Why don't you own a gun pol?
Why don't you own a gun pol?
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Fuck guns and fuck Sup Forums
I own 24
I do though, I'm not a peasant.
I'm EuroPeon.
No guns.
No killing.
I'm kind of elitist so it's expensive and the gun store clerk would probably just think I'm some serial killer anyways.
I'll just print one eventually I guess.
I do, I don't own the bullets though; just holding onto them for someone........
I own an 80% lower, ordered parts not too long ago
Gun-and-fun-free zone
nice try, atf.
Don't need one because no one else has one.
Because its current year + 1
>implying i don't
I do
because I'm prone to blackouts
The stingrays will make their move soon
>tfw le ef bee eye wants your data
You should pay your fuckin power bill on time then
Unless you are already a machinist I would have gotten a couple. People almost always fuck up the first one.
Because it would take forever to get gun license in my country and even if I would get one goverment wants me to keep a fucking rifle inside of a safe even if I live alone in my house
>policeman would come like 2 times per year to check if my safe is closed
Nice air soft gun
Boating accident.
That was a hit put out on Steve by the Crcocrook gang.
Most adult Americans on Sup Forums own guns.
If you don't, get the fuck over to the gun store tomorrow!
baka theres this swedish survivalist on youtube in russia who has a shotgun and seems to be doing fine. ;
Youre just a lazy neet.
Heard they don't actually come. Also get a travmat to carry dude.
should I consign some gats on the 9th?
I believe that if you kill one corrupt politician he will just get replaced by another one. What's the point?
>hurr durr act like i don't own any guns with a post on Sup Forums that'll surely keep me off any lists now i'm sure to have a better chance at survival
But what if I'm wearing hockey pads
Because they're dangerous.
most are suicide the majority of the rest are criminal scum, faggot
Americans need help, I am a U.S. citizen and b4 Hillary's nasty ass bans all modern firearms how do I get a gun legally while over here. Would it be legal for a family member to buy me one? and hold it? I heard iot wasn't
If I honestly have to go back and do it there, how long does the background check take could I do it in less than a week?
Mнe пo мecтy пpoживaния мeнты звoнили и yгpoжaли, хoтя oтeц yжe cъeхaл и зaбpaл opyжиe c coбoй - им вooбщe пoхyй.
Whats your budget?
use your yakuza connections.
Also your misson while in nippon is to bring up koreas shaman scandal at all times.
Ok I will.
What's the best handgun under $500
no budget should I consign(sell off) some guns to panic buyers on the 9th?
permits are helluva hard to get these days, besides I couldn't use it in self-defence anyways.
What you selling? anything NIB?
why are they hard to get theses days ice asian?
nothing just see if it would be worth it for profit.
I mean I mix alcohol with sleeping pills
No point in getting it here. If you shoot burglar in your house even with him clearly being a danger to you - your ass is going to jail 100%
I dont own one because sissy fuck boy politicians made it illegal
Putin is a great man isn't he.
There are roughly 650 million guns in the world.
Roughly 320 million of those are in the United States.
Roughly 20 million of those guns are US military, police and government owned.
The private citizens in the US own the remaining 300 million guns....
And many other estimates show that America might have as many as 750 million guns in the citizen's hands... :)
Here ya go, fed.
a year or so ago there was headlines he was relaxing gun laws i thought. Saw this on /k/
Can't friend, I live in MA. Signed up for my gun course a month ago, went 3 weeks ago, got my 3 letters of recommendation over the next 5 days, submitted my paperwork to the local police same-day, and had my LTC-A photo and fingerprint scanning this morning. They'll call back when the card is ready in 1-3 months.
Democrats, not even once.
It's not just about Putin, but about all our political elite.
Been thinking about getting one. Need to get some kind of license though I think.
J frame
I'd only get one if monstergirls were real.
Except that burglars don't really exist in Russia since 90s
Everyone have fat-ass iron doors and it would take too much effort to get inside
I've told you multiple times already...
I'd buy mags before I bought guns to sell.
Used Glock or any used name brand gun.
Kahr CM9
Something that feels good in your hand that you like.
But I do.
Glock would probably be best. It'll feel blocky and awkward at first, but you get used it it.
>Succubus Slime
My curiosity is piqued.
too poor
fuck uni
its okay though i can satiate my appetite by just looking at exponentially more expensive ammo online. :-)
1. because in order to do such I would have to pass various tests.
2. I don't need one
3. I don't have any issues with my penis size.
This. If you do buy a used Glock check out the springs, if questionable they're cheap to swap out.
I'll be getting one when I start my new job
cuz i live in australia. check your fucking privilge before posting this smut
here, the artist is into femdom though.
Haha, those airsofts almost look believable.
Have family buy a gun. You can transfer it to you by interfamily methods to avoid background checks and other bs.
>falling for the glock meme
You know there are windows, right? And you know there's plenty of ppl living in old halfassed shitty apartaments? My brother's rented flat has been looted some time ago. If nothing happens to you or your relatives and friends doesn't mean it don't exist
Because guns kill people and I care about my wife's life and her wishes.
>tfw they can come and get it
Works fine when you rig it up properly. Read the fucking manual!
Also they should not say the gun they buy is for you. Or else, like most things with guns, it's a felony.
>most are suicide the majority of the rest are criminal scum, faggot
Wars mate, wars.
I own many, even in cucklifornia. Need to get an ar 10 lower before the assult ban.
So Green Berets, MARSOC and DEVGRU ect all fell for the meme? units with practically unlimited budgets all fell for the Glock meme? ok.
...Someday I will figure out how to get past that fucking sad panda...
Normal guns are forbidden to plebes. Maybe hunting rifles, at best
Non-lethal guns (rubber bullets) require a permit. A medical exam. A safe with 2 locks and 2 compartments (one for the gun, one for the ammo). Safe to be fixed in a wall/floor (so cannot be taken away easily). Stupid policeman will come to your house to inspect safe. After more paperwork, permit is issued so you can buy the non-lethal gun and a maximum 50 ammo.
If you're unlucky to get jumped by 5 gypsies and you shoot one in the leg, you'll be paraded on TV and put in court to explain while you shoot unarmed people
When all hell breaks loose, what will you do to protect yourself and your family Kazimir?
anyone have experience with home defence with tazers or anything like that? Got a Cattle prod esque 3 foot beating stick
holy fuck i am in MA and there is no fucking way i am going through all that shit...I'll just wait the 4 months to be done with college and then pick one up when I move to a non-retarded state
>assult ban
What the fuck defines ASSAULT to them banners?
>implying they choose to use it
>completely forgetting that companies bid to have the military use there products
gas yourself faggot
Does it diactivate the atoms?
its up to the army to protect my ass and if the invasion is big enough I won't be able to do anything on my own. better just do what they tell ya and not be a hero with your gun.
Sorry man. That sounds like real fuckin AIDS
>implying they didn't
>implying the military has to accept those contracts
Hey lets just issue them Kel-Tec's in that case. kys dipshit.
Well it's their fault that they live in shitty old flats
Also living in old building is not an excuse, you still can get yourself a nice door and window fences
>being this big of a pussy
Wow. Sad!
At least die like a man
Anything that shoots more or less. But basically any semi auto rifle
they dont have a choice, the companys bid their products and the military uses them. its either a glock that blows up on you or a Beretta m9 that doesn't shoot. go back to cod and then literally gas yourself
>Well it's their fault that they live in shitty old flats
Oh, it's definately fault of the people who live in shitty crumbling houses which must've been demolished years ago.