Nazis watch out!

Samantha Bee explains racism and frogs.

Other urls found in this thread:


Racism is horrific.

Yo that what flag is that?

not as horrific as blacks.

Literally no one of consequence watches this shit, she is using Pepe for attention, and I don't give a shit at this point.

And wow that video was awful, couldn't even stomach 2 minutes in
>look my vagina, gibme news show

Samantha bee sucking

i wanna go full frontal on samantha bee

I think she needs a bit of freedom, in the head

>Samantha Bee

Another Daily Show refugee no one gives a shit about.

Highly unfunny and good god, that's the most naggy voice I have ever hard in my life.
2/10, should've become a hooker instead.

I hate this bitch. How does she exist?

Samantha Bee just proved she's a racist pig by assuming Trump threw that guy out because he was black. When are these Liberals going to wake up that it's 2016???

They are suprisingly accurate. But you can't stip us now. JEW S A JEW S AW JEW S A!!!

Wow... I guess women really can be funny! You go girl!

Holy fuck, she's only 47 and has the neck and jowls of a woman in her late 50's

We should just troll her twitter account. KEK WILLS IT!

It just pisses me off how she always stands like her producer fucked the shit out of her immediately prior to the camera rolling.










Does she have a dildo in her ass or why he is standing so retarted?

just remember

they keep branding a mysterious "alt-right" because it's easier than saying that they, the establishment, are being thoroughly trolled by small amount of people on Sup Forums

>Samantha Bee calling out left-leaning colleges for being anti-semetic
the snake continues to eat its own tail

Again, why doesn't Sup Forums just troll her accounts?

And these few people are of diverse ethnic and political backgrounds, many of them aren't even on the right wing of the political spectrum. This whole thing is so pathetic to watch.


Okay, which one of you is this?

>the liberal kike media spreading my David French meme on National TV

btw Sup Forums did get mentioned.

this was confirmed to be hillary's plant

>tfw you will never have wet n sloppy sex with bee


Do you realize how absurd this is? Televised programming is reporting on frogposters who spend their free time shitposting online.

They've completely lost it.

I've never seen anything from Samantha Bee, before.

Wow, she is fucking terrible.

Oh shit she's got our number I think we're doomed now

She looks like she gives freebies in the studio parking lot, so follow your dreams, user.

Jesus the overacting and over-emoting is making me cringe

This is redoubling my enthusiasm for liberal asspain on the 8th

They give us more and more power, it's delicious

This is simply not funny, you can tell the free market isn't demanding it.
This shit is being forced, can't wait until it is canceled
Also notice at 2:12 where she calls liberals anti-semetic, no laughs from the crowd

Uhm bigot much? That's just a proud latino man chanting USA.

Don't mind his accent.

10 points to the guy who posts the original

Do you have the source for your pic related? I remember that bitch(?) being really fucking annoying, but I don't remember which SJW chimpout video she's in.

fvck put on a skirt if your thighs width-length is near equal

Why do they keep saying "nationalist" like it's a bad thing?

This is so cringe, what the fuck America.

She's gonna get cucked by us for the lulz. Her show is gonna end. She bit off more than she chews. KEK wills it

It's the Jordan Peterson vid where the crazed tranny assaults Lauren Southern, I can't find the original but if you search "lauren southern jordan peterson sjw" it's all over the place

Not as horrific as Cambodia.

Being a gamer is the equivalent of being a white pride nationalist now.

all because we fucking hated the ending of Mass Effect 3.

the lugenpresse should truly be gassed.

Cats don't listen to rats

She is a fucking leaf that got US citizenship two years ago. Her husband is a fucking leaf as well got his citizenship two years ago. They had three anchor babies in the US before they applied for citizenship.

It's fucking hard to watch

Samantha Bee is a comedian first and foremost, and comedians have a strong "whatever works" sentiment to getting laughs. Not to say you should be hacky, but they have fundamental respect for people who get laughs as good tradesmen.

She's getting zero fucking laughs. Every over-enthusiastic zinger is dead silence or a chuckle at best. I think she's starting to rush it, just to get it over with, toward the end. Have to remember, her hipster nu-male and HuffPo-reading dyke writing staff did 98% of the work for her, and assured her she'd have screaming cheering support from the audience.

No one gives a fuck. She can DEFINITELY tell she's being cringe.

She is a Canadian. There is your answer.

KEK that's awesome.

> le forced quirky XD delivery

This is the comedy equivalent of dousing shitty food with processed cheese.


What the deal with the xbone pepe?

Well the rhetoric surrounding gamergate was exactly like that; anyone associated with gamegate was treated as a neonazi just because people didn't want (feminist) pandering. Times have really changed, sad really.

Also being a Christian apparently, judging from the Pepe with that cross. TRS was right.

You're missing the point of late night hosts like Samantha Bee, John Oliver, Colbert, Meyer and Jon Leibowitz. They are not comedians, they are far-left Televangelists.


>Samantha bee literally evoking Kek on Halloween, during a new moon
>normie does the exact opposite of what they wanted to do

Samanta Bee is Canadian.

gamergate... even though it never had any racist/nazi connotations.

thanks user

Ironic, given that gamergate was everything BUT playing actual vidya gaems.

That IS my point. She may be that, but on some level she doesn't want to be.

They all want to be Stewart. Stewart actually had convictions (which is why he got out of it) and he was funny and had a rapport with the audience.

Comedians really, really need approval. They're all nuts. being second-to-last in the ratings and yet another "REPUBLICANS, AM I RIGHT?" talking head probably feels bad even to her.

I never followed gamergate what happened?

Cambodia. if you scroll over the flag it will tell you

>laugh tracks
>obnoxious woman talking about subjects with little/ research about
>hipsters eating it up

nothing new here

Why the fuck do American "liberals" unironically want a war with Russia.

Are they just that chronically entitled that they think they can just have their way because everybody would step out of their way?

>putin shill!

Wish I was, then I wouldn't have to work my current job.

Muh gamergate

Anything that Sup Forums can do to get her show canceled besides not watching it?


>depict the pantheon of evil
>including a Christian
>including a video game pepe
>including a guy who believes white lives have some measure of value
please, kikes, please keep pushing this

But being against feminazi book burners makes you a jew hating neo nazi that hates all women for no reason.

It was essentially about gaming journalism, and broadly speaking the journalistic standards surrounding the mainstream press. It was absolutely the needle that broke the camel's back when we consider the disenfranchisement towards mainstream press.

You will have to dig up the details, as it is not fresh in my mind atm, but it started due to a cum slut sucking dicks to get favourable reviews, and her boyfriend ratting her out.

>white nationalist bulls


Holy shit it's growing.

>All those cucks in the comment section

Holy shit, what a retarded video.
>fat whore fucks 5 gaming journalists
>her ex writes a blog post about it
>suddenly 30 articles come out on the same day declaring 'gamers' dead
>mailing list leaks showing that it was a coordinated action
>corruption revealed
>media manage to spin all this into a narrative where "Gamergate is an harassment campaign against women" and wanting ethics in journalism is ridiculed as deed of white male privilege

I'm sure letting the show's rating take its course if more than enough.

Discount discount John Oliver

Huh. Actually watched that, and wondered what people found funny about it. Like, I made a genuine effort to try and see things from their side, and I thought that I would be able to, because I am aware of the flaws of this place (which, like it or not, is associated with the alt-right). I tried, REALLY hard to find something funny.

It's just not. I just don't understand why the show is rated 100% fresh by Rotten Tomatoes. I got more laughter out of Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas.

What a video. Teared up at the end.

Nice one. Will spread.

2 million people watch every episode.

She has the passion of a chinese Red Guard

dont forget law and order made an episode

the jews/msm are disgusting

>Before the conventions, Donald seemed just white pride curious, coyly retweeting at least 75 users who follow #WhiteGenocide influencers.
>retweeting at least 75 users who follow #WhiteGenocide influencers
>retweeting users who follow
Damn, das racis bruh

BBC, CNN and NYT all had articles accusing gamers of sexism, while completely ignoring all facts of corruption surrounding gaming reviews. There were discussions about revenge porn and everything else in between, but the corruption involving gaming journalism was completely ignored.

I've pondered this before. There's no way people actually find her to be one of the funniest people in the world and therefore deserving of her own show

Yup, and everyone ate it up. It's still the (((official))) narrative.

One Dutch """""journalist""""" was even cucked enough to purchase and link it to an anti-GG video, kek.

Funnily enough, the power of the purse won out. They thought by appearing progressive against their audience, they would entire new people into the fold. Instead, the general public saw it, felt disgust, and walked even further away from all gaming not done on a mobile phone. Then all they had left was the very people who they had demonized.

To this day, I still don't buy any game made by EA. It's not even hard at this point. I get tempted, then a week after the game releases, I am immediately relieved that I didn't drop the money on it.

Wow, this is my first time actually listening to her. What an incredibly untalented cunt. Amazing she can find anyone to listen to her at all.

Mm, there's a bit more than that. You forgot the part where she was CHEATING on her boyfriend with the 5 (confirmed to only be 4, one was too beta to even get in bed with her) guys.

Then, perennial victims Anita Sarkeesian and Skeletor-trans started making it all about them, even though they weren't getting any extra harassment as a result of Zoe Quinn getting BTFO by her ex. Gawker was found out to be behind a huge mailing list where all the game journos would coordinate what they were doing, and what scores they could give games, what they could talk about, and what agenda needed pushing. Moot, the founder of Sup Forums, was found out to be chasing poon of some rich Gawker-affiliate chick, so she got him and the mods on Sup Forums to crack down on GG. Not only that, but R*ddit was shadowbanning people talking about it. Pretty much the only way to get information was through Youtube, the only platform that refused to bend to the feminazis.

Which is why they redoubled their efforts into trying to convert Google and Youtube.

You are right, I just started to read the wiki entry for gamergate and it is absolutely dishonest. We became deplorable because we are the only ones with a sense of fairness.

Yup, Gaben was right, "vote with your money."

They are not remotely far left. They all reached the conclusion that Mitt Romney in a pant suit was best and Bernie could just fuck off.

Far left stay on youtube.

>tfw Sup Forums has this much of an influence on liberals minds




we illuminati now

Sup Forums in general is an agent for change. We have immense clout, politically.

Mostly because arguing here is a sink-or-swim endeavor. You get better over time, or you drop out. That means that we end up being the voices that are heard whenever the Individualist wing starts throwing a shitfit.