This is why, dumbasses. This thread is addressed to genuine Sup Forums posters only. Oil shills, go fuck yourselves.

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck the hippies protesting it and the oil jews pushing it.

keep the environment clean. allow the pipeline to. be built with a massive damage deposit.

also approve keystone xl

Lol, oh no one acre got splashed with a bit of oil. Meanwhile trumps new manufacturing super factories he is going to build will be pumping out radioactive mercury all over you.

>this has happened two times in recent memory
>when there are millions of gallons of oil across thousands of miles of pipeline operating 24/7
that's some pretty good six-sigma shit desu
safer than most other industries

I'd put an oil pipeline in my backyard as long as it wasn't loud or anything

It will be glorious

Yeah just use trains that's so much safer. Or, ship it to China on tankers.

This oil train (owned by prominent Democrat donor Warren Buffet) killed 47 people when it derailed

Why can't you demoshits get it through your thick skulls that the oil is going to come either way?

Wtf I hate infrastructure now

You prefer that we ship them over rail that can crash and cause way more damage? Or do you not have an actual solution to the problem just like every other environmentalist.

Those protestors are likely on the payroll of Warren Buffet

Bullshit, I've specifically asked them not to cut the footlong in half at Subway and they've done it anyway.

>this has happened two times in recent memory

"According to the data, since 1986 there have been nearly 8,000 incidents (nearly 300 per year on average), resulting in more than 500 deaths (red dots on the video), more than 2,300 injuries (yellow dots on the video), and nearly $7 billion in damage."

I said no oil shill liars.

More probably it's foreign governments who prefer we continue to buy from them as opposed to developing more North American sources thus driving down the price more.

ol' colonials always fucking something up

>30 years
>7 billion in damage
>500 deaths
so literally nothing?
a california wildfire can do that in a week

>Wanting to defend the crude Jew
Sup Forums, you fucking kike lovers. tsk, tsk, keep consuming the environmentally dangerous oil jee, you race traitors.

How are we supposed to ship it then? Telekinesis?

>when the majority of oil pipeline spills are in a "literally where"


Looks like literally everywhere.

You're not. Stop using oil, you fucking cavefucks. We should have gotten off this shit decades ago, but oil plutocrats have too much invested in fucking the system.

>don't want pipeline
>won't give up driving

Seriously, unless you walk everywhere then shut the fuck up.

You're baiting, but you're right. We need to develop more nuclear power.

>stop using oil
>lol why is everyone freezing to death up there

lol ok, just give us space cares and fusion reactors to survive in -40, you know, celcius cavefuck?

>stop using oil
>5 billion people starve to death
>"we're the compassionate ones!"
Demoshits, everyone.

Is this legit? I don't see any sources but I could believe it.

One just exploded 4 miles away from me
>look up "Helena pipeline explosion"
Anyway pipelines are safer then train cars. And require very few moving parts.

How are vehicles going to operate without oil you fucking moron? You can't just be anti-oil and anti-transporting the oil you fucking retard.

keep it in your own shitty country and put it towards manufacturing what you need to switch to renewable energy, retard

alternatively, manufacture what the US needs to switch to renewable, cuck

Except the injun fuckers do want the pipe in their backyard. It's how they get paid.

Battery technology had been experimented with for centuries before internal combustion became viable, and it's still shit for propulsion, so what are the options? Hydrogen that everyone's fucking scared of or CNG at half the efficiency of gasoline.

>keep it in your own shitty country and put it towards manufacturing what you need to switch to renewable energy, retard

>renewable energy
>solar in winter
>frozen wind turbines
>frozen tidal generators

yea, ok you're a fag.

Is that Lake Megagigantic?

if denmark can do it then so can you

Do you primitives not know how to heat with electricity? We've had that technology at least since the 19th century. Come the fuck on, Canada. Jesus Christ.

>5 billion people starve to death
I see absolutely nothing wrong with this. But what you capitalcucks fail to comprehend is you're going to cause the deaths of even more because you won't stop breeding your slave army on top of a house of cards. Don't even attempt to ride a high horse through hell.

Most of this is dishonest. Batteries and capacitors are a joke because we're not putting any R&D money into them, because the oil companies are some of the most powerful on Earth.

I know leafs who WOULD vote for her if they lived in America.

They bought in to the "Trump is a monster" and "Every conspiracy theory is false except the vast right wing conspiracy trying to smear Clinton" memes.>>>
>Anonymous (ID: OZJ/ZvXC) 11/01/16(Tue)02:50:09 No.95483

No oil equals no modern civilization.

>October 4th, 2001
>drunk man with a rifle causes 13 million dollars in damages
Well if you really don't like these pipelines, you know what to do

This is bad how?

Why would I want oil spills?

someone probably fucked with the damn thing, that's caused by the very people fighting against the pipeline... self fulfilling prophecy much?

300 times per year?

Meh, they just have to turn a valve and it's over. Unlike with train cars.

>If a tiny dense peninsula can do it, so can a massive continent!

Wow wee wow lads
Yeah maybe they can all ride bikes like in Copenhagen. I'm sure Canada's massive lumber and mining industries can just convert to that.

So lets go back to killing whales and cutting down trees.

build the pipeline!

fuck buffet!

Why wouldn't you?

Free oil.

do you know what groundwater is

Its just like Nuclear power, pipelines are safer than rail transport but you would never know with all the fear mongering that drowns any reasoned debate out.

Looks better than the completely preventable train disaster that happened in Canada.

That sandwich is half his total height. How is he gonna eat it?

Also yeah those are actually pretty good numbers.

Looks like it. Cool video analysis

as far is iv seen, alot of Sup Forumsaks are tree fuckers. nazis did it so thats all good.

>batteries and capacitor get no R&D funding
retard alert. Also you know that something has to create electricity right? Even then a lot of heating in homes comes from natural gas.


>Do you primitives not know how to heat with electricity? We've had that technology at least since the 19th century. Come the fuck on, Canada. Jesus Christ.

How do you produce that electricity on a grand scale?

>I see absolutely nothing wrong with this. But what you capitalcucks fail to comprehend is you're going to cause the deaths of even more because you won't stop breeding your slave army on top of a house of cards. Don't even attempt to ride a high horse through hell.

Glad to see you are the compassionate ones.

>Most of this is dishonest. Batteries and capacitors are a joke because we're not putting any R&D money into them, because the oil companies are some of the most powerful on Earth.

Lets blame the capitalist for not making batteries good enough as I type on my 100% shitposting PC


See people want the benefits of oil and petroleum but they don't understand at all what it takes to accomplish this. See that phone by your hand? Made with petroleum. That big 60 inch TV? Petroleum. Any plastic they use petroleum. Cheaper gas prices? Need better more efficient ways to get it to the refineries. Hence a pipeline. You know how many pipelines criss cross america? Probably 10's of thousands. People will just never get it because "MUH TREES". Please realize what year it is and get on the rational side of things. Or cry about the price of gas as it climbs higher and higher. Dumbasses.

Oil and gas are as much a part of nature as those pretty green trees you like to add instagram filters too, bro.


what are they laying on the ground for? whats that meant to represent? just how lazy they are?

So why did they cut the customer here in half instead?

I bet a shiny nickel some eco neoliberal did this.

Regressive, tribalistic faggots.

who cares

Look at this map of piplines. And yet we only hear about some minor leak once in a blue moon, and never anything catastrophic. If you hate it so much, I suggest you go innawoods and forget about modern society

Lol "muh water" "muh environment" "muh natives"
Fuck off, incase any of you fuckers didn't know, when a spill happens millions of dollars go into cleaning it up and then billions of dollars is rewarded to everyone, muh natives, muh environmental agencies, and anyone else involved in lawsuits.
The only reason this would be delayed is for pure political reasoning, all the fuckwads protesting got kiked

Pipelines are 0.04 %safer than by rail fgt.
Oh and Pipelines are 99.99%

>no money into battery research
You are retarded, there is a shit ton of research going on.
T. Someone working on solid lithium ion batterys

Yes you stupid bork, buy more oil

You realise that the natives DO want the pipeline going through their backyard, right?

Despite what the media has fed you, the reason they're pissed is not because "the pipeline could potentially contaminate their water supply"

a) They already have other pipelines on their territory and that was never an issue when those pipelines were built
b) The river that this pipe could potentially leak into is being phased out as the water supply for the Indians, such that in a couple of years they won't even be using it

The real reason they're mad is because they're not going to be making any money off the pipeline

The oil company approached the Indians about building on their land and the price they demanded in rent was far too high so the company said 'okay, we'll find a way to go around'.

Now they're going around and the Indians realised their mistake because they're gonna get $0 in rent

yea man, fuck pipelines

trains are totally safer and totally farther away from populated areas

what could possibly go wrong?

>not using oil aqueducts

that's pretty cool tbqh. imagine all the wildlife that would get in there though. they'd really gum up the works

only works with certain types of oil lad.

the more viscous ones gotta be heated and pushed through with some lng

As a native (my favorite flavor of Listerine is Mint btw), my problem isnt the pipeline itself. Mine is allowing corporations to use eminent domain laws to take land.
We live in a welfare state, but it isnt the sassy black women in the ghetto spending half their checks on weaves that is bankrupting us.

Fuck off Chef, go drink some Listerine.
Indians are pissed because the pipeline isn't on their land and won't earn them any royalties.

Warren Buffet stands to lose $1billion a year if the pipeline is built, that's why his friend George Soros put him in contact with the degenerate wetbacks and Indians who are attacking working men on the pipeline now. Buffet is cutting them checks.

This domestic oil keeps us from being beholden to Saudi Arabia like crooked Hillary Clinton is.

Safer then having to truck the shit in you cuck.

Fake and gay, if there is one thing everyone knows is that pipelines never have leaks.

im like 20% native, and everyone back home is anywhere from 5-30% native and the butthurt is absolutely fucking insane from them on my goybook about EVERYTHING to do with indians

like jesus fucking christ what compels people to identify so strongly with a tiny minority of blood they have but it would never cross their mind for a second to empathize with whats going on with whites even though thats the rest of their blood

natives aren't even a unique fucking race that is going extinct, go to fucking serbia and mongolia you'lll find plenty more

To think white people couldnt kill people like you makes me wonder why the rrest of the world would allow you to persist such atrocity without world implosional suicide via cern maybe we need to reconsider options

>Mfw seeing people who are 1/8 or 1/16 Aboriginal and remainder white who have a sense of entitlement that their "people" have been wronged and continue to be persecuted by the racist Australian government and society

Truly fucking blows my mind

Minimum qualification for "Aboriginal" in Australia is 1/32

I'm friends with a girl who is 1/32 (Has fair skin, blonde hair, blue eyes, absolutely no indication of anything but European) and that qualifies her for assistance at University

Luckily she doesn't brag about it and knows fully well that Its bullshit that she even qualifies (Or the fact that there's special assistance to begin with), but hey If you qualify better fucking jew the Government out of everything its offering you.

Commies invented the victim complex.
And it is very effective.

>wanting your oil to be shipped through boring pipes
>not wanting your oil to be shipped on badass trains
it's almost like you don't want to see the return of the age of the railroad.


Fun fact -40 is the same in Celsius and Fahrenheit

Implying the railroad will ever be replaced by something that can efficiently move that much weight at once.

Fucking bigfoot.

what if someone throws a match into it ?