Prove me wrong.
Prove me wrong
Oh my god, it took months and I never thought I would see it. Someone finally fucking listened and kept California blue while posting their Trump fantasy wet-dream map.
I'm proud of you.
Swap PA and CO
Trump still wins
Pick one drumpfkin :-)
Trump loses PA. Game over.
It's very possible Trump could take Wisconsin, Michigan, Colorado and New Mexico
My map has clinton winning PA, but trump winning colorado, he's down 2 points (within margin of error) in CO. Very possible
>CO + NM
>Nu-males the state and spics the state
try again
Pennsylvania probably ends up blue making it 272-266
not saying its not possible, but in all likelyhood it won't happen.
Trump isn't winning NV, PA, or NC.
He's probably not winning Florida.
He's in danger of losing AZ. He's holding up surprisingly well in OH and IA, but I'm not sure he'll hold on there either. Basically, most of you faggots are going to kill yourself next week.
Care to explain why you think he is going to win NV, PA, or NC with any reasons beyond wish fulfillment?
Trump will win wisconsin.
Trump will lose Nevada
Trump will lose Pennslyvania
Florida is the only state that is unpredictable at this point.
I like your thinking.
Maine will be all red.
I've lived in nc my entire life, travel all over the state.
Absolutely 0% chance NC goes blue, screencap you CTR cockroach
Didn't Obama win NC in 2008?
>still believing this
Absolutely delusional
psst. hey idiot. you're using the script from two weeks ago. mr. shekelstein said to get with the program or you're fired.
then lost it to Romney in 2012
Hillary will not get close to the African American turnout as Obama in 2008, that's delusional
oh i am laffin
GEMS exists. We're fucked unless trump manages something inexcusable like an actual 20% lead that creates an undeniable discrepancy with exit polls.
I actually have no fucking idea what to do.
I can't, this is a very real possibility. Imagine that. The future is bright ladd
pic related
I welcome your hatred.
Hillary has led in NC in almost every poll for the last month. The only 2 that I'm aware of where Trump led were conducted by shitting R polling firms. If you actually look at the polls, you'll see that none of them are relying on black turnout matching what it did in 2008 when Obama won, and yet they still show Hillary in the lead.
No one bothered to dispute what I said about NV or PA. While I'm sure you are all retarded, surely you can see that he needs PA.
Clinton is getting better turnout in CO than Obama did in 2012.
Holy shit we found someone who knows enough to accurately interpret early voting. Good call.
Nice meme
Trump is winning FL BY 4% fuck off
Ty, needed my record corrected.
The last time a Republican won FL by 4% was 1988. The last time anyone won FL by 4% was 1996.
No one is going to win it by 4% this time, but if you think that increased Hispanic population and high hispanic turnout bodes well for Trump, good luck with that!
Florida will be blue. That's 29 electoral votes for Hillary. He can't win without taking a Midwestern state like MI or PA and both of those seem improbable.
Problem is you can sneeze and 4% disappears if GEMS is counting your votes. You need something huge in order to bring an audit, and 4% isn't going to do it.
It blows my mind that anyone can consider pa "Midwest" that's the east coast.
Drumpfkins actually believe this.
>not believing in the prince that was promised
Trump won't win PA, you're right. But he'll flip VA
It's beautiful. Please kek, make it so for maximum chaos.
the house will vote for trump ether way kek
and he will get the popular vote no matter
ha, yes. The rest of the map is flawed, but McMullin is totally going to win UT.
Lol. No. What you people need to understand is that internal/private polls are better than public polls. If you want to know where to watch, look at where campaigns are actually deploying their resources, whether it is ad spending or paid staffers or candidate appearances. There's a reason why the Clinton campaign hasn't advertised in VA in months or why her campaign hasn't had any rallies there. To top it off, public polls also show her far ahead.
Why are you convinced that Florida will be blue?
>look at muh private polling
>oh but look at public polling
illiterate nigger detected
Good reading comprehension. Campaigns determine how to deploy resources based on their own internal polling. If a campaign isn't bothering to spend or campaign in a state, that means they know they are either far ahead or far behind. The Clinton campaign is not spending in VA. Therefore, they are confident. If you want polling evidence, the public polls back up that assertion.
I'm not convinced FL will be blue. If I were betting, I would bet on her winning it due to increased Hispanic population, her huge margins with Hispanic voters, and her organizational strength, but FL is always ridiculously close in Presidential years. Going back to 2000, if you add up all FL votes, the margin between D and R is .24%. If you want to read actual smart analysis of the vote in FL, check this out:
Flip Michigan and Wisconsin red.
New Hampshire goes to Trump. Pennsylvania goes to Clinton.
Trump wins 270 to 268.
Only an idiot truly believes that trump has any chance of winning PA.
Trump needs to flip a blue state & not lose any swing states
It's a very difficult path, i think PA,CO, NH or MI might flip
Literally how is such a thing even possible? Not having a go at you I just can't believe how Hillary could be doing better than Obama did in ANY state
I live in CO.
It's mostly about demographics. CO is getting progressively younger, more Hispanic, and is one of the more well-educated states. Compared to Trump, Hillary does better with younger people, Hispanics, and people with college degrees. Compared to Romney, Trump does worse with educated white voters, and there are a lot of educated white voters in Denver and the suburbs. Put that all together and what do you get? The changes in the demographic composition of the state plus Trump's relative weakness with certain groups leads CO to be a more Dem-favorable state than it was 4 years ago.
I prepared myself for the worst. It was worth the investment.
Is that a one-year supply of super male vitality?
that much SMV will make you immortal
Evan the Evangelical will even it all out.
Poorfag here went with the 3 months.
Now I play the waiting game on RevolutionII/WWIII//CivilWarUnrest/RaceWar.
This Is wrong.
Nh is going to be trumps
>Having LA within it's borders.
>All those retards not voting Blue.
You could buy 5 years of normal canned food for that money
Anyone who bought this is an idiot
This map makes the most since in the entire thread.
If GEMS is real then democracy is dead and we should all just kill ourselves before the kikes take over.
Thank you for your baseless correction of the record. I have been converted by your power.
Fairfax county has most of the VA population and it's full of wealthy DC lobbyists that will vote for continued corruption. As much as the lower half will vote Red it won't be enough to offset the cancer that is Northern VA. Trump will not flip VA.