Woman cries because she voted for a woman president

>Woman cries because she voted for a woman president


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Death's name is American woman

Muh vagina

B-but surely she considered each candidate's policies and stances before making her decision, right guys?

But first woman president is history in the making and she wants to be alive to see it.

take a good look lads, women voting with their vaginas will responsible for america's downfall.

I didn't really buy Sup Forums's shit about women until this election came around.

It is so fucking retarded. There seems to be nothing on their mind but "muh vagina".

>all that shit about Hillary, her team sending tards to rallies because they know they'll sperg out, all the illegal shit, the lies, the corruption
>"Yeah but Trump said he fucks women"

They don't even fucking know anything about him. All they know is that he made some crude statements about women.

Just like she will cry when she realizes what she has done

She's gonna cry even harder after Trump curbstomps hillary

Token milestones are much more important than policy improvment you fucking bigot!

Her vote should be disregarded as she only voted based on her emotions

If she was so enthusiastic about voting for a female president, why wasn't she voting for Jill Stein in 2012?

It's mind boggling. Them voting for Hillary purely because "muh vagina" and "Trump said mean things about women" would be the same as all of Sup Forums abandoning Trump over the 300 lbs statement.

How do they even function in real life?


she's crying because she's confused inside, it's a reaction not born out of relief, happiness, joy — but the culmination of fear, uncertainty, ignorance and doubt - she's not a goofy cunt, but her bottom lip curls up out of fear.

This is literaly leftism. Shoot on sight (if you're FBI and shooting her with legal authorization, or an illegal immigrant given protection by Hussein Obama)

Source: I am not an ignorant autistic faggot

that makes up a lot of the trump vote too desu

why do americans become such cucks for 1 leader?

19th amendment was a mistake.

My teacher cried when Obama got elected.

Let 'em have this one, bro. Democrats may be crony capitalists, but at least they're somewhat socially progressive, unlike Republicans.

it's so weird she doesn't even see that as sexist,

$0.2 have been deposited in your account

muh wimin

She will be crying more when Hillary sends her sons to war

This is why women shouldn't vote, they think with their emotions & not the long term consequences

This. I used to call out people who were against women suffrage and shit. Now I realize that they were right. You don't vote for president because they have a bagina or a benis. There are more important issues than this and the vast majority of women can't seem to be able to look past the bagina. Even if they do, they vote based on muh feels and against "offensive" statements...

Pic relevant: AfD voting in German poll.

>I don't care if she's a corrupt piece of fucking shit who should be in prison, I'm voting for her because she has a vagina.

We already have a YRYL thread

American politics is fubar as fuark. We had our female presidential candidate last or two elections ago. I can't even remember since no fucks given. This time there was another one with potential but she didn't get to 1on1 because of a few thousand votes. However, no female prime minsiter in sight since no female on top of any party right now.

Germany has Merkel. Frenchtards had that Royale bitch and even have right wing queens. Bongs had Thatcher and now have May. Other shit tier countries in Europe probably also have a few examples. For example that Croatian bitch I would rail any day 2bh.

But America having a female nominee is like deciding between live and death for fucks sake. Why are you moved by such superficial topics like a woman's vagina or a guy grabbing someones pussy.



>lefty meme "socially progressive"
>Bernie meme "crony capitalists"
>reddit spacing
kill yourself. dubs denied.

Oh shit. Women are going fuck you guys over, aren't they?

This election will be feminism's OJ Simpson moment.

Meds, shopping and being supported by cucks

Revoke womens' right to vote NOW

The true digits arrive.




Just like most trump votes
Really makes you think...

I'd cry, too.

>6 million more female voters than male voters in the US

Men are literally being disenfranchised by the 19th Amendment.

She probably voted for her in 2008, too. If this is the first time then she's still a double-idiot for not even knowing.


That man has a very womanly body

did she vote for jill stein then

>She's gonna cry even harder after Trump curbstomps hillary

Could you imagine this?

>>Election results are in. Trump wins in a landslide
>>first thing he does is send Alphabet soup to arrest her and her kin
>>put on trial for murder, corruption and treason
>>She starts getting sick because of the conditions in Mexican prisons
>>found guilty
>>Trump steps in.
>>"I sentence this woman to be kerbstomped on live TV by me. Let me tell you folks, its going to be so good. So good.
>>have Bill and Chelsea there to watch
>>Hillary bites the kerb as shit starts running down her pant suit
>>crowd screaming JEW-S-A JEW-S-A
>>The Don steps up. Hair golden and flowing in the cold DC winter wind.
>>Its over.
>>Bill has stroke. Hes a vegitable now.
>>Chelsea vows to bring down the US gub when shes done being a whore.

Would be fantastic.

Of course not. She probably doesn't even know Stein ran in '12

This isnt the first time a woman ran for POTUS.
Did they explicitly have to tell her for her to realize it?

You should be required to cut a 3cm square patch of flesh off of your right arm before being allowed to enter a voting booth. This proves how passionate you are about your decision. No virtue signaling pussies allowed. It also quickly shows visually whether someone has already voted that day. If there is a bloody wound on someone's right arm and they try to enter a voting booth, then you know they already voted that day and they're trying to vote twice. To send a message that this is unacceptable, such people should be executed on the spot on a livestream, funkytown style.

She could've voted for Jill Stein in 2012.

Allowing women to vote was a BIG mistake


Better yet, you should be required to show legal ID and proof that you've paid taxes at some point in the past 4 years.

Right, and she could have written in a woman in any given election year.

Don't be stupid. This is the first election with a female nominee who has a good chance to win. That is what she is emotional about.

Intelligent people want to and try to understand others. Your post shows that you have no interest in that. Guess what that says about you.

>Sup Forums abandoning Trump over the 300 lbs statement.

He said 400lb hacker, not 300lb.

t. 350lb masterrace

Understanding her motivation doesn't make that motivation any less stupid.

I can't wait until I can vote for the first nonbinary transfluid pansexual atheist hindu muslim kike gender-terrorist

>350 lbs
how do you live with yourself, user?



Does that make it any less horrible that her entire vote is based on her genitalia? Or that she could also have voted Jill Stein?

>this emotional over voting

This is why they shouldn't vote.

Cause muh freedums

I'm talking about understanding why she is emotional, not why she presumably voted for Hillary.

If you want a comment on her motivation: there's not enough information in the video to determine why she voted for Hillary.

Damn that's powerful. It's time for men to stand down and take their place behind today's empowered women.

getting emotionally riled up over what he proposes is different from making decisions based on emotions

So Trump can't vote then?

The in-group bias of women is appalling desu

Hillaries negligence has literally lead to the death of American citizens.

Yet "I'm with her because we both have baginas :DD"

i'm in physical pain from how reddit you are. stop posting immediately

>women in power

is that something new? Pic very much related.

Hillary however is a dirty corrupt globalist swine.

What an embarrassment on behalf of womankind. The potential first female president is Clinton.

yet another double standard. men can't vote for a candidate because "he's a man".

>using the right to vote, while driving my car coming from my job I'm finally going to defeat this oppressive society by voting a female president
I just can't do this shit anymore Sup Forums, america is too fucking retarded.

Checked those digits, mate

>Hillaries negligence has literally lead to the death of American citizens.

Yeah but Trump might've said a mean thing about someone who shares physical characteristics with me, so listen we just have differences of political opinion that's no reason to remove my right to vote just because I make irrational decisions 100% of the time lol ;-)

Yas queen mama slay mama slay

It's good that you Piefkes understand this necessity.

Woman don't understand politics

by constantly drinking

>is that something new?

These people are basically machine, you enter your linguistic punch card and then they run through the appropriate routine.

The only reason they care about it is because they have been told that it is important to care about it. The reason they aren't consciously aware of other female leaders is because they don't actually care enough to look them up and no one fed the appropriate punch card with the relevant information to them.

The only requirement is that the information you give them somehow appeals to their base desires.

>voting for someone just because she has a vagina or a dick
This is what's wrong with democracy. The uneducated should not be allowed to vote.

>used up

yeah no wonder

>The uneducated should not be allowed to vote.

Dangerous trap you dug for yourself there. Most of society equates being educated with having some degree, regardless of the fact if it is useful or was just 3 years of extra brainwashing.

Rather, the right to vote should be tied to some duties you did for the state. May that be the draft or paying your taxes.

You cannot trust people to be responsible with something that was handed to them for free and with zero obligations attached. Especially not when it comes to a group with such an insane in-group bias.

I have art of your situation

There was probably a good reason why women didn't have the vote.

Death rides a white hatchback.


kek a pretty accurate description if you asked me.

luckily danish women are not so absolute trashy and in the 2007 and 2011 election they voted majority right wing. In the 2015 election they were close to 50/50 (54% voted left wing).

So women are not necessary the problem. Its a cultural thing and western women are in general extremely superficial and naive.

illegal votes + rigged machines = Hillary wins, regardless of what happens.

This is the result of have a century of identity politics.


I didn't mean literally uneducated but more that people are uneducated towards political programs. Most people I met don't even know the uttermost basic campaign of the CDU yet still vote for them because the perceived "good" that Merkel did shifts their opinion to vote for her again, without actually seeing what good or bad she actually did.

People should have to deal with every parties program before voting, maybe take a small test to see if the person in question actually knows what the parties are even doing.

identity politics nigga, the political system is an automated machine that doubles down on what works

I don't post on reddit, guys. I got no interest in joining the latest, hottest normie site. Sup Forums is my place. Always has been and always will be.

The democratic process is shitty and unreliable and open to rigging. We need a new revamped system that is in the best interest of the people.

Do you think most women will get up to vote?

What if I told you that Sup Forums is the normiest of all


>So women are not necessary the problem. Its a cultural thing and western women are in general extremely superficial and naive.

Women are more likely to welcome group think.

With the rise of nationalism globally they will co-opt it.

Men relied lesser on the tribe to keep them alive and raise their children with them and protect them during pregnancy, so men are capable of arguing with the tribe. Women just go along with whatever appears to be the safest strategy.

The face of a crazy mentally unstable women who will die with her whole family in the first in the first russian nuke strike

Look at the women running DNC
>Donna Brazile
>Cheryl Mills

Incompetence, corruption, favoritism, failing upward
Amyone who's had female teachers or bosses should recognize the familiar pattern

>The uneducated should not be allowed to vote.

why? Education is not an indication of intelligence. Yes back in 1800-1950 it was but now everyone can get a degree. Close to 60% of the danish youth will get bachelor at least. Education means jack shit anymore and I am confronted with it everyday at work. Candidates and PHDs who are basically braindead and unable to think logically. It is pathetic and a shame.

This is all women are good for

My mother is Dutch woman who grew up in the Caribbean. Her father fled the Netherlands because he feared for his life as a Nazi sympathizer. I never really registered it as a child, but as I grew up I realized that my grandad was a fucking Nazi and mom had inherited a bit of it. She's not a clever woman. Very traditional, very energetic, always threw herself into everything, including parenting. She hated my dad but she stayed with him until my brothers and I were out of the house in college before divorcing. No court drama, no custody shit, nice clean break.

Now she's dating some old Jewish guy. I had them over for dinner, and as they're sitting there the elections come up. He says that Hillary's really the only choice for her experience. He and I start debating it, friendly-like, because neither of us want to upset mom.

Then she finishes a mouthful of Turkey and says "Trump reminds me of Hitler." I die a little inside. I look down at my plate and shuffle some cranberries around.
"That's why I'm voting for him," she says, "Opa told me about Germany in the 30s. It was just like America today. We need a strong man to lead us out of the dark."
"Hitler destroyed Germany."
"No," she said, "Russia and the USA did. If Mister Putin is supporting Trump, who's going to stop him, the French?"

I love my mom. Not all women are liberals.