bought this g33 stock at a yard sale for $15. Do u think it smashed any (((skulls))). Does it have potential as far as occultism goes? Maybe I should be asking this question on /x/?
Bought this g33 stock at a yard sale for $15. Do u think it smashed any (((skulls)))...
The emblem is a nazi youth pin that was welded on by the soldier who brought it back to the states, he ran a machine shop truck in northern France and Germany.
Goto /k/
it should smash skulls ez. check out iraqveterans video on smashing concrete with the stock of his mosin nagant
You bought a knockoff nazi boyscout rifle and you are asking if you can summon daemons with it?
Yea, your right.. go to /x/ and dont come back.
Why are you posting these images at me
Fucking kek
It's clearly not a Boy Scout rifle. It's one of the rarer rifle stocks from ww2. And it's the only one with some dead nazis pin on it.
you said that it was brought back and some frenchman welded the pin to it.
Go ask /k/ if its real.
>dead nazi
nazi youth, and the kid might still be alive.
A US army soldier welded the pin to it while on the northern part of the western front. Who knows where he got the stupid fucking pin but the rifle is issued to elite mountain troops, it's not some shitty Mauser firewood.
Also /k/ has no idea what the g33 is. They only know modern weapons and meme weapons.
/k/ here. Looks old like it could be legit. Just because some guy at a garage sale told you some story about it doesn't make it some super rare special object. He very well could have bought some old surplus stock years ago and bought the Hitlerjügend pin at a gun show and stick welded it on so sell over priced to some chump years later.
Yeah I guess
No buddy
I dont even remember whats been said in this thread tbhdesusenpai. Im just drunk and kindof pissed off at the fact that you think a rifle can summon slendermans and spoopy ghosts.
Honeslty, I dont mean to shit on your rifle, Im sure its a good gun. The way Ive seen this thread is you got a gun with a nazi boyscout emblem and think the nazi youth were the ss or something.
well to his credit, i once summoned a demon with a steak knife that had a pentagram etched on it with ketchup, and a mcdonalds happy meal.
They want you to suck on their moist nugget
greentext that shit for lulz
Got from Old woman at garage sale, it was her uncles. I have his name, know that he moved to my town after the war and can prove the machine shop truck thing, the story checks out.