Is it jealously? Even at the start of Trump's campaign he was anti-Trump. He just seemed jealous Trump may get the presidency Romney lost
Why is Mitt Romney so butthurt about Trump?
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He's a man of principles who cannot in good conscience support a racist, misogynist, bigoted, piece of shit like Trumpft.
I don't know but whatever I liked about him before is gone
His magic mormon underpants told him to.
Because he is part of the establishment and benefits from the common mafia style organization.
Pretty pathetic that he's shilling for the same group of people who openly demonized him and called him Hitler but I guess once you've sold your soul it ain't easy to go back.
He was a piece of shit in 2012 that probably payed a good million to keep Ron Paul out of the media.
No idea why the fuck Sup Forums was so full of neo-cons touting for his presidency but I was not one of them. Not even once. He just looked like the white Obama to me.
Mitt Romney made his fortune laundering drug money for Central American cartels.
Romney made his fortune as a corporate raider: buying out companies, firing everyone and selling what's left over. He's card carrying member of the Oligarchy.
He hates trump for the same reason the Wall Street Journal has come out against Trump more viciously than any other candidate before, republican or democrat. He threatens Romney's revenue stream.
It's jealousy. Trump gave a lot of money to him for his campaign when he was running and Romney fucking blew it right before election time. So now Trumps going to be the next President
Has he been doing anything lately? He should be helping McMullin in Utah
thx straya
He's a coward.
He kvetched and capitulated to the media, practically went prone and begged for forgiveness from the libtards and their media allies. He's a national embarrassment.
Ofc he's going to be jealous of someone with guts and courage. Just look at this worm, slinking around behind the scenes trying to affect the outcome with slander and passive aggressive subversion.
Hes a part of Bush's CIA cabal. Trump represents a threat to their holding power.
Establishment hack and attention whore. And probably butthurt that Trump is doing everything right that he did wrong.
Pic related: I was at the "he would've dropped to his knees" speech
>He's a man of principles who cannot in good conscience support a racist, misogynist, bigoted, piece of shit like Trumpft.
He is a worthless cuck and a loser. He may feel good about losing but that's the attitude that lost the GOP the support of their voting base. That's why the outsider Trump is in there and not Jeb,
He's just protecting his class's interests. It's nothing personal.
Romney is a two-time loser whose bitterness exceeds his desire for this nation to not go down a shitty path.
He pretty much has convinced me that Mormons really are a bunch of retards.
I get the impression it is personal to him. Kind of like the jealously you get toward a friend who gets/does something you always wanted to do
He had all sorts of retarded deals and plans, some speculate he was going to run again in 2020 if Jeb! lost (which he would have). He also has a very inflated opinion of himself, he and the GOPe seriously thought Mitt Romney's anti-Trump endorsement would be a huge game changer, as though he was some beloved father figure of the party we would all fall in line if only to please him.
People forget that Trump did attack his 2012 campaign pretty much just to say he sucked.
That being said, Romney's butthurt levels are crazy, and I don't know really know why.
But there is also a lot of hate and delusion about him on Sup Forums that doesn't make a lot of sense either. I don't believe in hating someone just because they didn't fall in line.
He can't be too overtly anti-Republican, he's still banking on coming back to "lead" the party if Trump loses.
>He just seemed jealous Trump may get the presidency
How the fuck is this going to happen if Trump does worse then Romney? He's already trailing Romney's white voter count...which still wasn't enough to get him elected.
doesn't he truly believe god chose him to become president of the usa? fucking mormons, man. why is this insane cult allowed to exist?
>He pretty much has convinced me that Mormons really are a bunch of retards.
There's a pretty good article about this here
>But How? Enter the Mormon Suckers. I am proud to be a Mormon so it pains me to say what I am about say. When the GOP Establishment Never Trumpers and their Clinton allies went looking for a 3rd party spoiler they needed someone with a constituency of sheeple who would follow him regardless of the obvious logical outcome (President Hillary.) There were plenty of Republican politicians who had lost to Trump in the primary or who had foregone a run in 2016 and didn’t like Trump much or were outright hostile to him, but not a one of them would put their name on the line and be the fall guy who put Hillary in office. So plan B – find a weak-minded demographic and create a leader for them.
>Utah leads the nation in financial fraud schemes. Anti-Mormon critics like to point out the huge amount of Ponzi schemes, real estate fraud, and stock swindles and say it is because Mormons are sneaky, greedy liars. Make no bones about it. Like in any community there some bad apples and Utah has its fair share. In that fair share there are plenty of Mormons but Mormons are no more criminal than most, in fact statistically they are quite a bit less criminal than the average American. But the real reason that Utah frauds are so successful is not that the conmen are any wilier than a Baptist or Catholic conman. It’s because they have a highly homogenous market of overly trusting people. They want to believe you’re a good person and they want to help out the good person
the "who cares about YOU the american person" poll has trump tied with hillary (which is insane desu). Romneys was fucked up though, it was like 70%-30% in favor of obama
>trailing Romney's voter count
early votes are coming in, Trump's beating Romney's numbers.
Mormons cannot handle being outshined. They depend on a completely positive public image. Most of the state of Utah has defaulted on homes, cars, toys and bullshit because they all feel they need to have the luxuries of life like the guy down the block. The women depend on remaining positive while passively competarive. This goes for Mormons in Utah and California.
t. former LDS who is friends with Romney family members.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
We have a winner here!
>[wrote basically what I was about to write]
we will see. my money is on hilldawg
>Romney made his fortune as a corporate raider
I like the term "corporate ghoul," myself.
This whole post is true.
In my experience, as a mormon who is not from Utah, mormon's aren't necessarily dumb, there's a lot of good, patriotic ones, but the ones in Utah are so, so stupid.
Every single retard I went to BYU with got caught up in a Ponzi scheme while in school. I was like "guys, have you heard of a pyramid scheme before"...and they would reply that the person said it wasn't a pyramid scheme, so it totally must not be. I'd then ask for names, find fraud cases involving the people and they still would not believe because so and so's best friend's sister's boyfriend totally made $20,000 selling "health benefits".
Fuck that place was awful.
>rich guy with good business record who got the republican nomination
>got cucked by Obama despite being right about literally everything
>Obama was wrong on 90% of the shit that mattered, nobody gave a shit
Contrast with
>philandering pussy grabber who has 100% support from religious community (lel, they thought romney was too mormon XDDD)
>Often wrong on substance but right in spirit (romney would have gotten rekt with minor gaffes)
>Trump is ripping hillary a new asshole and desu other people are doing most of the work
I'd be mad if I was romney too, the guy played his cards 100% perfectly and still got fucked. Trump has been on the ball (optimistically) 50% of the time and he's going to win
life isn't fair but he can be mad if he wants to
Some mormons from Utah knocked on my door earlier in the year. They were polite and friendly tbqh, I wished them well in Australia however they seemed innocent and I am concerned they wont survive the rigors of Australia.
>he's going to win
Post realistic electoral map that shows how this will possibly happen.
red MI, WI, PA, NV, NH, CO etc. All very possible some or all will flip
He's a choke artist and he choked like a dog.
Because he's a treasonous globalist stooge, he was working flat out for the same Jewish internationalists that Clinton is.
Everybody on the GOP side that was/is sure Trump won't win or if he wins, they think he will do a terrible job, did what Romney did.
So they distance themselves, thinking that then they won't stand in a bad light. Doesn't matter if Trump wins or not.
I think they want the DNC to win, be bad and then, they think, the GOP will win in the next election.
So again, they want to distance themselves from Trump as much as possible, not realizing that if Trump loses, the GOP is fucked. The DNC didn't just paint Trump as some Nazi, bigot, sexist - they did it with the whole GOP and their supporters. They won't win next election. I don't even think they will win in 2040.
If Romney had the turnout McCain had he would have beat Obama.
Trump is on pace to reach that turnout if not beat it.
Mitt hasn't had his feeding of destitute, laid-off workers this quarter. He and the rest of the vulture capitalists get a little hungry when they haven't had a chance to fuck over the little guy.
> t. former Ampad worker
He is a goddamn soft pussy.
He has no backbone.
He is an establishment little soldier.
Of cours he isjealous !