BR2049 is the only move from last year that will be remembered 20 years from now.
BR2049 is the only move from last year that will be remembered 20 years from now
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John Wick 2 and Dunkirk as well.
I actually think It (the movie) will be remembered, it's not amazing but it did so well and has such broad appeal that I think it will still be recommended
you could be right, but I'm not sure. there were some pretty good rivals last year
You misspelled phantom thread
Justice League will, but yet it shall be for all the wrong reasons.
What is it about BRposters that makes them so cancerous? Is it their fawning over a film which aped the aesthetic of deus ex? Which appeals to the same wacked out neurons that fire whenever the set design mimics that of their favourite video game? Bioshock comes to mind a little too frequently when watching the dishonest 'artistry' of denis vileneuve onscreen. A brooding soy protagonist who mistakes isolation for being an adult concern...this is a video game movie for the Sup Forumseddit below 30 audience. Hint: if you're under 30 you'll probably like this movie, when you get to 30 these sort of films start to lose their sheen and show their cheap.
Be fair, it's because of the title and only the title. Tomorrow there will be another sci-fi with better special effects and the same for the the next day, and the next. Even the sci-fi that started the 3D craze was forgotten a year later.
unironically incels
Literally what?
I'm 32 and I loved the movie. I really liked the cinematography and whole feel of the movie and it has nothing to do with Sup Forums.
Avatar ain't forgotten mate.
Still the highest grossing film ever.
>sci-fi movies are copying video game aesthetics
other way around, chief.
i don't doubt that, but today and tomorrow, it aint shit.. it never stood a chance to begin with, real mother fuckers want original movie ideas not sequels and reboots
Among videogame players maybe
But it was a damn good sequel, to the point it rivals the original.
I agree. Beautifully made film that actually tries and succeeds in being honest to itself and the audience. A film to go down as a part of the goose's and denis' legacies
No it wasn't, its reaches for sentiment were contrived brood bait.
>alienation and dream making in the final days of mankind is considered ‘brood’
Soycinematic overworn 'theme'
>dream making
Blade Runner 2049 had the aesthetic of hotline miami.
for a guy who thinks himself above gamer nerds you sure do cite a lot of their favorite franchises in describing this film.