How much racemixing actually goes on in white countries (including the USA)? Personal anecdotes are welcome.
How much racemixing actually goes on in white countries (including the USA)? Personal anecdotes are welcome
I've never seen a white woman with a messican, but that's probably because they're all manlets and not hung bucks like Jamal. My friend lives in the South and he sees BMWM pairings a lot more often now. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense because I was under the impression that white families over there still frown upon that sort of thing.
t. Californian
Doesn't happen nearly as much as the jews want you to think, but still more often than I'd like.
I've been watching some YouTube videos from California (some kind of popular beach) and it seemed like there was tons of Hispanic/Asian/mixed-race teenagers. So it it true that whites stick together? I'm afraid that teenage white boys can't keep themselves.
A lot of white men gravitate towards latinas and asians, sry2say. I have a few friends who are all dating or have seriously dated spics and chinks. There is no real social cohesion amongst whites in this state.
Speaking as an (albeit pale-faced) spic, I stay away from white women. Not really my cup of tea at all, yeah some of them are qt but something is way off about them.
In Atlanta I see many WF/BM couples in Midtown (possibly 1:3 with WF/WM couples), so many that I was red pilled by my father's teaching.
He told me that black men like to fuck white women as a status symbol, a way to both get back at whites and prove to fellow blacks that they've moved to the city. He told me that he'd never approve of my sister marrying a black man, but that he wouldn't care so much if I married a black woman.
At the time, I was a little dismissive of his argument, but my time in Atlanta has proven to me that black men are targeting white women far more than black women.
Depends where in the USA. Pretty rampant in CA, not at all in the south, somewhat in the Northeast. Just basically where do non-fob Asians live, non-nigger blacks live, and where English speaking mexis live.
1. All mixing is 'race mixing' on a technical level, to what extent it depends.
2. Australia has a trash MSM culture, theres nothing to protect here.
3. Most Australians already have sewage genes.
4. Black / White mixing is pretty rare, and when you see it the guy usually has an Aussie accent and has been here his whole life.
Culture is more important than race.
Live in maryland, and see it daily.
I done it as well having slept with an asian and two black women.
Nigger women are the easiest pulls, asians are dating material, neither are worthy of being a waifu.
Always used condoms, so i have no shit babies floating around.
In terms of white women, i do see them mixing, however in maryland, all the women have become sterile from leftist ideology so its mostly just degenerate sex and not actual mix race babies being made.
At the restaurant i work in most families are the same race, its not common to see race mixed babies.
I see white man/hispanic women with babies at least 3 times more than white woman/any nonwhite man with babies.
everyone seems to think that racial interbreeding is very widespread in this country. given some "opinion" survey results you might think "well, of course it's widespread, they clearly don't think it's a bad thing when asked about it!". but maybe what you "do" is actually different and more complicated than what you "say" you would do to someone. crazy, right?
so, if you ask Americans in a survey: "are you fine with racial intermarriages?", the vast majority will respond with "sure, I'm fine with it" to the person conducting the survey in order to appear tolerant and not hateful. but regardless of their advertised "attitudes" towards racial intermarriages/interbreeding are they ACTUALLY DOING IT? doesn't matter what you "say", what DO YOU DO?
well, pic related shows you the result of that. this article summarizes the findings of an exhaustive genetic study on americans (A.A, latinos, and those who reported "european ancestry") that was published in the American Journal of Genetics recently. sources are below, but if you'd like the summary, it's basically this:
Americans love to "talk" all positive/warmly about interracial marriages and interracial breeding to an interviewer so they can seem like "good/tolerant people", and then, they OVERWHELMINGLY choose to only mate with other white europeans. so no, interbreeding is not common at all actually, because what Americans SAY and what Americans ACTUALLY DO are two very different things.
the article in the pic:
and the study in question:
also, I won't respond to bait or shitposting. if you have anything serious or interesting to say, I might respond, but in all likelihood I'll simply let the data talk for itself.
A lot. Women are colourblind, and men are so beta they import yellow Asian wives
white women are almost universally unbearable
I see it all the time. White women with arab or blacks. The type of women do mix are either really young trashy women or 30-something unattractive women.
Pretty much this, only the most deluded thinks its a good idea to to racemix, mostly amongs the drug addicted and trashiest whites do it.
just for your information: there can't be any race mixing because race in term of humans is NOT a thing.
I always talk about niggers before fucking a girl. Gotta check her power level to see if she is clean
You're not wrong my friend, but once artificial wombs and real skin sex bots become a thing women will be in real trouble.
Not even 60% white
Bmwf here. Stay mad.
my wife's half-white half-black son fucked a half-black half-white girl and now I don't know whether or not my wifes grandson will be 100% black or 100% white.
Go to any estate here and you will find half caste kids.
British women will fuck any penis they see.
I've only seen one interracial relationship where I come from in New Zealand. There's plenty of ethnic minorities, especially at universities, but I've only seen one case; a friend of mine (white guy) dating a foreign student (American, half-Asian, I think).
Apart from that, in a crowded high school and a later two big universities I've never seen any other interracial relationship.
Maoris typically date other Maoris, as do other Polynesians, and many of the Asians barely speak enough English to carry a conversation so forming relationships with them is a bit difficult, so they also stick to each other. Basically no blacks here apart from the very rare foreign student from Africa, and basically no Latinas. Couple of Indians but I've never seen an Indian with a girlfriend.
Lots of negroes dating grotesque landwhales. Some white-looking Mid-Easterners occasionally getting lucky with a Euro girl. Do we count Slavs and Germanics as different races? Because if so that's rather common. Native male and Far East female also tends to pop up here and there. But I don't know if this is representative for all of Germany or just in my area (near Hannover).
I've been with 16 girls, only 5 of which were white the rest were Asian/Indian/SE Asian, this is mostly due to the fact I have yellow fever though
fu hellas not another racemixing threat. go and read the archive. ASSHOLE
Enough to make you think.
Being 100% honest with you, I have only ever seen Interacial relationships consisting of white males and ethnic females.
Not trying to toot my own doot, but all the asian migrants here from SEA are quite 'beta' looking; short, glasses, scrawning, pretty ugly and the white girls here also dont seem at all interested in the few somalis/sudanese/nignogs.
Purely on what ive seen myself, I see 70% wM+wF, 25% wM+aF, 5% wM+otherF.
I am absolutely certain race mixing that involves wF does happen but i've never personally seen it and it's hard feel butthurt about it considering all the puss White males are getting.