What is ther reason for Hollywood jews to hate Blade Runner 2049?

What is ther reason for Hollywood jews to hate Blade Runner 2049?

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It didn't had a transgender character. And the only black character with an important role in the story was a criminal

The Oscars never liked sci fi

Wood Harris was a criminal?

The child slave owner dude

>skinjob this, skinjob that
>racial epithet spraypainted on the door
>there's a wall in our society
>you bring that wall down and you start a war
>evil white male kills his ""children"" that mirror a lesbian whilst also believinghe is god
>poor black man is forced to have child labour to make stuff for the evil white man and his enterprise
>the savior is a mixed female (assuming deckass is human and the evil white male who enjoys the good old days was lying)
>aryan cop (madame) wants the mixed child and all evidence destroyed to protect the world
I'm surprised too. This was some fury road level garbage and that thing was up for everything


Academy doesn't like box office bombs or Sci-fi movies

Bunch of jerkoffs that can't think.

Literally, they love hollywood jerking itself off and hate anything even remotely thought provoking. BR2049 wasn't even a very deep movie, but it was more than enough to toss the academy off. They want something 'emotional', so something with lots of shouting or crying or bullshit, but no real brains in it.

They said at the start of the ceremony only 2 best picture noms made over $100 million so it's obviously not the money thing

You have to take it against the budget. Shape of water only made like $100M but it only cost 20M so it made a huge profit.

this is really sad, fucking shit awards.

It doesn’t promote their political agenda
It’s a flop sequel to a flop sci fi movie
The voters are old white men and soccer moms, they probably fell asleep halfway or couldn’t keep track of what was happening

It's a meme by children of videogames

Who are all these retards that just started spamming this video game shit? Did your favorite Youtuber call it that or something? Literally started seeing this shit everywhere just 2 days ago

Looks like soyrunnner just won an award
There goes the Sup Forumsedditors "they hate sci-fi" meme

It just won an Oscar fag

How new are you? Sup Forums has been standing against Sup Forumseddit cheetodust sensiblities invading cinema for years now.


Women hate the idea of hookers and cyber-waifus

They realize their vagina is their only commodity and will stop and nothing to make sure it stays this way.

Thank you for existing, Blade Runner.

>Sup Forums has been doing lazy copypasta shitposts for years now

>How new are you
like all of the 2049 drones he came around august for game of thrones

It is what it is.

Academy prefers to see some bullshit 'drama' about a failing marriage or a couple of gays hooking up instead of thinking about the future or how humanity and society will change or adapt to the introduction of discoveries or technology that is only a generation or two from being reality.

It's 2018. Diversity is important. You literally cannot just ignore casting persons of color without making some kind of political statement. Play ball or get the fuck off the field, time's up.

So then why is Dunkirk winning?
Soy Runner had far more shitskins peppered in it

>Diversity is important.

Really saw a lot of that diversity with Black Panther.

For what, sound editing or some bullshit?

They hate Ryan Gosling because they suspect him of being a bad goyim.

>these don't count
Fucking hilarious

Because it's actually a shit film user, sorry to break it to you. It caters to easily impressionable manchildren who don't actually watch movies but want to pretend like they have good taste. That's why it's Sup Forums's movie of the year.

It's a movie for middle class white men, the group they hate most. Almost everything else they make is for some shitty group, be it artsy movies for wealthy bourgeois shit libs, Cape shit for low IQ whites, nogs, spics, and creatively bankrupt asians, or gay feelsy movies for women.

Dunkirk was great but is probably not going to win.

Kinda. It just shows what it means to love a man and women just arent capable of love.

Moonlight has a lot of diversity, aint it?

What is the reason for plebs to claim to like "based Goose" despite not having seen his better film of 2017, Song to Song?

>It's a movie for middle class white men
Like Dunkirk

Why is Sup Forums so inauthentic? Look at this surface level posting yet he'll be the first one to cry about Sup Forums and posts likes

For Visual Effects.
And to imply that sound editing in a film is not important only shows how much of a brainlet you are

because the majority of them are they link it to drive to pretend they're oldfags

>implying the voters actually watch any of the movies

They're bullshit and the Academy knows they're bullshit too.

I mean, does anyone take the best animated ones seriously?

>anons have to make up some borderline tin foil conspiracies for why no one likes their garbage Sup Forumseddit-core flicks to justify their shit taste

My sides

A better question is:

Does ANYONE other than basement dwelling, white, virgin, nerds like Blade Runner/BR249?

I'm not saying sound editing is important.

But there's a clear line that people and the academy draws, there's some awards that are there to give participation awards, and then there's the ones they actually care about.

Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, ect there's a reason why they take them 10000x more seriously than shit like "Best Costume Design"

my private stable of sexy Thai women LOVE Blade Runner 2049

I was getting alt right vibes off it before I even sat down in the theater. The lobby was filled with video game logo T shirt with suit jacket and fedora types.

The former yes

The Academy just gave it one oscar so yes.




Actually copped the bluray for this movie, its not common to drop money on physical media, but it was so worth it.

That wasnt illegal in that world.

2 Oscars and not a single thank you or nod to Ridley what the fuck is going on? Am I the only one who finds this odd and disrespectful?

>Roger Deakins finally got his award
I can finally turn this shit off

This is very strange ... every single anti blade runner post now mentions videogame, either this is discord faggotry or some famous reddit podcast called br videogamey.

Anyone keep track of these things? can anyone check? i am talking to regulars here, stay away from this post reddit.

Dont forget no Gay character too.

no, The Captain Now

Yes me.

What now Sup Forumseddit cancer? They beat a woman

soy runner really is liberal trash

It won two oscars

So did Deakons finally win for visual effects?

Awesome. Time to see the prices for the movie go up cause of it's Oscar status now.

This is soo fucking weird, its like if /elchapotraphouse/ faggots who used to flip memes decided to stop reverting them and started subverting them.

>this non-liberal non-soy thing is liberal and soy
>if you like it you are reddit.
>heh 4channers are THIS dumb

Because it's not a very good story. You dummies like it for waifu memes.

>not liking waifu memes
We got a normie here boys

It's a fucking shit movie with nice cinematography. It's not deep, it's tragically bad compared to the original.

Stop shilling your reddit friend simulator. Your disgusting and hilariously awful attempt at pretending you're against that trash is transparent as fuck, shill

Buy an ad or stay on your reddit forum

Fuck these idiots

>implying waifus aren’t real

shitty villain. Why was leto there again? Is he there only for the next sequal

It's seriously on the same level as SWTLJ. Two movies that pretty much ruined my year.

>stop calling us out dude, it only works if they are unaware of our presence.
Yeah not working bud, when you flip memes, regulars can see it, when you subvert them, everyone can see it too.

You aren't aware of your incompetence and that only makes it funnier.

Why was he where?

>turn around tactics
I've seen you shill that garbage multiple times, tourist. From spamming those two images of them and then that not working and changing it to be "anti" them in hopes of getting them more exposure

You're inauthentic

literally too retarded to understand the movie. the rebel replicants are the villains.

>no YOU are the turn around
Dude, this is painful ...

It´s not that good anyways... at least not compared to the first Blade Runner though compared to Hollywood´s usual trash is fucking gold.

Still the oscars doesn´t mean shit anymore.

How much were you paid for this, shill?
>p-ppls discuss these based dudes
Fucking pathetic

Its not me doing that, i just track their fans by the way they behave, they feature a common trait that is easily identifiable, usually copying the alt right and misusing Sup Forums slangs (like treating reddit as a random word)

glad it won statues in the right departments, ´coz story wise its madness.

Leto is a secondary antagonist, and Luv is the primary antagonist. His main role is to shape Luv's character and motivation in the story.