The face of Australian terrorism

But still the cuck media refuse to refer to this faggot as a terrorist - dancing around it by using 'extremist' and saying he's 'mentally ill'

Literally no-one has condemned this fuck's actions. His groups have previously been supported by MEMBERS OF OUR FUCKING PARLIAMENT.

All fucking terrorist sympathisers, including those MPs, kill yourselves

Other urls found in this thread:

He's a Freedom Fighter. Nice shitpost

Guardian refuses to call him a terrorist in their headline:

>supporting terrorism
Fucking heem yourself you inbred cunt

He is not a terrorist. He's a Patriot that fights occupational tyrannical government that destroyed Natural Law and the Rights of the Englishman. You don't understand. All this demonstration and contemporary Western political culture of waving flags won't help. You have to understand two things - Australian prisons are comfortable and violence gets things done. As long as you don't neutralize opposing team: imams, high-profiled kikes, LNP, Labour and Liberal party members, immigrant community organizers, pro-refugee pro-migrant organizations members and leaders, it won't change. Act up. Violence works. Kill them all.

This. Surprising we had anyone with the guts to actually do anything. He's a hero.

libtard got triggered.

Herald Sun makes the whole story about his 'mental illness', doesn't refer to his as a terrorist once

Fucking cuck media, no balls on these numale 'journalists'

What are you on about?
Pretty sure he wasn't a terrorist

>plans bombings
>scopes out targets
>researches how to improvise weapons and bombs
>tries to recruit members to his cause at group meetings
>gets caught
>not a terrorist


Fucking terrorism apologists, I swear

The hero Austria needs, but doesn't deserve.

See For historically illiterate cuckolds like you he's a terrorist, for people who don't equate 4th of July to 9/11 Al Quaeda anniversary celebration, he's a Hero.

stop being a rightwingaphobe, the right wing is an ideology of peace! you're just breeding a climate where right wingers feel disenfranchised!

What freedoms are being fought for? What independence will he gain for killing real Aussies?

Enjoy your gulag and extrajudicial execution, you terrorist fuck


Kill yourself SJW scum

>fucking C18
One of these things is not like the others.

The same freedom Washington, Charles Martel, Daniel of Galicia and Robert Bruce fought for. Freedom from tyranny and oppression. Freedom for his people.
Also, cuckolding is not based, stop larping.

>31-year-old Phillip Michael Galea
Strewth he looks older than my dad.

>I'll bomb those who disagree with me in my incredibly free society
>it's the right thing to do, and it definitely isn't oppression itself

Good post


Whites are never terrorists. They killed 6 million fucking jews and STILL not labeled terrorists. No matter the Jews got the last laugh now didn't they? Don't forget to file your income taxes idiots.

t. australian media

You don't tend to be labelled a 'terrorist' unless you actually do something.

This guy just got caught in preparation, so he's an extremist.

If anything, it's a +ve to ASIO or whoever caught him.

>nanny state that violates Rights of the Englishman
>free society
>cuck state that put Englishmen under existional threat
>free society
Fuck off to reddit

At least they are willing to fight for their political beliefs. You and I just sit here and shitpost.


>bombing leftists

Leftists aren't humans, they're cockroaches. Bombing them isn't terrorism, it's pest control.

Please pyotr, readjust your Adidas beanie, let some blood flow into your brain, and explain how the rights of the englishman are being suppressed under the australian constitution or australian law.

Then explain how the mass manslaughter of true australians will free this faggot from 'muh opreshun'

THIS week, the Federal Government announced its intention to ban any asylum seeker who has attempted to reach Australia by boat from ever entering this country.
The ban won’t extend to children but it does include people whose genuine refugee status is established. It also includes those who voluntarily return to their home country.
The proposed policy is both cruel and deeply perverse. And it certainly wouldn’t pass the Coalition’s preferred measure of fairness, the so-called “Pub Test”.
Let’s give it a try to be sure, shall we? You tell me if the ordinary Aussie bloke or sheila down at the local pub would consider any of the following scenarios fair dinkum.
Aisha, an Iraqi doctor, attempts to come to Australia by boat. She is processed offshore on Nauru, her refugee status is granted and she is resettled in the United States.
She goes on to be part of a life saving medical discovery, involving technology we of course want to be made available in Australia. Local scientists need to collaborate with Aisha on setting up that same technology here at home but that’s not possible because she isn’t eligible for a working visa.
Aisha has a lifetime ban.

This is an interesting troll you have going tonight m8.

What motivates you?

I have seen you trolling around here before.

>hating terrorist roaches is trolling
Great post

Do you have handguns? Do you have free press?Do you have access automatic rifles? Do you have exclusively Anglo-Celtic state? Rights of Englishmen are violated
>true Australians
Not much Anglo-Celts within that group

Pick one

That'll teach her for coming by boat. Buy a plane ticket, you cheap bitch.

He's not a terrorist. He's legitimatelly mentally ill.

Fuck off you cuck apologist

He's not an extremist, he has a 'can do' attitude.

Wouldn't he have to have done something - or tried to - to be called a terrorist? Up till then, he is an extremist, plotter, supporter, etc. And he could be all those things AND be insane, right?

Uh, no thanks.
Wow - explains a lot of what we hear about Russia.

And just what do you hear about Russia m8?

Thank you for correcting the record
Violence and "manslaughter" of political opponents and traitors is a truly European and namely Anglo-Saxon tradition

hahaha, righto, we'll cross the bridge when it comes mate.

admittedly I do think it is a rather stupid and pointless law that has no hope in the senate, it's certainly not the type of law we need right now

top kek, someone actually wrote that unironically:

Sometimes murder is fine