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Great Pseudocompanions Edition

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This episode is accuratelyrated


>/who/ presents:
- The Anthology -

>Are you a true fan of Doctor Who?
>Have you ever written down a sequence of words?

If the answer is yes or no, then you are ready to contribute a literary masterpiece to the third /who/ collection of original Doctor Who-based short fiction, because following the success of Shit Trips 1 and 2, /who/ has started another anthology of wondrous tales. God help us.

This time, the rules will be a tad different, as in we actually have rules now. The stories must be about:

> alternate Doctors (original Doctors, fanmade Doctors, Unbound Doctors, Doctors of wild divergence from canon)

> spinoff characters from audios, books, comics, etc (Torchwood, Erimem, Faction Paradox, Vienna, Sarah Jane Adventures, Iris Wildthyme, etc)

>companion focused stories (stories with the companion facing a threat, or dealing with life, WITHOUT the Doctor)

Besides that, no limits (and your story can be in more than one category above).

>Can still be in any style, whether it's "legitimate writing", "pisstake", or "shitpost".

>the story must be at least 1 word long, and preferably not in excess of 10,000, it's short fiction you fuck

Anyone can contribute, no signups/pitches required. If you have ideas, feel free to broadcast them.

Rest is self-explanatory. Format for uploading your work is up to you, as long as it can be conveniently copied across (and ideally don't spam long texts in /who/ directly). (Pastebin or google drive works well.) And remember to mention, preferably in your work post, what you want your author moniker to be, which doesn't have to be your real name.

Remember, it doesn’t matter if it’s shit, just have fun! Deadline is April 2nd

seed and feed is in the house tonight


What went right?

Guess who?


Mrs Wibbsey is still good

I don't get it.



What do you guys want the TARDIS to look like? I'm hoping for something with wood in it. Im thinking wood and brass like the console for the TV Movie. I'm a big fan of the coral one, probably because I grew up with that one, and I wouldn't mind something more organic, if they could do it with wood


I'm expecting something yellow to go with chib's seeming intention to make everything warm and yellow again

how can one Carrey Mulligan be so cute?

I’ve been saying this for ages, only based on the windows being lit yellow. I know you could say that’s a bit of a reach, but it would make sense.

He's right you know.

dobson continues to highlight his hackiness by blatantly tracing that image of the doctors
and including a post script trying to explain his position since he lacks the talent to incorporate that into the comic itself

I’m definitely in the boat that thinks the TV Movie is ridiculously under appreciated. A hell of a lot of planning went into that film, and it genuinely does show, whether the story is decent or not.

Everything about the McGann Doctor’s 19th century Gothic vibe is intentional - his TARDIS, his outfit, the organ-based soundtrack - and it comes together beautifully. Fox had a real vision for Doctor Who.

Lots of things we don’t consider anymore, such as the Movie TARDIS and its key being so true to the series, show it had fan involvement in terms of director and designer, at least. Although it may well be for the better that the series was not approved (the Cybs do sound like a fucking dreadful idea), the ambition was there, and it makes it really engaging to watch.

Redpill me on her
The Rave Doctor

What went so horribly wrong?

Capaldi having a turn as an aging rocker upset some people's masculinity.

Double down 69

I don't get it

>Implying they weren't

Lived in. What I love about the TARDIS late 4/5/6 stuff is how it really feels like The Doctor and his companions really do live there and spend quite a lot of time there. I guess there were elements of that in Eleven's run with the idea that Amy and Rory lived there, but it never really felt as big of a thing

Honestly I was prepared to to along with him until he called the casting of so many white men "a political statement" when all it is is making a fucking TV show in Britain between 1963 and 2017 during which almost the entire population and most of all working actors were white, and the Doctor being anything other than male was only ever considered as a ratings ploy/joke

The "warmth" of 11's with the neatness of 12's. That or a bright one with some plants in it

/sneed/ containment thread when?

it helped a lot that you actually got to see bedrooms and corridors and shit
I would love it if chibbers did that again

Have any of The Doctor actors ever directed an episode?


During the First Doctor they showed how they eat on the Tardis with the food machine, wasting good minutes on that
It felt weird

That is not my motivation in the slightest, and you're demonstrably wrong by way of the fact of other people enjoying them like the other day when Nilso, Kinda and I among others had a good discussion brought about from mutual interest in that class of video being streamed. I feel it's besides the point anyway as I've always been a big proponent of just being upfront about what you want to watch or not; "is this skipkino" is a perfectly polite and valid response to a video you don't want to watch that someone has cued. Or you could be even more direct. Anything that's not pussyfooting around it and making no one happy in the process.

Extremely good point and very well said, of course it goes for the early 8 audios as well, which is a big part of why I prefer them.

Writing is overrated, the film is super enjoyable on plenty of merits.

>Chris Chibnall
>Matt Strevens
Theyre finally breakjng theyre silence on thursday. we might actually get something to speculate on, instead of guessing wildly. Do you ever think Matt Strevens thinks about changing his name? it looks like a spelling mistake, but its not, thats his real name

>That nondescript cover
Oh no no no...

whats wrong with it? does the nondescript cover indicate something?

it indicates that doctor who is dead if it can't even get a pic of the doctor on the cover

>Theyre finally breakjng theyre silence on thursday. we might actually get something to speculate on
Literally look at the cover.
>Matt Strevens: "We're trying to retain the mystery"
>Virtually nothing else about S11, everything else on the cover is Moffat era or Classic related
It will be devoid of new info.

>wiki has a new background


I like it. Now I feel like Neo is staring at me while I read.


im disappointed now. i really want something concrete to speculate on. i genuinely like speculating, as autistic as that might seem


I can't wait to read that whole Strevens piece and Chibnall's showrunner column as they both conveniently skirt over offering any concrete details and just hedge it the whole time.

there is a lot of things you don't get, i suggest that you leave this space.

honestly I'm a little surprised they actually did the obligatory "tardis at a top-down angle with a strong perspective" stock shot, I would have thought they'd want to separate themselves from the old visual identity completely
I guess some things are too important for brand recognition

>tfw already forgotten what the old background was
was it just default wikia blue or did we have an actual picture? I can't remember

It was a blue. Not sure it was the default though.

The new logo does not look good on that cover

sneed in the stream

What if the next hiatus was broken up by an auteur-driven miniseries a-la Twin Peaks: The Return, instead of a movie like in '96?

It's a distraction piece, due to the numerous leaks that have been released here and on reddit.
>show writers don't browse TV?

It's not quite the same colours, but this cover gives me a very bleh orange and teal generic movie poster vibe

I really enjoy Big Finish's Gallifrey series -- I'm listening to the last part of Time War now -- but is anyone else abominably bored by Gallifrey's economy? Gods of space and time, and they have to worry about funding and taxes and inheritance and corporations. Considering they were founded by a control freak as big as Rassilon, I'd definitely expect it to be centrally planned.

>Extremely good point and very well said, of course it goes for the early 8 audios as well, which is a big part of why I prefer them.
One could probably say something about how the Divergent Universe arc -- arguably the most experimental thing Big Finish has done with a (non-Unbound) Doctor -- was ended prematurely in the desire to make the Eighth Doctor audios normal again, in case any new fans were brought in by the revival.

It's fascinating to me that the media popularly perceived by fans as most official, are also the media that have the slowest release schedules. TV > Audio > Novels > Short stories and comics at the bottom of the ladder. Last I checked, not even Big Finish has been able to match the Wilderness 2-novels-a-month output.

I don't plan on doing anything for 2.5, unfortunately. I'll be back for 3, though.

>ywn see a Fourteenth Doctor miniseries with Gatiss as auteur

I know you didn't mean like content-wise, but you made me think about a Doctor Who: The Return...I don't think the fanbase would cope well with that approach or those themes.

Kek, no, not at all
the absolute state of this fanbase :(

I can't help but think a brief miniseries would be a great format for Gatiss. Could even just be a larger scale version of a Classic Who serial.

It's honestly amazing the majority of the Twin Peaks fanbase seemed to enjoy it.

It's probably more accurate to say the large majority of the David Lynch fanbase enjoyed it; because the skills required to comprehend The Return pretty much go hand in hand with the rest of Lynch's filmography. Those skills are more optional to enjoy the original Twin Peaks though, which is why there's a number of disgruntled Cooper/Pie fans out there.



The other day I got holy trips talking about Zack Snyder, I think I'm blessed or something O_O

anyone else unironically really bummed out about aniki, he was such a kind and happy dude ;_;

>tfw blackpilled the boardie thread on the merits of Capaldikino so hard it fell to page 9
>only got two (You)s

451 take your meds

Must hurt to be BTFO this hard

The entire question of whether it's "right" or "wrong" to call him Doctor Who always seems to me to be missing the point by a long shot.

pack it up boys, coherent-paradox-blog said it's wrong
there's no recovering from that, guess 'doctor who' isn't canon

Slow day, hmmmmm

Sometimes I still stop and marvel that an actor called Nicholas Frost played Father Christmas in an episode.

Even slower now you've showed up, thanks for that, asshole.

>reddit comment circa december 2014

Why so angry?

They raised that funding goal so Moffat will be doing a commentary on the last ep of The War Games.

>raised that funding goal
By which I mean, they raised enough money to meet the goal, not that they increased the target of the goal.

That'll show those school shooters!

>tfw you can literally feel the enthusiasm get sucked from /who/ as soon as judy shows up

t. Nilso

Finished another shit trip. Woooo! Ill probably do whatever I have left as a batch to release near the end.

What's the weirdest name you've ever seen for someone who worked in the cast/crew for DW?

Note: Pepi Poupee is not applicable.



why do people say hell bent ruined heaven sent when literally the first thing 12 says in heaven sent is how he's going to find who killed clara and that he's "coming for you"

I don't think it 'ruined' Heaven Sent, but I think it attempts to turn Heaven Sent from being about the Doctor battling through grief - i.e. triumph of the spirit, and so on, a deeply relatable struggle - into being something he did "for" Clara to revive her. People now talk about "who would you do a Heaven Sent FOR" or "what companion would the other Doctors do a Heaven Sent FOR".
I think that's a far less powerful interpretation of HS.

If a shooter appears in your school, you sit and the floor and call the time lords making a box with beers coasters, they will save you using SIDRATs

but it's still about his grief imo

Someone make a shop with Two sat on the floor at Columbine, making a Hypercube

Is it, though, if his sole motive was finding a way to bring her back to life (at the expense of time and space, no less)? That's like the opposite of dealing with grief, and it's not a recourse we can take in real life.
In Hell Bent it's explicitly presented as something he probably shouldn't be doing, him giving into his own flaws.

Heaven Sent has lines like "no matter what I do, you still won't be there" which read very oddly if he really knows all of the struggle is leading to a way of reviving Clara.
I prefer to think he was actually fibbing to Clara in Hell Bent, he didn't really know it was the Time Lords who had trapped him, and he really was guarding some unspeakable secret that we'll never find out about.

How do you find the motivation? I've stalled on my first one

I can't wait Chibnall's historical about Sandy Hook

doing it

Curious if you agree with me here - I'm an enormous fan of the Divergent arc conceptually, and think it has 2 of the best DW stories ever, but ultimately it was already fucked pre Gary forcing it to finish early to return to normalcy. It's annoying because the pet themes of the series were well thought-out, the stories were just holy shit so bad except for a few exceptions.

The Space Musem

Never really seen a sci-fi concept with potential get this squandered before.
Right, there's a great little first episode that sets up an interesting timey-wimey time-travel idea and it all gets shafted for 3 episodes of absolutely nothing.
Can they change the future? How? We don't know! Let's argue about doing something and then doing it. Boopity boop, episode's done, two more to go.
Can they change the future? I dunno, maybe not! Let's get captured, hear some characters arguing. Boopity boop, episode's done, let's go for the finale.
Can they change the future? Yes! No! Maybe! I don't know! Someone else does it for them!
Fucking unbelievable.

Still, Hartnell's as captivating as ever and I'm glad Vicki had some more stuff to do this time around. A shame Barbara and Ian are kinda on auto-pilot through the entire thing, although Ian was pretty much an 80's action star for a while which was almost surreal to me.
Supporting cast is the definition of "just there", with the most boring rebel revolution in the history of the moving
GOAT Dalek cliffhanger tho, exciting stuff.


muh Beatles

la goblina...