What's your opinion on /r/The_Donald?

What's your opinion on /r/The_Donald?

I think they do a lot of good in spreading info and combing through wikileaks but they're starting to be kind of annoying and turning into the cliche big subreddit taking itself a little too seriously (pic related).

they're a pol colony and completely co-opted reddit

doing good work

reddit even had to change their upvote algorithm because it's such a popular sub

CTR hates them so fucking much lmao

Good fall guy.

Did I say fall guy? I meant ally.

That sounds like something I'd read on Sup Forums word for word, in fact there's Pat least one thread right now that is similar

It's good

Embrace the will of kek!

I see a lot of BREAKING CAPS LOCKS ANNOUNCEMENT!!s on Sup Forums but the "I'm taking charge here, get your asses in gear!" type shit is just stupid and is more indicative of reddit. Maybe it's just me but I kind of cringe when I see people acting like that on the internet.

That being said, they are a good group most of the time.

it takes itself too seriously

1. the "fucking" is completely unnecessary like a high-pitched 12 year old is sperging out.
2. the "get back to work" order would be met with "kys" responses on this board

They're a shitposting machine that reaches normies.

They've got lots of work to do and are the most popular subreddit. I don't see anything wrong with being try hard this election

Good platform to spread anti-Hillary/pro-Trump stuff. Sup Forums -> r/The_Donald -> MSM (rarely but still sometimes) works out well because Sup Forums doesn't have as good reputation. They're too confident though. They seem to think Trump is gonna get all the states.

Those dubs maaaan

they do a lot of fucking good. it's the only legitimate board on that god forsaken website.

Lol, half this faggot subreddit browses Sup Forums. They're literally just Sup Forums without jew/gay hate and obvious racism (aka cuckservatives).
I'm glad they do good work for Trump apparantly but this board and Sup Forums would be better off without thousands of reddit migrants.

Also they're the one pushing this PRAISE KEK and CHECK MUH DUBS thing to a point where it's cringey.

reddit, /r/the_donald tea party when

I think you should fuck off

Make new account and unsubscribe from all but this sub
Download mass upvote and mass down vote addons
Go to all, down vote all
Go to this sub and upvote all
Repeat hourly

A good bridge for teens and normies and people that don't hate jews.

Let's face it. We're not gonna be winning over any undecideds. They may.

They are useful idiots spreading our message.


There's a thread up right now which is just as bad.

Pretty annoying. Make us all look retarded.

plebbit - America
Sup Forums - Jews

We tell them what to do but would never admit it to outsiders.

They manage to trigger the rest of Reddit but still autism their content to the front page. They do good work.

The_Donald is like having a 16 year old little brother who says cringey shit all the time because he has no self-awareness, but fuck it, at least his heart's in the right place and we can molest him later

Sup Forums has been overrun by normalfags who are infatuated with online activism. The fact that people bother with reddit is proof of that.
That's because they agree with you. Faggot.

useful idiots

i will never ever have a plebbit account. i do keep tabs on that reddit though, mostly to just to see all the butthurt it causes around reddit. other than that the place is very annoying to me. shitty memes, overused memes, overused shitty memes. it's cancerous, but it's spreading throughout reddit so whatever. the donald's purpose to destabilize plebbit was a better success than anyone thought it would be. it's kind of crazy that it turned into something more than that

They do good work but they over-meme it sometimes, does my head in

Small price to pay for taking over leddit though

>plebbit posting in the year 1500+516

as others have already stated, the cringiness acts as a nice buffer for them and us

"too weird to take seriously"

let them have their confidence

What's this grim faced determination?

Just enjoy the memes and let the magic happen

Its like one of those "safe spaces" the feminists use
At least theyre not organizing on Sup Forums

>What's your opinion on /r/The_Donald?
The same as my opinion on every other kind of open social media platform that uses account names.

They're cancerous as fuck and the greatest possible outcome of the election would be the lot of them leaving here forever.
>B-but our Sup Forums colony!
Speak for yourself, no one from here would ever want to hang around reddit.
>B-but they're helping!
They got kids to use "cuck" as a daily insult and made a bunch of cringeworthy nimble navigator memes. Sup Forums achieves more by shitposting kike memes on Twitter than reddit does taking themselves seriously.

all things considered they do a better with CTR than Sup Forums does from the look of it

/r/the_donald has done great work. No normies will ever visit /lol/ but Reddit is in the top 10 most popular websites in the USA. They've grown their subs to 250,000 and even forced Reddit admins to change the algorithm for /r/all because the userbase is so active. They're constantly brigaded by CTR and still hit front page of /r/all.

/r/the_donald is just doing great work at getting the message out to people who would otherwise just watch MSM

Literally the same thing you see in OPs around here.

We are the chosen people of KEK, they are only his servants.

One reason I into CTR trolling is to piss off all the the_dahnald cross posters.

Literally all the 20+ (You)s you see are contributed by the dahnald fags.

I'm all for Trump but you guys seriously need to stop posting like faggots and integrate properly.


Fuck drumpf and fuck all the_donald posters

Nice double post

at least they arent as much as annoying compared to aseanfags in Sup Forums or Sup Forumsfags in general

Reddit is shit.
Tripfaggong(username) and up voting is internet cancer. Go rape yourself

Deluded shithole that loads of newfags here come from and you all need to go back.

The_Donald is for all intents and purposes a more normie friendly Sup Forums front board. they don't talk about Jews and any of the other "higher level redpills" that would turn normies completely away plus they act as a gate between us and the rest of the Internet so that our site remains much more unknown and obscure

Basically they're the frontman for passing off what Sup Forums discovers in relation to the election to the more normie crowd and they also act as the fall guy if any anti trump need someone to blame

It's a lot more "respectable" to make it seem like a few guys on Reddit are the ones helping trump and that racist comments and stuff are censored. I've said it time and again if the media was ever to expose that Sup Forums are the true ones helping trump it could very well spell both the end of trumps campaign as well as the end of Sup Forums of we are exposed to the world

Now I know how nervous Jews must feel sometimes when we might discover they are behind things. I guess a result of studying the Jews and their tricks for so long is that we have started using their tactics and strategies to push our own movement. Hopefully this using jewish tactics to do good is not our ultimate downfall

It's reddit of course but you have to be truly stupid to think they are not doing their part for the god emperor.

I know were on Sup Forums but cut them some slack as well as cut out trying to be edgy. Trump needs all the help he can get here.

pic related

They are the USA to our Israel.

sven, you are literally living in pakistan 2.0 complaining about activism boards. you are literally the cancer of the world.

I love this level of autism

>Tweeting this out after trump literally said he would've had you killed



Sup Forums is becoming like the Jews in a way in terms of tactics. I'd say we are very very good at using some entry to low mid level Jewish tactics in terms of fighting a "war of information"

I hope this isn't ultimately a bad thing. I don't wish to have us go from being seen as the bad guys by the bad guys to actually becoming villains ourselves who are no better than Jews

we the jews now

Whenever we need funds for our shit they cooperate


Again. Normie friendly Sup Forums

After the election we need to keep a similar board going in order to introduce our movement to more people


bringing too many redditurds here

Useful to us

/r/conspiracy is fine, too.

Fuck off ribbitors

Fun fact 98 percent of frog posting faggots are /r/the_donald refugees

Everyone be aware and watch out they are everywhere

Strangely we are never mentioned in the media.

Even with the draftourdaughters meme.

We are the shadow meme government

They're our fall guy and a buffer between Sup Forums and what the normies see

Let's face it if Sup Forums was standing directly in the front and was the only trump discussion place Sup Forums and trump would have been fucked a long time ago

They're idiots and some of them are derpy little kids but ultimately they are our useful idiots and yes they will Be purged when their usefulness is done

The media talking about Sup Forums has never done them any favors, they show themselves as being completely incompetent, uninformed and irrational.

I think they know who's "pulling the strings" but they don't want to talk about it.

Oh cool kek has smiled upon me


One hundred percent of people who contributed to your post are fucking imbeciles.


>The mods do it for free.
>They take themselves too seriously.
>They try too hard to emulate Sup Forums.
>The few OC they make are bootleg Sup Forums memes
>They're directing newfag cancer to us
They should be cleansed in purifying fire like the rest of reddit.

Newfag kekuck redditor detected

Go back fag

wew lad

I look every once in a while. They are the only ones that report on leaks. For some reason the politics board is 100% anti-trump and doesn't even report on Hillary Clinton

The way they write their headlines is obnoxious, but the disaster is in the comment section. Nothing but regurgitating memes in a hugbox.

Reddit is a mess because each board is a hugbox where wrong ideas are expunged. Then each of the boards compete for popularity


No. Keep our shit here and just use them like we used many other websites to take the blame before. If fags start going from reddit to Sup Forums it will be fucked.

You have to go back, plebbit is plebbit, no matter who they support.
They're not our allies.


reddit is shit and r/the_donald makes no difference. they are an ok content aggregator / news source but are they a fucking circlejerk holy shit


Bad news kid you have to go back

Dumb reddit frog poster


I have not once been on reddit.

Get the fuck out of here.


>What's your opinion on /r/The_Donald?

They are great when we make them great.

trips of truth

And we haven't been mentioned because of things like the_donald

As much as this might seem "elitist" Sup Forums is for the most part not on the front lines we are the string pullers. We create content (like draft our daughtes) or discover things (like wikileaks emails) and then pass them off to places like the_donald so they can do the "work" of posting them. It is those people who are on the front lines they do the arguments against Hillary supporters on Twitter they post the memes and leaks that we create/discover and they argue for whatever we have decided. How do you think Sup Forums does shit like get videos to the top of trending?

I think the structure is somewhat like this in terms of the election

>Sup Forums discusses and decides what ideas/info should be pushed
>after that a few anons who are also higher ups in the_donald (which we created) post a select normie friendly part of our ideas and discussions
>people on the_donald run with those ideas and take them onto places like Twitter Facebook and YouTube to spread them argue with the other side and try to convince neutrals

Wanna know Sup Forumss secret to how we can be so influential? Not because we ourselves have a large userbase but because we through fronts like the_donald influence possibly millions of people to do things for us most of who probably have never heard of us at all

We are literally operating using Jew tier tactics adapted to push our movement

Oh P.S anyone notice Hillary's whole Donald is a KGB plant thing disappeared? Who is responsible for squashing that so rapidly?

Don't tell me /r. Unless /r is responsible for another?

They're going to take over Sup Forums, this place is full of cuck energy. It's for the best. Anonymity is for the weak.

>We are literally operating using Jew tier tactics adapted to push our movement

You are suck a fucking leaf.

They might know they might not

The problem is Sup Forums is too obscure and "hard to explain" in and of itself much less Sup Forums for all we know we look to them like a satirical bunch of kids who follow what the_donald is doing

If someone was ever to dedicate a year or two to live among us and was not convinced of our views in that time so they could properly explain us we would be screwed

I think the "let the newfags come we'll redpill them" actually works though. It seems that everyone who has ever come here to investigate Sup Forums or to combat it ends up agreeing with our views in the end

Bad news ffag kek is upon you.
Not believing in Collective Consciousness is like denying God and that's retarded.

We need to make sure they can't find their way here

But I still say there is an advantage to having a personal Sup Forums army. Just keep it controlled by a few people from here but keep pol hidden from the normies while they do our bidding

Don't want them newfags. It's like going from Paleo to agrarian civilization.
Never forget what happened to Neanderthal man.

I hate all the legitimate religicucks here now

Used to be only shitposters now I think some of you are actually dumb enough to believe this kek crap

There is nothing wrong with using the enemies tactics against them

>I hate all the legitimate religicucks here now
>Used to be only shitposters now I think some of you are actually dumb enough to believe this kek crap


Nig. Fucking try it. Do Sigils, that shit works.
Been doing it for 9 years now and it always proves itself. Will it and it comes true.

They're quints lad

God youre fucking crazy

I think you're right on this Leaf.

It's a good thing we're just so persuasive

The subreddit consists of at least 50% bots. Its a bit ridiculous how they think its not suspicious that every shit link gets 3k upvotes. Also, if you aren't already a Trump supporter, the style and the content of the sub will turn you off big time. I don't know if they are good or not for Trump.

Was Carl Jung and Tesla crazy?
Yes, but they were right and accomplished a lot.
Shit's magic can't explain it. Experience kek.

They update normies and sometimes take shit from Sup Forums to update the normies. I also noticed there are some definite Sup Forumsers in there. Everyone needs to work together to take the witch down.

Can you believe it, Donald brought Reddit and Sup Forums together.