Voter FRAUD ripping up ballots

Is this guy for real? Report this muslim to the FBI for breaking federal law. Their bag of tricks gets just gets deeper. His Twitter handle is @theyxt110

Other urls found in this thread:

>spanish and chinese on the letter


Dude's in my country, what can I do about this?


Pls report to the FBI because we are law abiding degenerates

Report him to the police/feds

It's totally real. Check em

Please German bro don't make us roll out the bantz..

Report him ASAP and get any Trump supporters you know to report him too. Every vote counts

CA no surprise
they only have 22% white births, who cares.
Trump will build wall around CA.

>people are still posting this shit on social media under their real name
>they get themselves in legal trouble and think that even throwing out every early vote will even put a dent in Trump winning the election

Report him
And mirror his tweet incase he deletes it

He's on a Twitter tirade right now. I'd post screenshots but he blocked me. Managed to capture this before . . .
No wonder he hates conservatives

Report it to the officials. You know how hard it was to actually find information on how to report voter fraud? Fucking pages of media outlets shilling about false claims of fraud. WTF Google?

>Found his second handle
I think his real name is 'Joshua Nash'

Is the FBI the agency to go to for this?

Reporter reporting

I don't see what he did wrong.

a canuck everytime


let me correct that for you, user

>bay area

>sabotaging Trump in California

I mean, I know every vote is for the popular vote, but why even bother?

Why would they rip up a ballot BEFORE anyone filled it out?

It's a mail sorter accident ya dingus. I have some magic beans for sale.

Good, whatever makes the trumpcucks cry.

Because actions have consequences, you liberal turd.

You realize that 100% of these twitter posts are to troll drumpftards right? fucking idiots lmfao fall for it every time. but seriously, we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

Bumping to help turn California red. I'm thinking more and more blue states only exist because of massive corruption.

Was I baited, user? There's an outrage towards him on Twitter right now..

What did he mean by this?

I'm not saying what he did is right, in fact I think he should be punished for admitting to voter fraud and trying to steal votes away from people.

I'm just saying that sabotaging Trump in California is like sabotaging a republican in New York. Why even bother? How did you peg me a liberal off that?

New executive order signed could be bad please don't slide

Is everybody in this thread retarded? It's a troll, OP is the same guy

Jesus tapdancing christ you beta new Sup Forums fags, let plebbit 'report to FBI' and other faggotry. Expect everything posted here to be a transparent ruse.

Oh look, another maladjusted leftist sodomite.

Remember to use and report to city, county, state and federal law enforcement. All of those have social media presences you lazy shits.

No, I can assure you that I am not THAT guy...

Why do these people get to break the law repeatedly with no consequences?

This is at least the forth story like this I've heard in the last month with no charges being pressed.

This doesn't even make sense. How would they know its for Trump unless they open it?

>lets get to know him a little better

So what if it's cali? Either what he did is wrong or its not. There is no gray area. You let this slide and you have no leg to stand on.

You're a liberal because you're a moral relativist BTW. No principles.

It is open, look at the left side of the envelope

Hollister.... kekest of tops

>if the bay area and los angeles didn't exist california would be redder than texas

really makes you think

>he ripped up a blank ballot
Wouldn't the only way to hurt Trump be to open every single early vote and THEN throw out the Trump ones? What marks it from the outside?

How did he get to it? Come on, pole

>You let this slide and you have no leg to stand on.

How am I letting it slide? I want him to be punished. What he is doing is wrong. I agree with you completely on that. I'm just confused as to why he'd do it in California, which always votes blue anyway.

wow just wow

>TFW you troll hundreds of Trump Supporters by posting a picture of a damaged 2014 gubernatorial election ballot


>Takes someone who is not even American to order justice for the our elections around here.
You're right, what he did is 100% wrong, no other way around it.

hi Joshua

How does he know this person voted for trump?

how do they know who they voted for?

By looking at the right side of the envelope, you can tell he slid that bitch in there... By not showing it was a Trump ballot, he was probably trying to cover his tracks in case this took off

This. A lot of Californians are as tired of this shit as I am. Especially difficult coming from SoCal

>cucked in both world wars

Germany, please.


It was probably his own ballot or that of his neighbor. Unless he works for the post office, its probably a gay troll.

We have to respond to "trolls" like this with overwhelming autism and rage, scaring people from non-ironically doing this. If anyone got this guys information and spread it around that'd also be pretty awesome. We have to respond to each one of these instances with, even if it's a troll, with war. It's the only thing these cucks will understand.

I wish I capped screenshots... But he tweeted that he does work for the post office & said he will be volunteering at election sites. Take a look for yourself on Twitter.

What the fuck is a "Trump ballot"?

Nigga could very well be killing Hillary votes, desu.

If you are in california, drop off your ballot at a polling location, do NOT mail it. The envelopes are not high security and it is very easy to see who you voted for. place your A sheet (potus) on the inside when you fold it back up.

Progressive democracy at work.


Report him

They probably have German in Iowa and Texas and French in the Northeast. At least we can hold together a multiethnic Empire.

Okay guys, turns out this 'Joshua Nash' has a history of issues . . . This is worth reading:

Call the secretary of states office elections division. 1 800 252 vote

I reported


>Joshua Nash describes himself as a gay, conservative, Christian Trump supporter. Normally, his homosexuality would make him a member of the “protected” class. But these are not normal times, but a moment in history in which mass insanity has taken hold in the former USA, now the totalitarian USSA. Bow to your Negro God, white man.

>Joshua is facing being kicked out of school for criticizing the black terrorist group, Black Lives Matter. He’s also on the receiving end of death threats, which appear to be coming from blacks.

what the fuck is this shit?

Jesus Christ, I am so fucking sick of people crying racism. I'm gonna smack the shit out of the next person that does it.

That blog was definately created by one of those 'black' students.
>Bow Down to your Negro God


Did you fail your U.S. legal immigration test for citizenship? GTFO

This troll is about as funny as the "prank" videos on youtube where guys in ski masks run up to people at ATM's and pretend to rob them.

Hollister is based redneck god's country
Except for the Mexicans

Good job reporting her user

I think if like 1% of a city population speaks a language other than English in their household then you have to provide multilingual versions of documents. San Francisco is obviously going to have Chinese and Spanish.

Fucking around with any mail like he did can land you in jail. The US needs to set some harsh precedence and lock people like this up.

Father and gay. That was his own mail in ballot. He's baited you guys.

I understand you user and you make it pretty clear what you mean, that other guys a fucking retard