What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
nothing human. the sam hyde is spreading misinformation
ayy lmao
Shillary will leak secret ayy lmao documents do distract public from emails investigation.
Staged alien attack, just in time for election day!
No matter what happens, go out and vote. LET NOTHING STOP YOU FROM ELECTING TRUMP, NOT EVEN NUKES!
We have to stop this madman before he unleashes the ayys
He means we should have stopped him
Hes talking about PROJECT FIRESIGN.
Sam is smart enough to know that the idea of a false flag alien invasion being used to effect the election is ridiculous and unlikely but he is also enough of a troll to perpetuate such speculation on twitter for retweets and likes. K33p doing you Sam!! I am for real a big fan. What's it like being able to shit post about yourself and read real people reactions. I hope this isn't coming off as sarcastic, I am truly a fan and curious as to your opinion on that(that being the idea that you can sort of critique yourself through the anonymity of your Sup Forums fan base.
I dunno but he is an alien so I trust him to know
What this madman going to do this time?
I'm honestly surprised she didn't already. Publicly she was always pro - disclosure
He's planning on abducting and anal probing some women.
what do you make of the "lunar wave" ?
>Russia is responsible for literally everything
>Russia couldn't possibly be responsible for these unknown aircraft sightings though, must be ayylmaos
The bitch has lost the plot. The only thing that is likely to actually be russians she assumes is extra terrestrial activity.
wasn't this called 'bluebeam'? Since when was it 'firesign'?
This wasn't ever confirmed as real or not but who would take the time to make something this in depth besides maybe CTR?
forgot this
whoa with lingo like that you KNOW it's real
He means he's going to unleash that black oil stuff on inner-city Chicago.
holographic aliums/counterfeit xenochrist
He means please retweet this to keep me relevant
since they forgot a public facing af.mil server in the end of the 90s containing the documents
they killed a guy over this
>He died of a heart attack in his home in December 1996, at age 51, the day after being arrested and spending a night in jail.