Shithumans will never be the New Gods

Deal with that, Shithuman drones.

>Shithuman drones
i doubt those exist

Nobody likes the inhumans.

You are attempting to troll no-one.

They are the "b-b-but muh Royal family" retards.

Like fucking Gorgon or Medusa were ever good characters to begin with.

I thought The Eternals were Marvel's version of The New Gods

They were, OP is just a casual.

>They are the "b-b-but muh Royal family" retards.
Again, nobody.

I think the new gods work better then the inhumans because each of them feel like they could work well in there own solo adventures without being tied down

X-men aren't better either!


Try again, Shithuman drone.

I like both, but that's sort of an odd comparison OP.

The Eternals are closer to the New Gods than Inhumans and even then not really

>Again, nobody.
Not true.

In every "Inhumans suck" thread, you can expect to see two things

"But muh Paul Jenkins mini" and "But muh Royal Family".

>Shithuman drone

There is no such thing.

Can you provide any excuse for Cyclops for being a total fucking dickweed though?

Inhumans are living proof that not everything Jack Kirby touches is good. They're nothing but background characters for the FF, and trying to replace the X-men with them only worsened their reputation. And let's not even start on the show

They are, you shithuman-fag.

There are exactly 4 interesting Inhumans:

Maximus, Teleporting Tuning Fork Puppy, Ronan's Tsundere Waifu, and that guy with a moustache who's really good at hitting things in the ONE spot that will make them break.

I would 110% be on board for a Nextwave-style "look at our ridiculous hyjinx" style series with those four as main characters. Too bad Marvel is so busy trying to use them to replace the X-men to figure out anything worthwhile... but at least now that we've seen how the tv series will be, we know we'll only need to put up with that shit for another year or two.

>aren't better either

Let's unpack that for a second... if the X-men "aren't better either," you're saying Inhumans are *actually the same level of quality* with the X-men.

Is that really the hill you want to die on?

I mean, I guess Kamalafags might count technically?

Inhumans are great, shitlord. They're bad because Marvel is making them not!x-men which pisses off tasteless idiots(x-fags) and old school inhumans fans AND people that just don't like bad things(because the quality of Inhumans comics these past several years has been poop).

>Inhumans are great
Here, the mythical Shithuman drone.

Let me guess, you think that the Royal Family is great, right? And Paul Jenkins mini is the best comic ever written, huh?

Oh it's the "muh-muh" guy again

>waste countless money getting the pilot into IMAX theaters (wat)
>show gets cancelled before it even starts

Granted Arrow isn't that better but at least it's established now


No but it's a good comic, tasteless x-bitch.

Inhumans are not based on new Gods

Eternals are Marvel New Gods conterpart

>No but it's a good comic, tasteless x-bitch.
How can someone be that wrong?

Chris Priest's Inhumans thing has actually been alright IMO, albeit it's still rewriting the Kirby origin.

I like the Inhumans conceptually, they're just wasted trying to hammer their square peg into the X-Men's round hole. That kinda came out wrong.

Okay, so imagine you have a compass.

Erase "north" and "south." Don't switch them--label one "Right Ascension" and the other one "Down."

That's how.

>Shithumans will never be the New Gods

And the New Gods will never be the New Gods again, what's your point?

Technically they would be a prototype for the new gods.

>Shitting on King's Miracle to defend Shithumans
Drones have no shame.

Goddamn, let it go you annoying fucking faggots. No wonder no one likes x-fags.

The only Inhuman that I like is Karnak. Warren Ellis is the reason why.

Glorious eternal master race here.

>Mama I wanna be Orion

>The existing comics have all ceased to exist! You can never go back and read them ever again!

I wanna see Darkseid beating the shit out of Medusa and Black Bolt.

Come on, man. You can escape itself.

He's nothing like Orion. You should check out Kirby's Eternals. It's pretty cool. Lots of potential, great world building, but wasted by editorial interference.


I always liked them. Too bad Marvel never did anything worthwhile with the property.