>using tinder
>see this
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>using tinder
>see this
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being black id hit her up. my chance seems pretty high to smash
>Only qualifier is skin color
sounds like a low quality lay tbqh
>pretend to be black
>chat her up
>ask to meet
>go blackface and dress in baggy clothing
>learn to speak like a gangbanger
>show up to the date and immediately assault her
>make sure to shout things like "white whore" and "dumb honky bitch"
>she is now weaned off blacks for life
This. She clearly has herpes or worse now. I know the fucking stats. Just congratulate her on her new baby and ask what happened to the father when she gets older if you ever meet her. :^)
Lead her on and emotionally abuse her for a week, if you can.
well you're obviously looking for whores so what did you expect?
It can be just a photo. Anyway is it really important.
>OMG black dick have been in her vagina, she's updatable now
Dated a blacked, japed and turked girl who was absolutely based
Pretend to be rich. Set up date somewhere expensive. Never show. Laugh. Repeat until she realizes you are fucking with her,
Match. Fugg. Enjoy the benefits of AIDS.
She must be really poplar! You should totes bang that poplar diseased pussy it's in hot demand!
Apparently not based enough for you to still be dating.
>uninstall Degeneracy: The App
Damn. White woman got these nigs enslaved like its 1765
Bet they'd do ANYTHING she asks
are u cuck
You couldn't even find a cute and traditional virgin girl? I don't even live in Russia and I found one from there.
Uninstall Tinder.
Drown myself in the tub for using Tinder.
>using tinder
Kill yourself is the correct answer.
I wasn't looking for a wife. People meet and mingle randomly.
She practiced target shooting, hated islam and jews, was a music enthusiast just like me. She moved to France and I moved to Moscow, so it was as a technical break up
never got cheating on or enabled alien hostile group. apparently no
I want smartphone users to be permanently banned from Sup Forums.
chuckle. Saved me the trouble of considering.
>using tinder
I wouldn't.
You seem like the kinda fellow who would shoot a man at the gallows
This one too.
Nice trips
Thats what I thought as well when I saw it. Some impressive mental gymnastics going on there.
Rate this fit bird
This. 90% of the time of the girl has a black guy in any of her photos (even if it's just a gay friend) I match
she could actually become really pretty if she dressed and acted like a normal girl
>queer rad nonbinary poly poet bb
What did xe mean by this?
Nice trips
practically begging to be recognized
Pretty much means Austin,TX is the new California.
I saw this happen in Colorado too. Californians flocked there and fucked the whole place up.
>Walking petri dish
>t. Cuck
Just gotta sit back drink a beer and watch the world burn DESU senpai
It's like half Angelina Jolie from Hackers and half gross
Not giving a shit, I'm a libertarian.
Christ, she looks like she's in her late 30s.
I'm pretty sure that upper class French black guy, Jamaica governor's son, partner in law from Turkey and foreign students from Japan are not walking STDs. Besides she was clean, I require all girls to take a mutual test to have unprotected.