roberts.

>le mon
Literally "Joe Deer-Tay." Kek

Look at this fucking nerd next to Miss Piggy. Like a poor man's Harry Potter. I'd kick him right in the dick until he puked and take his lunch money.




He has so much makeup on he literally has on blackface every night
