2016 the year a imageboard filled with gravley autistic:

2016 the year a imageboard filled with gravley autistic:
Uncle Toms
Selfhating kikes
Swe cucks
Poo in loos

Shitposted Trump into office and saved the fucking world.

I love you guys never fucking change.

Sup Forums is now a world power got fuck yourself liberal kike media.

Other urls found in this thread:


World domination when?

True, but you still a cuck

KEK choosed us to make his will. Bless him


We are (((((Them)))) now we control the world.

woa woa

hol up

u saiyan we wuz (((they))) all along n sheit?



I think i just shit myself user. Thank you. I don't even care that you excluded leafs.

We are all kinsmen here.

le wise man quote

forgot pic

The meek has inherited.

To think the world would come to this.

What a time to be alive.

>post faces of Sup Forums

What will we be doing by 2026? Meme'ing intergalactic civilisations?

गांड मारो सुनो ,ज़्यादा घमंड मत करो चूतियों।
याद रखना 9 की सुबह फिर अपनी प्रिय DESIGNATED सड़क पर टट्टी करनी है, बहनचोद। ट्रम्प को भी कराएँगे अपने साथ। अबकी बार ट्रम्प सर्कार बहनचोद।

First contact memes.

Intergalactic civilizations?
> rewriting reality

Sup Forums going nuclear when?

Triggering galaxist scum

>Shitposted Trump into never once leading in the overall electoral college polls


Sup Forumsacks running for office and getting elected.

Soon, bro! Soon...

Meme shitlord autistic cunts into POTUS!!!

Influencing the Asguardian Democracy into a monarchy

We also with the help of meme magic and the will of Kek manage to hold of the multimillion onslaught by the CTR.

All those millions of dollars wasted for nothing.

We are the winners and we will Wright the history on this one /pol.

Get fucked CTR.

>will Wright the history

Funny you tried to say "right" and didn't get it right. while writing about righting. So much for wrighting...er....writing....er....righting things.

Are you ready?

>pol is a mudslime
Yeah I don't think so.

You should post the video that goes with that picture:



We did shit against moderated forums. In 2020 when Trump runs again how are we going to uncuck /r/northkorea and jewbook?

We need to evolve and expand our influence. I look forward into seeing what Sup Forums becomes.

wew beautiful script lad.
what does it say?

Engrish please thankyou please