Something I don't understand about Spiderman

I hate all the spiderman movies, but there's something in the second that I just don't understand...

How are you going to make a fucking 7 minute delivery 42 blocks away? THE FUCK!? There are like 10,000 pizzerias in NYC. So what is the point of this scene? Is the point that workers are suppose to be quick all the time? An efficient worker is the life blood of a business? Scenes like these make me cringe as an adult. Spiderman proceeds to save 2 children from traffic, and he doesn't get the respect he deserves. Was it all a fantasy in this dimension? Was Peter just a sperglord?

Man... the questions just pile on.

I'm pretty sure it was discussed in the behind the scenes that Raimi wanted Peter to work for the only middle eastern pizzeria in town because, despite the fact the guy is a mud he was the only one within 10 blocks that was an active holocaust denier

Please, no memeing. I want to have a serious discussion. Save it for a Raimi thread.


When it's pizza time, you just have to go.

>I hate all the spiderman movies
What a trash opinion.

He was late. The delivery frame was like 30 minutes and he got into work 23 minutes late.

I entered this thread for memes, so i want some fucking memes!

>"...Fuck off, nigger. I quit".
Wow Raimi... you didn't need to go that far.

>hating Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy

>I hate all the spiderman movies

We got us a plebbitor here!

>29 mintues or it's free gimmick

please kill yourself

well, everyone hates the third film, and the other two aren't hated by anyone I think, but every knows they're cheesy af. First time I see someone having a problem with the pizza gimmicks though.

The way raimi shows how hard it is for a white male to hold onto their beliefs in NYC is kino

>everyone hates the third film
wrong, it's the best one

I'm not Mr. Aziz.

Then stop pretending to be!

pleb taste detected

Eh. Raimi memes aside, everyone disliked 3. It was probably the first film I consciously disliked as a kid.


Raimi was trying to show the unrealistic expectations that minorities put on white people to appease them.

I thought it was terrible when I saw it in theaters but it's grown on me, and not just because of the memes

Tobey Maguire doing his "edgy spidey" routine is a hoot

>Peter is spiderman
>Peter can't even get to work on time or deliver fast enough
>super powers have a utility but in the real world he's still an average person
>even though he's spiderman he can't do the impossible
>even though he's spiderman he can still be fired