do you treat everyone as shit and if so please tell me why?
Do you treat everyone as shit and if so please tell me why?
Fuck Saudis and fuck Sup Forums
>A Fucking Monkey
Whats the point in being nice when all the other person will do is ethier not appreciate the sympathy or walk over you.
because it might make them appreciate you sometimes
Must be nice living in a fairy tale land
if you wish to have any form of authority over another man, you will only have his loyalty if he feels that you regard him as intrinsically equal and only contextually subordinate.
Real Patricians treat the plebs with respect.
It only happens if you are a female,and even then its a huge if.
Trumpkins are this retarded.
I haven't left my house in months. Pretty nice to my cat, does that count?
Yes, because being kind to people on an anonymous internet forum is stupid.
you are right I try to treat everyone fairly and don't reach conclusion until I see how everyone lives
well that is a step
>treating people fairly
ur a beautiful person
well we are not all homophobic racist assholes
Only minorities, especially Muslims. I have a few cool black friends but I'm sure they know I'm racist as fuck. Please stay in your dune, desert coon.
A shit treating people like shit is still a shit.
oh don't worry I am not leaving anytime soon so rest easy my friend
No you just politicize Islam because you're so desperate to be kings of the Arab world.
You have every advantage going for you and Iran has every disadvantage going for them yet they are still more powerful than you.
It's because of you fucks the rest of the Arabs don't like Iranians.
my friend no need for all that anger I didn't do anything so calm down relax and we can talk
well I don't hate them and a lot of my friends go to Iran to relax and they are friendly
Yeah, specially Saudis.Youre living the near-east and you give a fuck about your "islamic-brothers", sending them all to europe.
1st nice picture
2nd my contry is overpopulated with people from other Arabian contrys for example Pakistan India Syria and Yamen