Why don't black lives matter to you?

Why don't black lives matter to you?

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Because they're black

because they don't matter to blacks. how can I respect people who don't respect themselves?

The dubs has spoken

No lives matter whether they are black or blue.

This. Black people are lied to. They are told they are somehow oppressed but if you asked them how they can't come up anything. So instead of doing well at school and getting a decent job they drop out of high school, push drugs and commit violent crime.

This user gets it.
Also because my life doesn't matter to them



Blacks are our enemy.

Fucking stupid niggers.

Because most of them act like violent subhuman animals and they get angry that they have to follow the law like everybody fucking else. Most blacks hate cops and white people.

Is this nigger satire?

>let's blame police for killing some black people who attacked them

>let's ignore how many black people get killed by each other over petty possessions

Why don't black lives matter to you?

they haven't invented much and aren't nearly grateful enough to the people who did invent stuff

this makes my head hurt

because Donald Trump will win california and it won't be close. 55-45.

No. this is nigger reality. Do you not live near niggers? They are almost all this dumb. the smart ones are rare and frankly pretty easy to spot, mostly because they're usually surrounded by whites and asians.

Because moonman proves that white is right

In the grand scheme of things, no one life is of any significance. As an individual life form, the only lives that really matter, to me, are the ones that directly affect my life. Good or bad, they will hold significance to me. I have very few non-white friends, but the ones I do have matter to me. That being said, I don't give a fuck what happens to some gang banging nigger. Mother fuckers wanna to act like savages, then they can die like savages.

pic related = OP

They do. I just wish they mattered to black people.

If you act like a human i care about your life, you act like a rabid animal i care about getting put put down.

Anyone ready for some spoopy red pills?

Take a look at the groups name very carefully. Black Lives Matter.

Now everyone universally accepts it as meaning that African-American lives are systematically more vulnerable to a violent death which is created by a lack of attention from Whites and essentially any other ethnic group that isn't AA.

That's just my short summary on the group.

The true meaning and reasoning behind the group is actually a simple message from one of the controlling "groups".

Black Lives Matter. Black life as matter (physical substance in general, as distinct from mind and spirit; (in physics) that which occupies space and possesses rest mass, especially as distinct from energy.). Black (Black from the remotest antiquity has been the symbol of grief and such is its significance to the Mason). Lives (Energy).

Does it make sense now? They see themselves as mental martyrs in the sense of having to throw their minds into the darkest corners of despair and absolute for the sake of self (propelled by greed, lust, and arrogance).

It's a play on the culling of human life they are willing to extinguish in the ultimate false flag.

Thus giving more credence to Trump being a quantum anomaly in this world line and that we're literally witnessing the effects of tampering with time. Trump isn't the only one with his hands on the tech but has a significantly different one than the other "groups".

dubs of truth

Getting you* put down

Don't respond to b8. Sage thread.

No lives matter to me

They need their numbers culled


Because they stink and I don't like em!

They do matter. That's why.

I live near Shittsburgh, PA. I see a vast majority of trump voters. I think the problem is the shitskins out towards Philly. Fuck that place I will never go back.

Because a lot of them act like the niggers they are, and niggers of any race don't deserve preservation.

>ion think so
>they dnt produce malanin
one of these was president...

>tfw BLM BLMs matter


I hope a police dog rips your guts out, nigger. =)



they dont matter to other blacks, why should as I a white god king give a shit about the sub-human filth that is a nigger.

good day sir

The savage negro occupies a space on the natural hierarchy equivalent to that of an animal being only slightly above the mongrel irishman. A negro lives to be domesticated and is nothing but a wild self destructive beast if set free. Killing a free negro is an act of compassion.

I mostly treat blacks the exact same way I treat whites - or anyone, really. Where BLM rubs me wrong is in the plan fact that it's a divisive ideology/perspective. And the niggers can't into what I mean (huurr all lives matter whut) are fucking cancer on this society.

They commit a disproportional amount of crime inversely based upon their low numbers. They commit more crime than any other race.

Human lives do not matter.

Not an argument. So if whites made a group called "White Lives Matter" then started burning and looting, we could just say that anyone who disagreed with us doesn't think white lives matter. Sophists need to be gassed.

They don't matter to niggers either so why should I give a fuck about the lives they don't value? The only time a niggers life gains value is 0.1 seconds after a white police officer ends it. So if we want to value black lives we should have the cops kill all of them. The value of black life would skyrocket!

>efw WLM WLMs matter

That really calcified my pineal gland.

Even Africans from AFRICA hate black Americans for making them look bad, and THAT is fucking sad. Niggers, more so here than anywhere else, at least with Africa you can blame it on 3rd world conditions, here in America, they turn everything they are given into the 3rd world, wtf.....degenerate shitskins

Of course black lives matter
I don't care about the message they are trying to send, I care about how they do it. And how unorganized they are. Or how Soros uses them as puppets. That's the problem. If balm was lead by another MLK, shit wouldn't be such a problem. Also protesting now is a pop culture statement to lots of people so they just join in cause it's cool. Yes, I believe that they exaggerate how much of victims they are when it comes to cops. But you can't say there isn't a problem. But It's not as big as they think when they say every cop is rasssis or corrupt.

Why do they get special treatment?
I'm white and aside from my inner circle white lives don't matter to me.

*BLM instead of balm. Gay ass autocorrect

As have the trips, black lives don't matter.

Modern niggers would call MLK a coon and talk shit about him for "acting white" AKA not speaking in retard bastard English, having an education and a job.

because I'm not a cuck

Shut up dumbass.

It's a racist organization full of niggers

They have no respect for us and call us neanderthals just because we are smarter than them.

Actually funnily enough, I've heard black people say just that.

Got into fights an arguments over it. I have massive respect for MLK, he was a fine man. But you hear black people saying he was too easy on white people, too sympathetic. Pisses me off.

You just can't win with bastards like that.

No lives matter.

this shit scares me. i used to laugh at the we wuz kangz meme and all the stupid shit that falls out of these monkeys mouths. But it isn't fringe anymore and they genuinely believe this. They made up their history, religion (nigger Israelites), formed domestic terrorists groups , attack whites , belief they are some how Superior and are the only true humans out there because we don't have souls. Mix in the victim complex and king obango legitimizing their actions and we have quite the recipe for genocide. The race war has begun we just aren't fighting back.

good sir you do realize most of them can't read

So we must fight back. Its that simple. If they want a fight, we give it to them, and we'll make sure they lose.

Whatever you're smoking, send me some.

They're probably also pissed because MLK called niggers out on their chimp tier behavior. MLK came from a good place but ultimately he was came to the wrong conclusions

Him bringing about the end of segregation was a mistake for both our people. Niggers demanding equal rights is like a child demanding equal rights. They weren't and will not be in the foreseeable future, equipped intellectually or in temperament for the responsibilities that come with those rights.

Beware unrealistic optimists like MLK, they'll lead you straight into hell promising sunshine and rainbows.

BLM is over. Didn't you get the memo? It's done.

I'll cut them some slack when they're not murdering more than every other race combined.


The hot black women matter men can hang

>deadliest weekend this year
>17 killed
>42 wounded
>213 more dead compared to this time last year


I only heard this mentioned once during evening news and they basically said it was the deadliest weekend this year.

based leaf....

As gay as this sounds pol is our only weapon. We lost the ever important moral high ground from the leftist and never got it back. We need to play a long game of changing the media and education in this country to start the de-brainwashing process. out jew the jew so to speak. I don't know if we have enough time. Fighting back at a local level such as defending a fellow human being attacked by monkeys , defending your home or neighborhood from their "protests" is what we can try and do now. We could crush them easily. We are still the majority, heavy gun culture and they are pretty much all concentrated in urban areas. We lack the will as a people to fight to win.

Because no lives matter to me.

Where have they been recently? I know the Minnesota cop was acquitted in the shooting of Philando Castile, the one that was streamed by his gf. Haven't heard anything about that.

#BlackLivesMatter is a terrorist group founded on lies and supported by leftists who want to give the black community excuses for failure and create a hatred for the right.

Debunking BLM narrative:

Examining BLM:

What BLM isn't telling you:

What would MLK think of BLM:

What BLM doesn't want you to see:

>black women

Pick one

e d g y

I think that was the guy. Either way, it was a cop got off.

life has a colour now...?

If we don't have enough time to fight the ideological war, which is key for a peaceful and proper usurpation of the corruption we face, then we will simply have to fight a physical war. Of course, you can do both simultaneously. But it is right that the former, more civil avenue be exhausted first, just as it was when this nation was founded.
The real trick of the matter is knowing when to alter your course.

But do take comfort in the fact that for now, we are doing very well, if not winning. People are waking up more and more. We haven't won yet, nor should we cease when we do win, but for now, we are doing very well.

And they neglected to say that all of the shooting was the epidemic of Black on Black violence. Innercity Birf Control

It's always hard for me to gauge that. The wake up level of the pop and the way trends are going. The internet is our big break. It is responsible for showing that our MSM is just a giant shill. It really capitalizing on their atrocities and getting the info out there. Which is hard because it is so suppressed. See colin flaherty channel on youtube he documents the black on white crimes that are extremely prevalant. I'm just worried about hitting critical mass. I look at Europe and wonder what will wake them up. Hundreds die in your capital multiples times in one year, culture is changing before your eyes, you and your daughters are assaulted, giant rape/pedo rings, no go areas. What does it take. It's not as bad here but are just another frog sitting in simmering water?


>Why don't black lives matter to you?
Because my black father abandoned me.
Fuck Obama and fuck niggers.

If BLM is such a problem, why do idiots keep getting caught false flagging them?

You talking back to me boy?

>Blacks killed by me in my entire lifetime: ZERO
>Blacks killed by blacks in Chicago alone this weekend: 17

What's crazy is that even Moonman-listening Sup Forumssters care more about black lives IN ACTUAL PRACTICE than blacks do. Really pokes you in the thalamus.

Not that surprised. Chicago violent murder has been up every year for a while now. Made the prediction that they would breach the 600 mark, I just didn't realise they would do with so much time left before the end of the year.

Bloombergs matter

The self entitled welfare cases with multiple kids that they abandoned lives don't matter but reasonable, responsible productive members of the black community do matter though

Anyone who doesn't think their own people matter will never matter to me
Lack of pride and self respect make you inhuman

I think we'll really just have to feel it out, by and large. I also think a lot more people are aware shit is bad than we're allowed to believe. The media is indeed biased and corrupt, so we can't expect them to tell the truth.

But that's another reason the net is our greatest tool. We need not rely on the media. We can hear first hand accounts from the people and we often do.

I don't know. I definitely don't have all the answers. But I think we'll have to follow our gut. It hasn't led us wrong yet. We just have to remember what is really important and keep sight of our goals. If we remain ideologically pure and straightforward, we will not be led wrong.

We must succeed and build a better world.

Lives matter to me. Why must you focus on the black ones? Why divide in the first place?

Black Men's lives matter to me, niggers do not.

A black man loves his wife, a nigger fornicates with hoes.

A black man teaches his children, a nigger just makes more niggers.

A black man tries to better himself for his family and community, a nigger dies in the street.

BLM is full of niggers trying to act like black men.

Because no lives matter. Black lives matter as much as white, asian, etc. lives. I think that the government shouldn't be killing them over bullshit (to be clear, I understand that this isn't what's happening in the majority of the cases and whites are often killed over the same bullshit, you just don't hear about it) and I support less government involvement in social matters (no drug laws, prostitution laws, or laws against any behavior that doesn't hurt anyone else, so pretty much any vice 'crime' and many others) which would help this. However, in the grand scheme of things, no lives matter. On a universal scale, we are orders of magnitude less important than ants are to us.

That's the truth of the BLM movement. Its an attempt to further divide the people, and it worked to a degree. But people are becoming wise to the corruption, to the political games.

A house divided will surely fall. Those in power know this, but so do we. We won't let them destroy our country anymore.

Blacks who act civilized are fine. Blacks who act like inner-city thugs are cancer and must be removed like kebab.


If black lives matter... YAWN.... then prove it.

I think most were under 20 too.

I'm guessing they'll have 300 more in 2016 compared to 2015.

They do, but their culture can go back to Africa