"Let's adopt a refugee! It'll be fun and wacky!" I saw this movie being shilled on TV just today and couldn't believe what I was seeing. I didn't think it was possible to try this hard to push an agenda.
https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72MoMUxP43E
Germany shilling hard
Our countries are fucked up. Time for another war I suppose.
So more good German and French men can die and their women can fuck more refugees? The only solution is civil war. Just do it before you become as bad as America
Notice how the African refugee is played by a rather meek child like man. A large head, short, and narrow shoulders. That's very intentional.
user, they are all scrawny manlets
I'm mainly focusing on the proportions, they're child like. Most of them don't have them to that extent, they just have manlet proportions.
Most "asylum seekers" I see running around here look exactly like that guy, just with an uglier face.
Of course that sandnigger mbarek has to be in that movie
Why not just kill them then?
And the women love him and the refugee while the men clearly dont. Hmmm
Fucking Globalist meme's need to be destroyed!
While these media whores need to hang soon, the movie seems to be made as a low quality retard comedy with extreme hyperboles and not some muh feels drama. Won't watch anyway.
Good thinking, Kek
>her father is jewish
Chantal! Heul leise!
So what's the plot? Family takes in nigger "refugee" while coalburner daughter sleeps with some Turk?
>The turk talking about "us Germans"
every time
You're right in that it seems to only be a low quality comedy but that doesn't make it any less dangerous. I feel it serves to normalize the situation and make it more acceptable to the general public.
It may sound stupid but at the end of the day what other choice is there for Germanbros?
It will probably have feels and drama. Poor refugee, we are so fortunate. And it will probably have racemixing. You can see in the trailer the ginger dating an arab.
So it's like Alf but with a nigger? Will he try to rape their daughter because in his land it's normal?
Your mixing the plot with their immigration policy, user.
the black guy's 'can you even believe white people' expression.
Well isn't it rational to mix germanness with foreign cultures though? Imo after nazism it's a pretty good idea to search for fresh blood. Sure there will be some pain but in the end I'm sure Germany will get a modus vivendi with all those foreigners. Like, aren't African christians good for Germany?
"In the German comedy Willkommen bei den Hartmanns, chaos breaks out in the household of a family when they take a refugee to their home.
Plot of Welcome to the Hartmanns:
Germany opens its borders to refugees and therefore there should be a great welcome to the Hartmanns. At least Mother Angelika (Senta Berger) is of this opinion. Although her husband Richard (Heiner Lauterbach) skeptically opposes this hospitality towards strangers, she invites asylum seeker Diallo (Eric Kabongo) to live in their house.
With this more or less independent decision, Angelica, however, makes for a catastrophic situation that her family (including Florian David Fitz and Palina Rojinski) are initially quite confused, but then perhaps the chance that they grow closer together."
> I saw this movie being shilled on TV just today
> watching TV
You had it coming
>So it's like Alf but with a nigger?
>visit cinema to escape daily horror of rapefugee stories on news
>entertainment presented is unfunny lecture on how Germans/German society make rapefugees lives difficult
how much federal/state funding did it receive?
Sounds like they just did a small scale migrant crisis plot but just added a happy ending
She's not a practicing Jew though - but I guess she's still Jewish somehow according to you.
>being a Jew is just following a religion
KEK. I bet you think Islam is "just a religion" too, huh?
>It may sound stupid
not at all.
the sad part is I don't even watch the TV but my SO does so I receive second hand exposure to the garbage.
Why is this refugee a nigger? There's no niggers in Syria, they're merely brown
Gosh... karma is a bitch. That's what you get for constantly trying to destroy Poland, Hans.
>being this retarded
Jews are a race
Yes and no but they're definitely a group of ethnicities with a common ancestry
mfw we fought for the wrong side of history.
Murrica tried this years ago.
Lasted one season I think
>that smug little inbred Indian/Paki face
The urge to murder...
>She's not a practicing Jew though
She is Jewish enough for Israel, user.
>The law since 1970 applies to those born Jews (having a Jewish mother or maternal grandmother), those with Jewish ancestry (having a Jewish father or grandfather) and converts to Judaism (Orthodox, Reform, or Conservative denominations—not secular—though Reform and Conservative conversions must take place outside the state, similar to civil marriages).
Did the Jews do this, or are Cuckmans just such good goyim they don't even need Jews for that anymore?
>What have I become
>My sweetest friend
>Everyone I know goes away
>In the end
>And you could have it all
>My empire of dirt
>I will let you down
>I will make you hurt
Problem is that we got state funded TV and if those two channels decide to run this show season after season it will be done. With our taxmoney.
I can say that most people will be mildly annoyed from this show, cant wait to get to wörk and tell my coworkers about it. I´ll get a lot of "Ah fuck this shit" "Nah cant be true (google) ah fuckit this ship is going down fast"
How anybody can be so delusional to think that making a comedy of this current shitshow is beyond me.
he even has a yellow "hat"
> Warner Bros
> the germans did this
Its (((Hollywood)))
Germany stop embarassing yourself...
Who's the Jew standing up on the right?
its good it should help calm things down over there
does the rapefugee save the older racist white guy thus making him see the light about his racist ways?
having the reptilian blood is more important
according to your logic Ben Stiller isn't a Jew
another """"german""" actor, saw him in a comedy that was also filled with shitskins and how cool they are supposed to be
Not a Jew, an Iranian who, by the by, is considered white by the census in the US, as are Arabs and North Africans.
Salil Sawarim is based af
wow the girl gets blacked and refugee'd in the same movie
And the dad be all like
They do this constantly here too. Everyone today affiliated with art is into this because they've found that their too unoriginal but still wants the attention.
Just keep reminding me of that speech Hitler gave at the art gallery.
Spoopy that you bring that song up user, I was just listening to that a few minutes ago.
He is even half Austrian, Franz.
I know
Uh...Heeeeeeey NSA....Nothing going here...
Is your fridge running?
If Palina Rojinski is getting naked they could have got me, but apart from that, who is even going to watch this shit?
Wow, they even picked a straight up nog. Maybe if they had picked a Syrian boy that would make a little sense. They've completely given up on the notion that these "refugees" are fleeing war. They are just poor brown people.
Most "refugees" aren't even poor. The trip to europe easily costs them $5000 to $10000. They are seeking a better life in europe, which is understandable, but the left should just stop their narrative that they want to helpt the poorest and weakest. It is no coincidence that 90% of the immigrants are male
ITT: inferior white male who feel entitled to white women's vaginas are getting triggered by smarter, sexier, and funnier men from other cultures
Most refugees are not the street beggars in their country, but they can still be poor as fuck. If you sell literally everything you own even a poor fuck from a 3rd world country can scrab together a couple of thousands to make the trip.
smarter and funnier than you perhaps :^)
i dislike refugees because they bring their shitty muslim culture. i don't care if someone wants to have a consentual relationship with them.
How are you poor then, if you have a couple of thousand dollars in countries where the median wage is in the hundreds of dollar p.a.?
M8, the average wage in romania, hungary, moldova, the ukraine, serbia, bosnia, kosovo, bulgaria, macedonia and albania are less than the government handouts in germany, and half of those countries are actually in the EU.
So much for fixing poverty in europe, apparently the EU has its priorities elsewhere.
Most of the people there own their houses. They are small and shitty, but selling them still gets you a couple of thousands. If you don't own a house in a 3rd world shithole you have fucked up already, because paying rent is pretty much impossible if your wage barely covers food.
>couldn't believe what I was seeing.
>I didn't think it was possible to try this hard to push an agenda.
Welcome to my country, Kemal-Mohammed Müller; because you must be new here.
This has been going on for decades.
traitors in media and politics will soon get what's coming to them
I just love funding these movies with my GEZ and other taxes. Diversity is such a worthwhile investment.
I am fed up of white people using us niggers as some kind of exotic pet for their faggotry.
>Closer together
Nothing brings a family together like hiding a murder.
Damn, you guys are officially more cucked than Sweden.
They even cast the Arab guy as the main love interest of the white daughter? Wtf.
What did you honestly expected from the state funded media ?!
Its a TV movie but its was for sure fully funded by public money.
Dont forget we are forced to pay 8 Billion Euros every years for the public german media , no matter if TV or radio.
And people hate it.
This is a commercial movie, right? They just pick a hot topic and want to make money out of it.
The Germany's real problem is that it spend enormous amount of money to support unprofitable cinematographers. Every leftie want to visit Berlinale which thrives on taxes and unprofitable to the core.
>How anybody can be so delusional to think that making a comedy of this current shitshow is beyond me.
I can tell you how this shit works:
They file an application for money and of course the more progressive this storyboard is, the more safer it is that you get the money.
After that the same director, producers, actors etc are brought into the project and shit starts, no matter how few people will watch this Crap. And this repeats over and over.
Its one gigantic job creation plan by and for people who wouldnt survive for five minutes on the free media Sup ForumsCinema market.
>Every leftie want to visit Berlinale which thrives on taxes and unprofitable to the core.
Same shit with thsi movie. Well with every movie created by the german state media.