Find a flaw.
The Anglosphere
Found it
nice flag
The UK.
New Zealand.
The scientists dicking around in Antarctica
>Kangaroos instead of the southern cross.
>Jamaica included but not New Zealand.
Subtle bantz, but effective.
Half those stripes should be stars and bars.
Fuck you no more black people
5 eye for the Russian guy.
Anglosphere is best Sphere.
Spain left poor Catholics around the world.
Germany has no one who even remembers its empire.
Portugal birthed Poorlandia in South America
Belgium ruined the Congo (if it wasn't ruined alredy)
The NL ruined Indonesia.
But look at the places that the UK touched. Even those where English is a minority language are better off for it.
Except for post-apartheid Africa...
fuckin kek
I want every country to adopt the American or English way of life and to only speak English
Germany is fucing shit, and it's way better off under anglo rule
>Except for post-apartheid Africa...
Compared to the rest of Africa, just how awesome is South Africa? Pretty damned awesome.
My guess is that down-and-out blacks with no hope in their own countries still try to get to South Africa. Despite post-Apartheid governments, the core of SA is still awesome.
Psst...You're essential to the EU, leave and form a union with Britain and key as the world collapses. Just like in the 18th century.
Fair enough.
It exists.
even kiwis get tricked by the kiwi flag.
It exists.
>Find a flaw.
>No swastika.
Hero worship of sodomites.
We still forgot about Rhodesia and South Africa. We failed them....
Do you really want a obese, dumb and 50% white country in it?
ROI + Quebec
Un tas de merde dégueulasse et outrancier, se basant sur une dialectique putride et primitive arrivant au quart des possibilités de compréhension de la réelle lingua franca. L'anglois est une langue bâtarde, une sous-catégorie évolutive du français, langue européenne originelle, fusse t-elle trop compliquée pour la sous-moyenne anglo-saxonne crasseuse et avide de domination, dans un objectif final intéressant de compensation sur la taille ridicule de leurs petits zizis puants, non par la rousseur inhérente à l'anglois bas, mais bien pour son aversion à l'élévation. Préférant sucer les orteils sales et odorants de ses maîtres, l'anglois moyen y laissera une santé bucco-dentaire. Qu'à cela ne tienne : pour parler une telle soupe linguistique, il n'a nul besoin d'usiter son physique ingrat ou ne serait-ce que sa petite répartie forgée d'une orgie franco-nordique. Il n'a qu'à brailler son langage primal, beugler des logorrhées mondialistes au nom de la civilisation, oubliant le dessin commun.
Putains de rosbifs.
hon hon
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