Through trade? Through claim? Through force?
When does something become your property and you "own" it?
Other urls found in this thread:
Through conquest
When you can stop somebody from taking it.
you must challenge the other to a legitimate duel
When I get a sauce on that.
>Through trade? Through claim? Through force?
I'd say a little bit of each. Lordship also stems through continuity.
When you post the proper $$$ for it
To add to that, man was made natural king over the each, including all of its resources. It's therefore not out of the realm of probability that things like birthright, will, authority are pertinent to this phenomenon of owenership
"When you can utterly destroy it"
-Frank Herbert
Initially it was if you worked the land. If no one claimed it previously to you then it was yours the moment it is worked away from the "natural state" (referring to the state of nature here).
Anything after that it'd either be through conquest or contract.
Through acknowledgement of property rights from your ruling government.
Makes sense considering how he destroyed his own franchise and acted like an IP Nazi
whatchoo mean? His son wrote everything after chapterhouse and it sucked dicks. Also he thought the movie was pretty good, but he admitted it had very little to do with the book.
I think he's still a cool guy
i'd like to make her my property if you know what i mean
By Mortal Kombat alone.
Everything else derives from it.
Nobody noticed that painful ass ear piercing
Through dick.
You just have to grab it and it's yours
This. Very broad, but that covers it. In western society, laws are involved to support it, and those who enforce the laws (not just police, but the society as a whole).
Through title
You are all my property. So long as I assert myself as holder, I am the proprietor of the thing. I own you, all of you.
Through use and possession.
This is the basis for legal ownership.
When it's a google Nov 9th after Trump wins.
oi get fucked white fella
Based Varys
When they knock on your door asking for candy
All 3 of those depending on the situation.
Never. A man can at best own himself. Most don't.
All property ultimately stems from labor--labor enacted upon a natural object gives you a right to that object. Later, for practical reasons, these rights become transferable; there are also situations where the rights weren't transferred with consent but where the transfer nevertheless needs to be acknowledged for practical reasons.
You "own" things by acquiring title to it, either by way of labor acting upon a natural object (which very, very few people do nowadays), or by convincing others to give you title to their property (most commonly through labor in their service; also by inheritance, gifting, etc.)
This is somewhat ignoring the fact that we later move off trade and barter to holding currencies backed by precious materials, then fractional banking and eventually entirely into currency which is backed by the economic value we believe it represents.
>labor enacted upon a natural object gives you a right to that object
All the labor in the world is worthless if someone punches you in the mouth and takes your shit.
you don't own anything. it's a nice delusion our society has.
Look to the relevant property laws in your state.
Property is enforced by contract and deed, which is enforced by the state, which is enforced by, well, force, which you pay for in tax. Libertarians skip the middleman in that and view "self-help" (which means protecting your property with your own force) as the protection but the underlying principle is the same.
t. Work in property law
It's time to stop posting.
trial comes before sentencing retard.