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Well it is original. Everything else is either a sequel, based off a book, or a remake
Affirmative action :^)
surely this makes up for Jim Crow
boi this asslicking for niggers is just started but become so tiresome fast
Why should I kill myself, I didn't get an Oscar for writing a b-tier horror movie script.
Of all the awards it was nominated for this is the only one that actually makes sense.
It was a pretty original movie, won't lie
Nobody would trade a better physical body for a shit IQ tho
This is just the beginning you cum-
I'm just glad that Pakistani ingrate didn't win. I'm glad for Peele
I'm sure everyone knew it would win this category. Slow your roll, Sup Forums
This desu
Black man can't win an award without whitey getting triggered
>get out
i hate this meme
Well what is it? A comedy? A drama?
>Nobody would trade a better physical body for a shit IQ tho
it don't work that way
Honestly to be the least shit of all the choices is not that great an achievement
it was okay, but nothing special. 7/10 at best.
>jew whitey gave black man award
haha take that whites
>all the tears caused by Get Out and Black Panther
my sides, fuck this autist board
You know you have to go back
Anyone who watches this Hollywood circlejerk should get shot.
I agree mostly, but I enjoyed the movie. Sadly this is a world where essentially no money is allocated to original stuff so you have to take what you can get
Jews aren't white they're middle eastern.
at best was the 4th most deserving of those films above only Lady Bird
What did he mean by this?
Aw I kinda wish Lady Bird won this category but I'd love it even more if Greta Gerwig could win best director
Best original screenplay doesn't mean "the most original" you fucking idiots
How does your average Morty Goldstein profit from all of this?
That must suck to work your ass off your entire career and only get recognition due to your skin color. I'd be pissed.
Lmaoo holy shit I'm dyin
>based off a book
Stepford wives
big win for Mad Tv
maybe the Sup Forums and Sup Forums shitters should GET OUT lmao
>the racist cartoonist drawing a caricature still gives the nog a huge package
something something freud
how ironic
Blacks make better useful idiots than whites, just look how homogenous white societies kept jews in check.
Original Screenplay requires it be original. Adapted Screenplay is for books and sequels.
Wow, a Key And Peele sketch stretched out to ninety minutes won an Oscar. Don't get me wrong, it was hilarious. But still.
STFU cum-skin
>dindu gets award for being dindu
>white man says "uh, he didn't earn it"
>jew replies, "lulz look at the triggered white man"
And you wonder why every society on the planet has thrown your kind out, or straight killed you fuckers off, throughout all of history? Did you think you'd be able to continue blaming everybody else on the planet?
Similar plot elements does not mean one was based on the other. Get Out isnt even that complex of an idea, there's no reason Peele couldn't come up with it himself
Ironic, it got a rating of ***1/2 on 1000 misspent hours.
It criticized liberals showing that they are also racist against blacks, but you faggots hate it just because it brings up race at all
it's all part of the grand conspiracy to undermine conservative white culture that every jew on the planet has dedicated their life towards, duh
Pick one, faggot.
It's a remake of Skeleton Key.
They're just giving this shit out to keep the SJWs from jawing about things.
why are you linking to image on imageboard
Cum-skin where did you get that logic from?
To be fair most of the competition in that category wasn't good either.
>Shape of Water
Ugh, I'm so tired of idiots just finding ways to be triggered. Had this been the exaxt same movie from a white cast and had it also won I can gurantee you wouldn't be complaining.
I can't fucking wait for this era of casual racism is ok to end. And I hope you're one of those people who participated fully so not only can you cringe when you look back but others can see what kinda person you were.
>obsessed with BBC
Good Goy!
>something something le jewish man named freud
It's the same plot, this is like saying if I made a movie about a London cop going to a strange village to investigate a child disappearance but finding a strange pagan culture and realizing he's the sacrifice is not the Wickerman because black message.
>it criticized duh libruhls too so it shuld won
Make sure you take this cum-skin
>Had this been the exaxt same movie from a white cast and had it also won I can gurantee you wouldn't be complaining.
But The Stepford Wives didn't win back when it came out, coincidence?
The problem now is because everything is literal progressive shilling 24-7, we don’t know if these movies are actually good nd Oscar worthy or if they are just giving out minority awards.
>triggered and butthurt
lol @ u
Quads cannot be argued against
Can’t you just make up your own mind cum-skin?
Ok go back to your basement shit breath
stay mad, triggered, buttblasted soyboi
It is a Top 5 Movie of all time
film is becoming garbage
my favorite movies this year were hostiles and phantom thread, but they didnt have particularly amazing screenplays. what movie do you guys think deserved this award?
The movie tried to be funny, but it wasn't. That makes it bad.
thats where your wrong my gentile friend
Hi BBC sucking kike
All of those movies were bad though
>even nonracist whites are racist
wow oppressed
>the movie that has smug self claimed progressive whites as the villain.
Why does this upset us again?
Get Out is like 50% Zoolander, 10% Human Centipede, 30% M Night Shamylan, 10% original
I enjoyed it but fuck
and Stepford Wives
You know it was a consolation price, right?
Liberals deny that this movie made fun of them no matter how clear Peele spelled it out how awkward they made Chris feel with their cringy attempts to be "down" with the blackies.
People recognizing all stories have been told. Don't they teach you this shit in highschool drama class?
>Blak Directuh won awawd! Take dat, wacist drumfkans!
I took AP Bio and chem bc I'm not a faggot
It was deserved. Only one I'd put above it would be Lady Bird. Three Billboards and The Shape of Water weren't that well written, and I didn't see The Big Sick.