Every-night you slip into your bed, you fall into unconsciousness and basically die. Since you have a dream while unconscious, the consciousness that awakes in the morning isn't technically you. Technically every-time you go to sleep you die and this makes beds literal suicide machines.
Every-night you slip into your bed, you fall into unconsciousness and basically die...
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and then people tell me Sup Forums isn't satire.
Is there a way to make it permanent?
What's being slid?
You can prove that the creature that awakes in the morning is the same consciousness that went to sleep last night, due to dreams adding separate and distinct memories which never occurred in actual reality.
You can't prove my argument wrong.
Cunt you're right!
Last night I feel asleep and felt all my organs stop, I know because I could hear them not working, quick cunt what's the cure?
You don't actually fall into unconsciousness when you fall asleep.
you can't* prove
>this makes beds literal suicide machines
By that logic every time you wake up you're resurrected thereby also making them resurrection machines. Checkmate.
So you're saying every time I add a new memory I become a different person, completely distinct from the person I was before?
wtf I hate sleep now
>you fall into unconsciousness and basically die
Unconscious =/= dead
>you have a dream while unconscious
You're not completely unconscious if you dream.
>the consciousness that awakes in the morning isn't technically you
By that logic, the consciousness that exists once you finish reading this post isn't "technically you" either, because it's a little bit different. That's why "you" doesn't refer to any specific state you're in at a given moment, but to all the states you have ever been and will ever be in.
You don't die retard wtf this is like flat-earth tier of stupidity
No because the consciousness that awakes has new memories that never occurred, rendering it a different consciousness.
No only concious memories count that take place in reality.
i ve got an even better theory
whenever you die,a paralel universe is created in which you dont actually die,so for you it would be like you never actually died,while for everyone else it would be like you died,while at the same like you didnt die
in essence,you can be both dead and alive at the same time,but you will always inhabit the universe in which you didnt die,practically making you immortal
You'll be gone in full winter, leaf.
It had to be...
A fucking leaf.
> the consciousness that awakes has new memories that never occurred, rendering it a different consciousness.
The consciousness before reading this post is not the same as the consciousness after reading this post. Does it follow that my post is a suicide machine?
Beds are insidious suicide machines, asshat. Wake the fuck up.
Lay off the weed justin, it's not legal yet
But the post occurred in reality and while I was conscious.
>Technically every-time you go to sleep you die and this makes beds literal suicide machines.
Cool, I watch CGPGrey too.
you're just making idiotic claims without evidence.
>Technically every-time you go to sleep you die
Except that you don't.
oh it's a leaf
disregard thread
wtf i hate sleep now
Wtf I hate beds now
There is no way of knowing at any given moment whether you just came into existence and all previous memories were planted.
Why make this arbitrary distinction? Also, you're not unconscious while you dream in the sense you're trying to imply.
Really makes my neurons vibrate really fast uh...
t. first year philosophy major
I aint afraid of no sleep
I aint afraid of no bed
Fine, birth machines. Maybe the new person you wake up as in the morning won't be such a retard OP.
So what? The cells in your brains are constantly replicating throughout the day, you die every few moments
ridiculous thread.
The real red pill is:
This is a dream right now, you're sleeping now but when you go to "sleep" in this world you're actually in the real world and not asleep.
this is retarded because what happens when you die of old age fuckwad
Freddy Krueger was right: you sleep, you die.
Every day I wake a new me. Something else. Something different. But still me. It is exciting to wake, it is exciting to sleep. All my dead friends and relative come to visit. I love/hate being alive.
>Since you have a dream while unconscious, the consciousness that awakes in the morning isn't technically you.
What retarded logic is this? That makes no sense, however since your consciousness is argubly the neuron firings of your brain, your consciousness is never really the same consciousness as, for example, the one you had a millosecond ago.
Really makes you think...
Based kike gets it.
I'd hide you under my floorboards in 1943 bro.
dude weed lmao
Wow, I'm really going to enjoy your forthcoming death tonight.
By your retard mexi-logic, if you think a new thought while you're awake you become a completely new conscience being.
simple,you dont die
you keep living in an alternate universe
>sleeping means you die because you are not experiencing things and not conscious. You wake up as a different consciousness
>waking up with memories of your dreams also means you are a different consciousness
>actively experiencing things while awake means new memories and thus changes you as a person
>new memories means you are a different conscious
>this means every instance "you" exist "you" are also constantly dying and "resurrecting"
mind blown tbqh kinsman
you didnt notice it
>You're not completely unconscious if you dream.
Even if you don't dream there's still a shitload going on while you sleep - more than when awake even, certainly if you are dreaming.
If you sleep you win
all hail mighty kike logic
technically, the ship of Theseus is made of entirely different materials
You know that time and space are granular and that continuity exists only in the mind, right? All continuity is subjective in nature, so from the perspective of someone sleeping, dreaming and then waking up, continuity is retained.
>not leaf
This is the first step to realizing, there is no persistent 'you' remaining intact as time flows. Your mind is always in flux, and never remains the same.
>watched some shitty YouTube video about the star trek translocator
>decided to turn it into a thread on Sup Forums
>literally just repeats what the video says
Kill yourself my senpai.
Wouldn't it be because you were conscious while the new memory was created ergo your mind changed but you were aware of it. While sleeping your mind changes but you are not able to be aware or remember it.
Its unverifiable and unfalseifiable.
How convenient.
Also meditation can mimic sleep - is meditation suicide too?
Who did you steal that computer from gypsy?
>canuckitard logic
Then why the fuck am I tired right now, nigger
so you mean the flat is not earth?
it is in canada eyy
But you are hardly aware of all the changes that happen in your mind. (e.g. Jewish subversion)
I work third shift. My boss fired me for always dying on the job. But I can't help it, it's hard to stay alive at night when you have been alive most of the day.
fuckin dinlo
That is as much true as saying every time you have a heartbeat you are a different person. Some of you cells died, some new were created during that period of time. My personality is the same as when I went to sleep, my principles are the same, my memories are the same and my ambitions are the same, my body is basically the same; ergo I'm the same man. Or do you say you get resurrected each time you wake?
Let's say you copy all information of your physical self, destroy it, and then build two clones in two different locations. Which one does your consciousness go to?
This is only scary if you're some kind of Yudokowskiesque nu-atheist addicted to finding terror in unscary things. This is the most unscary, cringeworthy shit I've heard since Roko's Basilisk.
I have some bad news for you.
where do you think you are?
People will tell you leaf posters are satire
from another,richer gypsy
Idk but that's a good idea for a spy movie
>super spy dies
>government version and terrorist version are both soon "reactivated"
I'm not fleshing out all the way out, but the nuts and bolts are there
You fucked up the line idiot.
>never had a wet dream and it's been bothering me lately
>had a wet dream
>wake up from it
>wake up from that dream
From the perspective of each of my clones, the consciousness has gone to them. From your perspective, the moment the clones wake up, the consciousnesses begin to diverge, at which point the illusion of continuity is exposed when you can't decide which of the clones is me.