Is it jealously? Even at the start of Trump's campaign he was anti-Trump. He just seemed jealous Trump may get the presidency Romney lost
Why is Mitt Romney so butthurt about Trump?
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He's a man of principles who cannot in good conscience support a racist, misogynist, bigoted, piece of shit like Trumpft.
I don't know but whatever I liked about him before is gone
His magic mormon underpants told him to.
Because he is part of the establishment and benefits from the common mafia style organization.
Pretty pathetic that he's shilling for the same group of people who openly demonized him and called him Hitler but I guess once you've sold your soul it ain't easy to go back.
He was a piece of shit in 2012 that probably payed a good million to keep Ron Paul out of the media.
No idea why the fuck Sup Forums was so full of neo-cons touting for his presidency but I was not one of them. Not even once. He just looked like the white Obama to me.
Mitt Romney made his fortune laundering drug money for Central American cartels.
Romney made his fortune as a corporate raider: buying out companies, firing everyone and selling what's left over. He's card carrying member of the Oligarchy.
He hates trump for the same reason the Wall Street Journal has come out against Trump more viciously than any other candidate before, republican or democrat. He threatens Romney's revenue stream.
It's jealousy. Trump gave a lot of money to him for his campaign when he was running and Romney fucking blew it right before election time. So now Trumps going to be the next President