Has she lost her mind?
Has she lost her mind?
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Women go crazy at that age. It's an evolutionary instinct, they are no longer of value since they cant make children so they go crazy that way people can leave them out in the forest to die and not feel so bad about it
Contamination and parasites in her brain.
That was a guy?
Do you make this shit up as you go?
>post yfw the laugh
>Posting Franco reaction pics
ummm, sexist much?
looks like she had a good session of cocaine.
fucking lol
>"I want to thank my Klan"
What did she mean by this?
Christ these people are full of themselves
Literally pink wojak
what drugs was she on
>shaky voice and hyperventilates one second and then proceeds to talk normally immediately afterwards
>does it again
What did she mean by this exactly?
oxi clean
ethnic nationalism is a helluva drug
wow wtf
She practically said she was antifa at the beginning
Sup Forums BTFO!
that makes perfect sense
her speech was one of the cringiest things i've ever saw desu
i'm not even a poltrash or someone who uses "cringe" for anything
>i'm not even a poltrash
You will be. You will be.
happened to me this year
I love learning new things about women.
Woman were a mistake desu
Women are so fucking full of themselves and need to get over themselves.
They act like decades of social progress has never happened, look at Lady Bird, people act like it's the first movie about a teenage girl and yet what about Thirteen and White Oleander? Both of which are over a decade old, it's nothing new.
People have literally no memory nowadays, look at the way blacks reacted to Black Panther, like we hadn't just had 8 years of the first black President and they flip out over a fucking MOVIE like there's never been a comic book starring a black person and same as Lady Bird, it's nothing new.
tl;dr nothing is wrong for women in modern society, a perv like Weinstein is not indicative of a systematic problem.
shut up white male
>Negative Inclusion Rider, the pattern is full
Juno, remember Juno? that was huge at the Oscars lmao.
Plenty is wrong for women in society. They are incentivized to delay having children and instead ride the cock carousel while pursuing a career that makes them miserable. This makes them go insane, produce fewer, less healthy children and secure lower quality husbands.
Women were so much happier before feminism.
Apparently making it a part of your contract that the people who hire you have to hire an equal amount of every race, gender, sexuality. Meaning the same amount of whites, blacks, Latinos, Asians etc. It’s literally mandated diversity hiring.
The room went dead silent for a couple seconds there. I bet everyone in the room was thinking "jews"
megan ellison had no business standing up
That's what I thought, I immediately went to wikipedia to check if she was a member of the tribe
>Trying to force le epic woman stand up moment
>Barely 20% of woman stood up
There's still hope lads
>no reactions from people
That childish nervous laugh is a flag. Her subconscious communication to the rest of humanity that everything she is saying and doing, including wardrobe and hair, is not serious, merely a whim.
>inclusion rider
wtf that means? brainlet here
gotta say, jim carrey delivered an incredible performance in Batman Forever.
She sounds and looks out of her mind but honestly Idk I like it.
I have no idea how all the males can control themselves while filming a semon demon for ours
Obama was a faggot, he didn't do shit.
so negative!
>“I just found out about this last week,” she shared. “There has always been available, to everybody that does a negotiation on a film, an inclusion rider, which means that you can ask for and/or demand at least 50 percent diversity in not only the casting but also the crew. And so the fact that I just learned that after 35 years of being in the film business… we’re not going back. So the whole idea of women trending? No. No trending. African Americans trending? No, no trending. It changes now. And I think the inclusion rider will have something to do with that.”
she literally learned about it one week ago
It's something that people can negotiate in any *major film contract that half the cast and crew have to be diverse.
It's in there - I imagine it's a cunt of a process and that's the reason why people don't do it.
Because #timesup. If it was last year they'd rape her right there
She should've told all the women to stand up, not just the female nominees
That would have made all the guys get visibly shook
The majority of people are fucking dumb with memories like goldfish. They nominate presidential candidates who voted for the Iraq War, they buy games by EA, they watching Transformers and Fast and the Furious, they smoke, they drink, they eat fast food. They don't know anything that happens outside of the country - they don't know how their own bodies work.
People are filth and this is the culture they deserve.
A rider is basically a list of extra things an 'artist' demands outside of the money. For instance, Kayne west's rider is something like two slushee machines backstage
Is that Ghost Rider’s gay liberal brother?
*Guttural croak*
How high was she?
If you mention the word rider, reddit will come with a story about m&ms
At some point later in life, a roastie like this has had so much HPV injected inside her, that the viruses have slithered their way through her sinews until they reach her brain, causing behavior like this.
what the fuck is that? is she and Robert DeNiro buying kids from the same boat?
If u are a male u know we think about sex 24/7 so how do they control themselves?
i have to agree with you. they age like milk and their mental health goes to complete shit. anyone who disagrees is a virgin or a literal faggot.
>People are filth and this is the culture they deserve.
Which would be fine but the behaviour of those around you directly and indirectly affects your own life, so you can't afford to be laissez-faire about idiocy
Mentally unstable
about a bump of Metamucil mixed with some snow in each nostril.
I feel like the Academy awards cant decide if they are an entertainment spectacle or another industry awards show that really belongs at the conference room at some shitty Seattle Marriott or something.
meh. Makes my life better, stay bitter Sup Forums virgin.
>married to one guy since 1984
you're boring
How could I forget Juno? That was exactly a decade ago it was nominated and yet OMG LADY BIRD THE FIRST MOVIE FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF A TEENAGE GIRL OMG!!!!!
Well it sucks to have to live in this culture if you're not a brain dead idiot with the memory of a goldfish.
And the memory thing really is staggering, the prior decade in some ways seems more advanced than the 10s since back then it was just an assumption that we lived in an equal society (we elected the first black President for crying out loud), I mean for real, go look back at 00s culture, it feels more alive and more real than today's culture.
I hate this decade, I hate modern culture and I hate feminists.
Guys... I’m sorry. I’m out. I can handle the worst things ever on Sup Forums but I couldn’t handle 15 seconds into this chick being onstage.
Off all the posts on all the boards everywhere this bitch broke me.
Carry on friends
Meth, coke, or liberalism? What degenerate drug causes this kind of erratic mannerism and insanity?
I can't fucking watch this shit - I feel too much 2nd hand shame. Why, when actors go off script, do they become the cringiest motherfuckers on the planet?
quality satire.
heavy use of drugs
Honestly, she is just overwhelmed with excitement and joy she cant even think before she speaks or regulate herself. That's all it is.
Start demanding it.
>I especially want to thank my clan
>Names two jews
>These men were raised by their feminist mothers
>All female nominees stand up
We strayed so far from anything that could resemble a real future for humanity. I embrace the approaching demise of civilisation.
What country are you from?
Hey thats my neighbourhood.
They let the chinks out of richmond again or something?
She's high on drugs and thinks she's in a safe space where she can expose her inner insanity and get applause for being stupid and crazy.
Nah just tried getting a black to ride a motorcycle on a closed off road at under 20mph
Is Juno any good? I loved Thank You for Smoking, but the premise for Juno seemed kind of boring and I just sort of forgot about it.
Kekistan obviously.
they adopted him from paraguay kek
Fuck. Next they are gonna get one to try and do an underwater stunt or swim laps. I get we need black stunt doubles for black characters. But it's just a film, is it really worth losing lives over? just CGI that shit over a white guy.
Yeah it’s good. Believe it or not Cera and Page are actually preforming at the level when you can understand why people loved them.
Gary Busey.
I didn’t realize that swamp thing was doing a Vince... saved that off Sup Forums forever ago
What the fuck is wrong with her
wtf is this shit?